Bagikan melalui

Templat API di Azure API Management

Azure API Management menyediakan kemampuan untuk mengustomisasi konten halaman portal pengembang menggunakan sekumpulan templat yang dapat mengonfigurasi kontennya. Menggunakan sintaks DotLiquid dan editor pilihan Anda, seperti DotLiquid for Designers, dan serangkaian sumber daya String yang di lokalkan, sumber daya Glyph, dan kontrol Halaman, Anda memiliki fleksibilitas besar untuk mengonfigurasi konten halaman sesuai keinginan Anda menggunakan templat ini.

Templat di bagian ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengustomisasi konten halaman API yang ada di portal pengembang.


Sampel templat default disertakan dalam dokumentasi berikut, tetapi dapat berubah karena peningkatan berkelanjutan. Anda dapat melihat templat default langsung di portal pengembang dengan menavigasi ke templat individual yang diinginkan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang bekerja dengan templat, lihat Cara mengustomisasi portal pengembang API Management menggunakan templat.


Konten dokumentasi berikut berisi tentang portal pengembang yang tidak digunakan lagi. Anda dapat terus menggunakannya seperti biasa, hingga waktu pensiunnya pada bulan Oktober 2023, saat portal tersebut akan dihapus dari semua layanan API Management. Portal yang tidak digunakan lagi hanya akan menerima pembaruan keamanan yang penting. Lihat artikel berikut ini untuk detail selengkapnya:



Fitur ini tersedia di tingkat Premium, Standar, Dasar, dan Pengembang API Management.

Untuk ketersediaan fitur di tingkat v2 (pratinjau), lihat gambaran umum tingkat v2.

Daftar API

Templat Daftar API memungkinkan Anda mengustomisasi isi halaman daftar API di portal pengembang.

API Portal PengembangDaftar

Templat default

<div class="row">  
    <div class="col-md-9">  
        <h2>{% localized "ApisStrings|PageTitleApis" %}</h2>  
<div class="row">  
    <div class="col-md-12">  
    {% if apis.size > 0 %}  
    <ol class="list-unstyled">  
    {% for api in apis %}  
          <a href="/docs/services/{{}}">{{}}</a>  
    {% endfor %}  
    {% else %}  
    {% localized "CommonResources|NoItemsToDisplay" %}  
    {% endif %}  


Templat API list dapat menggunakan kontrol halaman berikut.

Model data

Properti Jenis Deskripsi
apis Kumpulan entitas ringkasan API. API dapat dilihat oleh pengguna saat ini.

Data templat sampel

    "apis": [  
            "id": "570275f1b16653124c8f9ba3",  
            "name": "Basic Calculator",  
            "description": "Arithmetics is just a call away!"  
            "id": "57026e30de15d80041040001",  
            "name": "Echo API",  
            "description": null  
    "pageTitle": "APIs"  


Templat Operasi memungkinkan Anda mengustomisasi isi halaman operasi di portal pengembang.

