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Filter lists, boards, and directories

TFS 2017

Several applications and pages support filtering, which is very useful when a large number of artifacts or items have been defined. Most directory views provide one or more filter functions.

You can filter most items using keywords or a user name for an author of an item or where work is assigned to them. You can filter lists and boards in the following areas:

  • Git repositories: Branches, Commits, Commit history, Pull Requests, Pushes, and Repositories
  • Work tracking: Work Items, Kanban boards, Backlogs, Sprint Backlogs, and Taskboards


You may have fewer or additional filter options based on the features you've enabled or the platform and version that you are working from.

Filter work items based on keywords

You can use keywords to filter your backlogs or queries. The filter function lists those work items based on any visible/displayed column or field, including tags, based on the keyword that you enter. Also, you can enter a value for an ID, whether or not the ID field is visible.

Here, we filter the backlog to only show items that include 'Web' in any one of the displayed column fields.

Apply text filter

The filtered set is always a flat list, even if you've selected to show parents.

Characters ignored by keyword filter criteria

The filter criteria ignores the following characters when the field value starts with the character: {, (, [, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, ~, `, ', ".

Filter work tracking backlogs and queries based on tags

If you've added tags to your work items, you can filter your backlogs, Kanban boards, and query results using the tag filter icon tag filter. For backlogs and query results, add Tags as a column option prior to filtering on tags.

To learn more about filtering using tags, see Add tags to work items to categorize and filter lists and boards, Filter lists using tags