
Subscribes to statistic update notifications via the StatisticChanged event. DEPRECATED. This continues to work, however it will be removed in a future release. Individual RTA subscription will be managed automatically by XSAPI as statistics are tracked with XblUserStatisticsTrackStatistics.


HRESULT XblUserStatisticsSubscribeToStatisticChange(  
         XblContextHandle xblContextHandle,  
         uint64_t xboxUserId,  
         const char* serviceConfigurationId,  
         const char* statisticName,  
         XblRealTimeActivitySubscriptionHandle* subscriptionHandle  


xblContextHandle   _In_
Type: XblContextHandle

Xbox live context for the local user.

xboxUserId   _In_
Type: uint64_t

The Xbox User ID of the player requesting the subscription.

serviceConfigurationId   _In_z_
Type: char*

The Service Configuration ID (SCID) for the title. The SCID is considered case sensitive so paste it directly from the Partner Center.

statisticName   _In_z_
Type: char*

The name of the statistic to subscribe to.

subscriptionHandle   _Out_
Type: XblRealTimeActivitySubscriptionHandle*

Passes back an XblRealTimeActivitySubscriptionHandle object that contains the state of the subscription. You can register an event handler for statistic changes by calling XblUserStatisticsAddStatisticChangedHandler().

Return value


HRESULT return code for this API operation.


Header: user_statistics_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