Halaman Operasi Portal Pengembang

Templat default

<p>{{api.description }}</p>  
<div class="panel">  
    <p>{{operation.description }}</p>  
    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{consoleUrl}}" id="btnOpenConsole" role="button">  
        Try it  
<h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingRequestUrl" %}</h4>  
<div class="panel">  
    <div class="panel-body">  
        <label>{{ sampleUrl | escape }}</label>  
{% if operation.request %}  
    {% if operation.request.parameters.size > 0 %}  
        <h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingRequestParameters" %}</h4>  
        <div class="panel">  
            {% for parameter in operation.request.parameters %}  
                 <div class="row panel-body">  
                    <div class="col-md-3">  
                        {% unless parameter.required %}  
                            <span class="text-muted">({% localized "Documentation|FormLabelSubtextOptional" %})</span>  
                        {% endunless %}  
                    <div class="col-md-1">  
                    <div class="col-md-8">  
            {% endfor %}  
    {% endif %}  
    {% if operation.request.headers.size > 0 %}  
        <h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingRequestHeaders" %}</h4>  
        <div class="panel">  
            {% for header in operation.request.headers %}  
                 <div class="row panel-body">  
                    <div class="col-md-3">  
                        {%unless header.required %}  
                            <span class="text-muted">({% localized "Documentation|FormLabelSubtextOptional" %})</span>  
                        {% endunless %}  
                    <div class="col-md-1">  
                    <div class="col-md-8">  
            {% endfor %}  
    {% endif %}  
    {% if operation.request.description or operation.request.representations.size > 0 %}  
        <h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingRequestBody" %}</h4>  
        <div class="panel">  
            {% if operation.request.description %}  
                <p>{{operation.request.description }}</p>	  
            {% endif %}  
            {% if operation.request.representations.size > 0 %}  
                <div role="tabpanel">  
                    <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">  
                        {% for representation in operation.request.representations %}  
                            <li role="presentation" {% if forloop.first %}class="active"{% endif %}>  
                                <a href="#requesttab{{forloop.index}}" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">  
                        {% endfor %}  
                    <div class="tab-content tab-content-boxed">  
                        {% for representation in operation.request.representations %}  
                            <div id="requesttab{{forloop.index}}" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet{% if forloop.first %} active{% endif %}">  
                                {% if representation.sample or representation.schema %}	  
                                <div role="tabpanel">  
                                    {% if representation.sample and representation.schema %}   
                                    <ul class="nav nav-tabs-borderless" role="tablist">  
                                        <li role="presentation" class="active">  
                                            <a href="#requesttab{{forloop.index}}sample" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Sample</a>  
                                        <li role="presentation">  
                                            <a href="#requesttab{{forloop.index}}schema" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Schema</a>  
                                    {% endif %}  
                                    <div class="tab-content">  
                                        {% if representation.sample %}  
                                        <div id="requesttab{{forloop.index}}sample" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet active">  
                                            <pre><code class="{{representation.Brush}}">{{ representation.sample | escape }}</code></pre>  
                                        {% endif %}  
                                        {% if representation.schema %}  
                                        <div id="requesttab{{forloop.index}}schema" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet">  
                                            <pre><code class="{{representation.Brush}}">{{ representation.schema | escape }}</code></pre>  
                                        {% endif %}  
                                {% endif %}  
                        {% endfor %}  
            {% endif %}  
            <div class="clearfix"></div>  
    {% endif %}  
{% endif %}  
{% if operation.responses.size > 0 %}  
    {% for response in operation.responses %}  
        {% if response.description or response.representations.size > 0 %}  
            <h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingResponse" %} {{response.statusCode}}</h4>  
            <div class="panel">  
                {% if response.description %}  
                    <p>{{ response.description }}</p>  
                {% endif %}  
                {% if response.representations.size > 0 %}  
                    <div role="tabpanel">  
                        <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">  
                            {% for representation in response.representations %}  
                                <li role="presentation" {% if forloop.first %}class="active"{% endif %}>  
                                    <a href="#response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">  
                            {% endfor %}  
                        <div class="tab-content tab-content-boxed">  
                            {% for representation in response.representations %}  
                                <div id="response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet{% if forloop.first %} active{% endif %}">  
                                    {% if representation.sample or representation.schema %}  
                                    <div role="tabpanel">  
                                        {% if representation.sample and representation.schema %}  
                                        <ul class="nav nav-tabs-borderless" role="tablist">  
                                            <li role="presentation" class="active">  
                                                <a href="#response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}sample" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">  
                                            <li role="presentation">  
                                                <a href="#response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}schema" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">  
                                        {% endif %}  
                                        <div class="tab-content">  
                                            {% if representation.sample %}  
                                            <div id="response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}sample" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet active">  
                                                <pre><code class="{{representation.Brush}}">{{ representation.sample | escape }}</code></pre>  
                                            {% endif %}  
                                            {% if representation.schema %}  
                                            <div id="response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}schema" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet">  
                                                <pre><code class="{{representation.Brush}}">{{ representation.schema | escape }}</code></pre>  
                                            {% endif %}  
                                    {% endif %}  
                            {% endfor %}  
                {% endif %}  
                <div class="clearfix"></div>  
        {% endif %}  
    {% endfor %}  
{% endif %}  
<h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingCodeSamples" %}</h4>  
<div role="tabpanel">  
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">  
        {% for sample in samples %}  
            <li role="presentation" {% if forloop.first %}class="active"{% endif %}>  
                <a href="#{{sample.brush}}" aria-controls="{{sample.brush}}" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">  
        {% endfor %}  
    <div class="tab-content tab-content-boxed" title="{% localized "Documentation|TooltipTextDoubleClickToSelectAll=""" %}">  
        {% for sample in samples %}  
            <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane tab-content-boxed {% if forloop.first %} active{% endif %} snippet snippet-resizable" id="{{sample.brush}}" >  
                <pre><code class="{{sample.brush}}">{% partial sample.template for sample in samples %}</code></pre>  
        {% endfor %}  
    <div class="clearfix"></div>  


