resourceVisualization resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Complex type containing properties of officeGraphInsights.


Property Type Description
title String The item's title text.
containerDisplayName String A string describing where the item is stored. For example, the name of a SharePoint site or the user name identifying the owner of the OneDrive storing the item.
containerType String Can be used for filtering by the type of container in which the file is stored. Such as Site or OneDriveBusiness.
containerWebUrl String A path leading to the folder in which the item is stored.
mediaType String The item's media type. Can be used for filtering for a specific type of file based on supported IANA Media Mime Types. Not all Media Mime Types are supported.
previewImageUrl String A URL leading to the preview image for the item.
previewText String A preview text for the item.
type String The item's media type. Can be used for filtering for a specific file based on a specific type. See the section Type property values for supported types.

Type property values

  • PowerPoint
  • Word
  • Excel
  • Pdf
  • OneNote
  • OneNotePage
  • InfoPath
  • Visio
  • Publisher
  • Project
  • Access
  • Mail
  • Csv
  • Archive
  • Xps
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Image
  • Web
  • Text
  • Xml
  • Story
  • ExternalContent
  • Folder
  • Spsite
  • Other

Example query:$filter=ResourceVisualization/Type eq 'PowerPoint'

Notes: For spsite, you may need to sort by lastUsed/lastAccessedDateTime desc in order to retrieve valid results

containerType property values

The supported types can differ based on containers from which officeGraphInsights returns files. For example, only the sharedInsight insight returns files from 'DropBox,' 'Box,' and 'GDrive.'

  • OneDriveBusiness
  • Site
  • Mail
  • DropBox
  • Box
  • GDrive

Example query:$filter=ResourceVisualization/containerType eq 'OneDriveBusiness'



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "title": "string",
  "type"  : "string",
  "mediaType": "string",
  "previewImageUrl": "string",
  "previewText": "string",
  "containerWebUrl": "string",
  "containerDisplayName": "string",
  "containerType": "string"