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Troubleshoot general


These frequently asked questions can help you to troubleshoot common bot development or operational issues.

How can I troubleshoot issues with my bot?

  1. Debug your bot's source code with Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio.
  2. Test your bot using the emulator before you deploy it to the cloud.
  3. Deploy your bot to a cloud hosting platform such as Azure and then test connectivity to your bot by using the built-in web chat control on your bot's dashboard in the Azure Portal. If you encounter issues with your bot after you deploy it to Azure, you might consider using this blog article: Understanding Azure troubleshooting and support.
  4. Rule out authentication as a possible issue.
  5. Test your bot on Web Chat, Teams, or any other channel you intend to use with your bot. This will help you to validate the end-to-end user experience.
  6. Consider testing your bot on channels that have additional authentication requirements such as Direct Line or Web Chat.
  7. Review the how-to debug a bot and the other debugging articles in that section.

How can I troubleshoot authentication issues?

For details about troubleshooting authentication issues with your bot, see troubleshooting Bot Framework authentication.

I'm using the Bot Framework SDK for .NET. How can I troubleshoot issues with my bot?

Look for exceptions. In Visual Studio 2019, go to Debug > Windows > Exception Settings. In the Exceptions Settings window, select the Break When Thrown checkbox next to Common Language Runtime Exceptions. You may also see diagnostics output in your Output window when there are thrown or unhandled exceptions.

Look at the call stack. In Visual Studio, you can choose whether or you are debugging Just My Code or not. Examining the full call stack may provide additional insight into any issues.

Ensure all dialog methods end with a plan to handle the next message. All dialog steps need to feed into the next step of the waterfall, or end the current dialog to pop it off the stack. If a step is not correctly handled, the conversation will not continue like you expect.

What causes an error with HTTP status code 429 "Too Many Requests"?

An error response with HTTP status code 429 indicates that too many requests have been issued in a given amount of time. The body of the response should include an explanation of the problem and may also specify the minimum required interval between requests. One possible source for this error is the ngrok tool. If you are on a free plan and running into ngrok's limits, go to the pricing and limits page on their website for more options.

Why aren't my bot messages getting received by the user?

The message activity generated in response must be correctly addressed, otherwise it won’t arrive at its intended destination. In the vast majority of cases you will not need to handle this explicitly; the SDK takes care of addressing the message activity for you.

Correctly addressing an activity means including the appropriate conversation IDs details along with details about the sender. In most cases, the message activity is sent in response to one that had arrived. Therefore, the addressing details can be taken from the inbound activity.

If you examine traces or audit logs, you can check to make sure your messages are correctly addressed. If they aren't, set a breakpoint in your bot and see where the IDs are being set for your message.

How can I run background tasks in ASP.NET?

In some cases, you may want to initiate an asynchronous task that waits for a few seconds and then executes some code to clear the user profile or reset conversation/dialog state. For details about how to achieve this, see How to run Background Tasks in ASP.NET. In particular, consider using HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem.

My bot is slow to respond to the first message it receives. How can I make it faster?

Bots are web services and some hosting platforms, including Azure, automatically put the service to sleep if it does not receive traffic for a certain period of time. If this happens to your bot, it must restart from scratch the next time it receives a message, which makes its response much slower than if it was already running.

Some hosting platforms enable you to configure your service so that it will not be put to sleep. If your bot is hosted on Azure Bot Service Web Apps, navigate to your bot's service in the Azure Portal, select Application settings, and then select Always on. This option is available in most, but not all, service plans.

How can I guarantee message delivery order?

The Bot Framework will preserve message ordering as much as possible. For example, if you send message A and wait for the completion of that HTTP operation before you initiate another HTTP operation to send message B. Some channels, such as SMS and email, do not guarentee ordering to the user's device.

Why are parts of my message text being dropped?

The Bot Framework and many channels interpret text as if it were formatted with Markdown. Check to see if your text contains characters that may be interpreted as Markdown syntax.

How can I support multiple bots at the same bot service endpoint?

This sample shows how to configure the Conversation.Container with the right MicrosoftAppCredentials and use a simple MultiCredentialProvider to authenticate multiple App IDs and passwords.


How do identifiers work in the Bot Framework?

For details about identifiers in the Bot Framework, see the Bot Framework guide to identifiers.