Templat Operation tidak mengizinkan penggunaan kontrol halaman apa pun.

Model data

Properti Jenis Deskripsi
apiId string ID dari API saat ini.
apiName string Nama API.
apiDescription string Deskripsi API.
api Entitas ringkasan API. API saat ini.
operation Operasi Operasi yang saat ini ditampilkan.
sampleUrl string URL untuk operasi saat ini.
operationMenu Menu Operasi Menu operasi untuk API ini.
consoleUrl URI URI untuk tombol Coba.
samples Kumpulan entitas Sampel kode. Sampel kode untuk operasi saat ini.

Data templat sampel

    "apiId": "570275f1b16653124c8f9ba3",  
    "apiName": "Basic Calculator",  
    "apiDescription": "Arithmetics is just a call away!",  
    "api": {  
        "id": "570275f1b16653124c8f9ba3",  
        "name": "Basic Calculator",  
        "description": "Arithmetics is just a call away!"  
    "operation": {  
        "id": "570275f2b1665305c811cf49",  
        "name": "Add two integers",  
        "description": "Produces a sum of two numbers.",  
        "scheme": "https",  
        "uriTemplate": "calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
        "host": "",  
        "httpMethod": "GET",  
        "request": {  
            "description": null,  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": [  
                    "name": "a",  
                    "description": "First operand. Default value is <code>51</code>.",  
                    "value": "51",  
                    "options": [  
                    "required": true,  
                    "kind": 1,  
                    "typeName": null  
                    "name": "b",  
                    "description": "Second operand. Default value is <code>49</code>.",  
                    "value": "49",  
                    "options": [  
                    "required": true,  
                    "kind": 1,  
                    "typeName": null  
            "representations": []  
        "responses": []  
    "sampleUrl": "{a}&b={b}",  
    "operationMenu": {  
        "ApiId": "570275f1b16653124c8f9ba3",  
        "CurrentOperationId": "570275f2b1665305c811cf49",  
        "Action": "Operation",  
        "MenuItems": [  
                "Id": "570275f2b1665305c811cf49",  
                "Title": "Add two integers",  
                "HttpMethod": "GET"  
                "Id": "570275f2b1665305c811cf4c",  
                "Title": "Divide two integers",  
                "HttpMethod": "GET"  
                "Id": "570275f2b1665305c811cf4b",  
                "Title": "Multiply two integers",  
                "HttpMethod": "GET"  
                "Id": "570275f2b1665305c811cf4a",  
                "Title": "Subtract two integers",  
                "HttpMethod": "GET"  
    "consoleUrl": "/docs/services/570275f1b16653124c8f9ba3/operations/570275f2b1665305c811cf49/console",  
    "samples": [  
            "title": "Curl",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "plain",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesCurl",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "C#",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "csharp",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesCsharp",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "Java",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "java",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesJava",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "JavaScript",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "xml",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesJs",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "ObjC",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "objc",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesObjc",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "PHP",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "php",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesPhp",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "Python",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "python",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesPython",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "Ruby",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "ruby",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesRuby",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  

Sampel kode

Templat berikut ini memungkinkan Anda mengustomisasi isi sampel kode individual di halaman operasi.

