A callback that is invoked by the task queue whenever a task is submitted for execution.
void XTaskQueueMonitorCallback(
void* context,
XTaskQueueHandle queue,
XTaskQueuePort port
context _In_opt_
Type: void*
A context pointer that was passed to XTaskQueueRegisterMonitor.
queue _In_
Type: XTaskQueueHandle
The task queue to which the task was submitted.
port _In_
Type: XTaskQueuePort
The port to which the task was submitted.
Return value
Type: void
represents a callback intended for use with the XTaskQueueRegisterMonitor function. If an XTaskQueueMonitorCallback
callback is registered with a task queue, this callback is invoked whenever a task is submitted to a task queue by either XTaskQueueSubmitCallback or XTaskQueueSubmitDelayedCallback. For more information about implementing an XTaskQueueMonitorCallback
callback, see How to: Using events to control manual queue dispatching.
Header: XTaskQueue.h
Library: xgameruntime.lib
Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles
See also
Asynchronous Programming Model
Async Task Queue Design
XTaskQueue Library Overview
XTaskQueue members