How can I get access to the user ID?

Bot Framework channels present the user's ID in the from.Id field of any Activity sent by the user. SMS and email messages will provide the raw user ID in this property. Some channels obscure the from.Id property so it contains unique ID for the user which differs from the user's ID in the channel. If you need to connect to an existing account, you can use a sign-in card and implement your own OAuth flow to connect the user ID to your own service's user ID.

Why are my Facebook user names not showing anymore?

Did you change your Facebook password? Doing so will invalidate the access token, and you will need to update your bot's configuration settings for the Facebook Messenger channel in the Azure Portal.

Why is my Kik bot replying "I'm sorry, I can't talk right now"?

Bots in development on Kik are allowed 50 subscribers. After 50 unique users have interacted with your bot, any new user that attempts to chat with your bot will receive the message "I'm sorry, I can't talk right now." For more information, see Kik documentation.

How can I use authenticated services from my bot?

For Azure Active Directory authentication, see the adding authentication V3 | V4.


If you add authentication and security functionality to your bot, you should ensure that the patterns you implement in your code comply with the security standards that are appropriate for your application.

How can I limit access to my bot to a pre-determined list of users?

Some channels, such as SMS and email, provide unscoped addresses. In these cases, messages from the user will contain the raw user ID in the from.Id property.

Other channels, such as Facebook and Slack, provide either scoped or tenanted addresses in a way that prevents a bot from being able to predict a user’s ID ahead of time. In these cases, you will need to authenticate the user via a login link or shared secret in order to determine whether or not they are authorized to use the bot.

Why does my Direct Line 1.1 conversation start over after every message?


This sections does not apply to the latest version of the Direct Line protocol, 3.0

If your Direct Line conversation appears to start over after every message, the from property is likely missing or null in messages that your Direct Line client sent to the bot. When a Direct Line client sends a message with the from property either missing or null, the Direct Line service automatically allocates an ID, so every message that the client sends will appear to originate from a new, different user.

To fix this, set the from property in each message that the Direct Line client sends to a stable value that uniquely represents the user who is sending the message. For example, if a user is already signed-in to a webpage or app, you might use that existing user ID as the value of the from property in messages that the user sends. Alternatively, you might choose to generate a random user ID on page-load or on application-load, store that ID in a cookie or device state, and use that ID as the value of the from property in messages that the user sends.

What causes the Direct Line 3.0 service to respond with HTTP status code 502 "Bad Gateway"?

Direct Line 3.0 returns HTTP status code 502 when it tries to contact your bot but the request does not complete successfully. This error indicates that either the bot returned an error or the request timed out. For more information about errors that your bot generates, go to the bot's dashboard within the Azure Portal and click the "Issues" link for the affected channel. If you have Application Insights configured for your bot, you can also find detailed error information there.

Where is conversation state stored?

Data in the user, conversation, and private conversation property bags is stored using the Connector's IBotState interface. Each property bag is scoped by the bot's ID. The user property bag is keyed by user ID, the conversation property bag is keyed by conversation ID, and the private conversation property bag is keyed by both user ID and conversation ID.

If you use the Bot Framework SDK for .NET or the Bot Framework SDK for Node.js to build your bot, the dialog stack and dialog data will both automatically be stored as entries in the private conversation property bag. The C# implementation uses binary serialization, and the Node.js implementation uses JSON serialization.

If you want to store this data within your data centers, you can provide a custom implementation of the state service. This can be done at least two ways:

  • Use botbuilder-azure packages.
  • Use the REST layer to provide a custom IBotState service.
  • Use the Builder interfaces in the language (C#, JavaScript, or Python) layer.

What causes an error with HTTP status code 412 "Precondition Failed" or HTTP status code 409 "Conflict"?

The Connector's IBotState service is used to store the bot data bags (i.e., the user, conversation, and private bot data bags, where the private bot data bag includes the dialog stack "control flow" state). Concurrency control in the IBotState service is managed by optimistic concurrency via ETags. If there is an update conflict (due to a concurrent update to a single bot data bag) during a "read-modify-write" sequence, then:

  • If ETags are preserved, an error with HTTP status code 412 "Precondition Failed" is thrown from the IBotState service. This is the default behavior in the Bot Framework SDK for .NET.
  • If ETags are not preserved (i.e., ETag is set to \*), then the "last write wins" policy will be in effect, which prevents the "Precondition Failed" error but risks data loss. This is the default behavior in the Bot Framework SDK for Node.js.