Kode Templat Portal PengembangSampel


Templat DocumentationSamplesCurl memungkinkan Anda untuk mengustomisasi sampel kode itu di bagian sampel kode dari halaman operasi.

Templat default

curl -v -X {{method}} "{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}{{query | escape }}"  
{% for header in headers -%}  
-H "{{ }}: {{ header.value }}"  
{% endfor -%}  
{% if body -%}   
--data-ascii "{{ body | replace:'"','^"' }}"   
{% endif -%}  


Templat sampel kode tidak mengizinkan penggunaan kontrol halaman apa pun.

Model data

Entitas sampel kode.

Data templat sampel

    "title": "Curl",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "plain",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesCurl",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Templat DocumentationSamplesSharp memungkinkan Anda untuk mengustomisasi sampel kode itu di bagian sampel kode dari halaman operasi.

Templat default

using System;  
using System.Net.Http.Headers;  
using System.Text;  
using System.Net.Http;  
using System.Web;  
namespace CSHttpClientSample  
    static class Program  
        static void Main()  
            Console.WriteLine("Hit ENTER to exit...");  
        static async void MakeRequest()  
            var client = new HttpClient();  
            var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
            // Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
{% case header.Name -%}  
{% when "Accept"%}  
{% when "Accept-Charset" -%}  
{% when "Accept-Encoding" -%}  
{% when "Accept-Language" -%}  
{% when "Cache-Control" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.CacheControl = CacheControlHeaderValue.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "Connection" -%}  
{% when "Date" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Date = DateTimeOffset.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "Expect" -%}  
{% when "If-Match" -%}  
{% when "If-Modified-Since" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.IfModifiedSince = DateTimeOffset.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "If-None-Match" -%}  
{% when "If-Range" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.IfRange = RangeConditionHeaderValue.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "If-Unmodified-Since" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.IfUnmodifiedSince = DateTimeOffset.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "Max-Forwards" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.MaxForwards = int.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "Pragma" -%}  
{% when "Range" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Range = RangeHeaderValue.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "Referer" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Referrer = new Uri("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "TE" -%}  
{% when "Transfer-Encoding" -%}  
{% when "Upgrade" -%}  
{% when "User-Agent" -%}  
{% when "Via" -%}                
{% when "Warning" -%}  
{% when "Content-Type" -%}  
{% else -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("{{header.Name}}", "{{header.value}}");  
{% endcase -%}  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
            // Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
            queryString["{{parameter.Name}}"] = "{{parameter.Value}}";  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
            var uri = "{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}{% if path contains '?' %}&{% else %}?{% endif %}" + queryString;  
{% case method -%}  
{% when "POST" -%}  
            HttpResponseMessage response;  
            // Request body  
            byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{{ body | replace:'"','\"'}}");  
            using (var content = new ByteArrayContent(byteData))  
{% if body -%}  
               content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("< your content type, i.e. application/json >");  
{% endif -%}  
               response = await client.PostAsync(uri, content);  
{% when "GET" -%}  
            var response = await client.GetAsync(uri);  
{% when "DELETE" -%}  
            var response = await client.DeleteAsync(uri);  
{% when "PUT" -%}  
            HttpResponseMessage response;  
            // Request body  
            byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{{ body | replace:'"','\"'}}");  
            using (var content = new ByteArrayContent(byteData))  
{% if body -%}  
                content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("< your content type, i.e. application/json >");  
{% endif -%}  
                response = await client.PutAsync(uri, content);  
{% when "HEAD" -%}  
            var response = await client.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Head, uri));  
{% when "OPTIONS" -%}  
            var response = await client.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Options, uri));  
{% when "TRACE" -%}  
            var response = await client.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Trace, uri));  
            if (response.Content != null)  
                var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();  
{% endcase -%}  


Templat sampel kode tidak mengizinkan penggunaan kontrol halaman apa pun.

