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Declare types in namespaces







Breaking Change



A public or protected type is defined outside the scope of a named namespace.

Rule Description

Types are declared within namespaces to prevent name collisions, and as a way of organizing related types in an object hierarchy. Types outside any named namespace are in a global namespace that cannot be referenced in code.

How to Fix Violations

To fix a violation of this rule, place the type in a namespace.

When to Exclude Warnings

While it is never necessary to exclude a warning from this rule, it is safe to do this when the assembly will never be used with other assemblies.


The following example shows a library with a type incorrectly declared outside a namespace, and a type with the same name declared in a namespace.

using System;

// Violates rule: DeclareTypesInNamespaces.
public class Test
   public override string ToString()
      return "Test does not live in a namespace!";

namespace GoodSpace
   public class Test
      public override string ToString()
         return "Test lives in a namespace!";

The following application uses the library defined previously. Note that the type declared outside a namespace is created when the name Test is not qualified by a namespace. Note also that to access the Test type in Goodspace, the namespace name is required.

using System;

namespace ApplicationTester
    public class MainHolder
        public static void Main()
            Test t1 = new Test();

            GoodSpace.Test t2 = new GoodSpace.Test();

This example produces the following output.


Test does not live in a namespace!
Test lives in a namespace!