How can I fix "Precondition Failed" (412) or "Conflict" (409) errors?

These errors indicate that your bot processed multiple messages for the same conversation at once. If your bot is connected to services that require precisely ordered messages, you should consider locking the conversation state to make sure messages are not processed in parallel.

The Bot Framework SDK for .NET provides a mechanism (class LocalMutualExclusion which implements IScope) to pessimistically serialize the handling of a single conversations with an in-memory semaphore. You could extend this implementation to use a Redis lease, scoped by the conversation address.

If your bot is not connected to external services or if processing messages in parallel from the same conversation is acceptable, you can add this code to ignore any collisions that occur in the Bot State API. This will allow the last reply to set the conversation state.

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    .Register(c => new CachingBotDataStore(c.Resolve<ConnectorStore>(), CachingBotDataStoreConsistencyPolicy.LastWriteWins))

How do I version the bot data stored through the State API?


The Bot Framework State Service API is not recommended for production environments or v4 bots, and may be fully deprecated in a future release. It is recommended that you update your bot code to use the in-memory storage for testing purposes or use one of the Azure Extensions for production bots.

The State service enables you to persist progress through the dialogs in a conversation so that a user can return to a conversation with a bot later without losing their position. To preserve this, the bot data property bags that are stored via the State API are not automatically cleared when you modify the bot's code. You should decide whether or not the bot data should be cleared, based upon whether your modified code is compatible with older versions of your data.

  • If you want to manually reset the conversation's dialog stack and state during development of your bot, you can use the /deleteprofile command to delete state data. Make sure to include the leading space in this command, to prevent the channel from interpreting it.
  • After your bot has been deployed to production, you can version your bot data so that if you bump the version, the associated state data is cleared. With the Bot Framework SDK for Node.js, this can be accomplished using middleware and with the Bot Framework SDK for .NET, this can be accomplished using an IPostToBot implementation.


If the dialog stack cannot be deserialized correctly, due to serialization format changes or because the code has changed too much, the conversation state will be reset.

Why do I get an Authorization_RequestDenied exception when creating a bot?

Permission to create Azure Bot Service bots are managed through the Azure Active Directory (AAD) portal. If permissions are not properly configured in the AAD portal, users will get the Authorization_RequestDenied exception when trying to create a bot service.

First check whether you are a "Guest" of the directory:

  1. Sign-in to Azure portal.
  2. Click All services and search for active.
  3. Select Azure Active Directory.
  4. Click Users.
  5. Find the user from the list and ensure that the User Type is not a Guest.

Azure Active Directory User-type

Once you verified that you are not a Guest, then to ensure that users within an active directory can create bot service, the directory administrator needs to configure the following settings:

  1. Sign-in to AAD portal. Go to Users and groups and select User settings.
  2. Under App registration section, set Users can register applications to Yes. This allows users in your directory to create bot service.
  3. Under the External users section, set Guest users permissions are limited to No. This allows guest users in your directory to create bot service.

Azure Active Directory Admin Center

Why can't I migrate my bot?

If your bot is registered in, and you want to migrate it to Azure, but are having issues migrating your bot, it might be because the bot belongs to a directory other than your default directory. Try these steps:

  1. From the target directory, add a new user (via email address) that is not a member of the default directory, grant the user contributor role on the subscriptions that are the target of the migration.

  2. From Dev Portal, add the user’s email address as co-owners of the bot that should be migrated. Then sign out.

  3. Sign in to Dev Portal as the new user and proceed to migrate the bot.

Where can I get more help?

  • Leverage the information in previously answered questions on Stack Overflow, or post your own questions using the botframework tag. Please note that Stack Overflow has guidelines such as requiring a descriptive title, a complete and concise problem statement, and sufficient details to reproduce your issue. Feature requests or overly broad questions are off-topic; new users should visit the Stack Overflow Help Center for more details.
  • Consult BotBuilder issues in GitHub for information about known issues with the Bot Framework SDK, or to report a new issue.
  • Leverage the information in the BotBuilder community discussion on Gitter.