Model data

Entitas sampel kode.

Data templat sampel

    "title": "C#",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "csharp",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesCsharp",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Templat DocumentationSamplesJava memungkinkan Anda untuk mengustomisasi sampel kode itu di bagian sampel kode dari halaman operasi.

Templat default

// // This sample uses the Apache HTTP client from HTTP Components (  
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;  
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;  
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;  
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;  
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;  
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;  
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;  
public class JavaSample   
    public static void main(String[] args)   
        HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();  
            URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder("{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}");  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
            builder.setParameter("{{}}", "{{parameter.value}}");  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
            URI uri =;  
            Http{{ method | downcase | capitalize }} request = new Http{{ method | downcase | capitalize }}(uri);  
{% for header in headers -%}  
            request.setHeader("{{header.Name}}", "{{header.value}}");  
{% endfor %}  
{% if body -%}  
            // Request body  
            StringEntity reqEntity = new StringEntity("{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}");  
{% endif -%}  
            HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request);  
            HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();  
            if (entity != null)   
        catch (Exception e)  


Templat sampel kode tidak mengizinkan penggunaan kontrol halaman apa pun.

Model data

Entitas sampel kode.

Data templat sampel

    "title": "Java",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "java",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesJava",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Templat DocumentationSamplesJs memungkinkan Anda untuk mengustomisasi sampel kode itu di bagian sampel kode dari halaman operasi.

Templat default

<!DOCTYPE html>  
    <script src=""></script>  
<script type="text/javascript">  
    $(function() {  
        var params = {  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
            // Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
            "{{}}": "{{parameter.value}}",  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
            url: "{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}{% if path contains '?' %}&{% else %}?{% endif %}" + $.param(params),  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
            beforeSend: function(xhrObj){  
                // Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
            type: "{{method}}",  
{% if body -%}  
            // Request body  
            data: "{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}",  
{% endif -%}  
        .done(function(data) {  
        .fail(function() {  


Templat sampel kode tidak mengizinkan penggunaan kontrol halaman apa pun.

Model data

Entitas sampel kode.

Data templat sampel

    "title": "JavaScript",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "xml",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesJs",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  

Objective C

Templat DocumentationSamplesObjc memungkinkan Anda untuk mengustomisasi sampel kode itu di bagian sampel kode dari halaman operasi.

Templat default

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])  
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];  
    NSString* path = @"{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}";  
    NSArray* array = @[  
                         // Request parameters  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
    NSString* string = [array componentsJoinedByString:@"&"];  
    path = [path stringByAppendingFormat:@"?%@", string];  
    NSLog(@"%@", path);  
    NSMutableURLRequest* _request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:path]];  
    [_request setHTTPMethod:@"{{method}}"];  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
    // Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
    [_request setValue:@"{{header.value}}" forHTTPHeaderField:@"{{}}"];  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% if body -%}  
    // Request body  
    [_request setHTTPBody:[@"{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];  
{% endif -%}  
    NSURLResponse *response = nil;  
    NSError *error = nil;  
    NSData* _connectionData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:_request returningResponse:&response error:&error];  
    if (nil != error)  
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);  
        NSError* error = nil;  
        NSMutableDictionary* json = nil;  
        NSString* dataString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:_connectionData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];  
        NSLog(@"%@", dataString);  
        if (nil != _connectionData)  
            json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:_connectionData options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&error];  
        if (error || !json)  
            NSLog(@"Could not parse loaded json with error:%@", error);  
        NSLog(@"%@", json);  
        _connectionData = nil;  
    [pool drain];  
    return 0;  


Templat sampel kode tidak mengizinkan penggunaan kontrol halaman apa pun.

Model data

Entitas sampel kode.

Data templat sampel

    "title": "ObjC",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "objc",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesObjc",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Templat DocumentationSamplesPhp memungkinkan Anda untuk mengustomisasi sampel kode itu di bagian sampel kode dari halaman operasi.

Templat default

// This sample uses the HTTP_Request2 PHP library (  
require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php';  
$request = new Http_Request2('{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}');  
$url = $request->getUrl();  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
$headers = array(  
    // Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
    '{{}}' => '{{header.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
$parameters = array(  
    // Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
    '{{}}' => '{{parameter.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% if body -%}  
// Request body  
$request->setBody("{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}");  
{% endif -%}  
    $response = $request->send();  
    echo $response->getBody();  
catch (HttpException $ex)  
    echo $ex;  


Templat sampel kode tidak mengizinkan penggunaan kontrol halaman apa pun.

Model data

Entitas sampel kode.

Data templat sampel

    "title": "PHP",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "php",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesPhp",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Templat DocumentationSamplesPython memungkinkan Anda untuk mengustomisasi sampel kode itu di bagian sampel kode dari halaman operasi.

Templat default

########### Python 2.7 #############  
import httplib, urllib, base64  
headers = {  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
    # Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
    '{{}}': '{{header.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
params = urllib.urlencode({  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
    # Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
    '{{}}': '{{parameter.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% case scheme -%}  
{% when "http" -%}  
    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('{{host}}')  
{% when "https" -%}  
    conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('{{host}}')  
{% endcase -%}  
    conn.request("{{method}}", "{{path}}{% if path contains '?' %}&{% else %}?{% endif %}%s" % params{% if body %}, "{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}"{% endif %}, headers)  
    response = conn.getresponse()  
    data =  
except Exception as e:  
    print("[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))  
########### Python 3.2 #############  
import http.client, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, base64  
headers = {  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
    # Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
    '{{}}': '{{header.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
params = urllib.parse.urlencode({  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
    # Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
    '{{}}': '{{parameter.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% case scheme -%}  
{% when "http" -%}  
    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection('{{host}}')  
{% when "https" -%}  
    conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('{{host}}')  
{% endcase -%}  
    conn.request("{{method}}", "{{path}}{% if path contains '?' %}&{% else %}?{% endif %}%s" % params{% if body %}, "{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}"{% endif %}, headers)  
    response = conn.getresponse()  
    data =  
except Exception as e:  
    print("[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))  


Templat sampel kode tidak mengizinkan penggunaan kontrol halaman apa pun.

Model data

Entitas sampel kode.

Data templat sampel

    "title": "Python",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "python",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesPython",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Templat DocumentationSamplesRuby memungkinkan Anda untuk mengustomisasi sampel kode itu di bagian sampel kode dari halaman operasi.

Templat default

require 'net/http'  
uri = URI('{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}')  
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form({  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
    # Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
    '{{}}' => '{{parameter.value}}'{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
request = Net::HTTP::{{ method | downcase | capitalize }}.new(uri.request_uri)  
{% for header in headers -%}  
# Request headers  
request['{{}}'] = '{{header.value}}'  
{% endfor -%}  
{% if body -%}  
# Request body  
request.body = "{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}"  
{% endif -%}  
response = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|  
puts response.body  


Templat sampel kode tidak mengizinkan penggunaan kontrol halaman apa pun.

Model data

Entitas sampel kode.

Data templat sampel

    "title": "Ruby",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "ruby",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesRuby",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  

Langkah berikutnya

Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang bekerja dengan templat, lihat Cara mengustomisasi portal pengembang API Management menggunakan templat.