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Frame Stepping Property Set

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

Frame Stepping Property Set

Decoders that implement frame-accurate seeking under Microsoft DirectShow must implement the AM_KSPROPSETID_FrameStep property set, which is used in conjunction with the IVideoFrameStep interface.

Property Set GUID AM_KSPROPSETID_FrameStep
Property ID Description
AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP_STEP Instructs the decoder to begin a step operation and passes an AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP structure that specifies the number of steps.
AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP_CANCEL Instructs the decoder to cancel the current step operation. No instance data is associated with this property.
AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP_CANSTEP The decoder returns S_OK on this instruction to indicate that it can perform frame stepping, S_FALSE otherwise. No instance data is passed when this property is set.
AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP_CANSTEPMULTIPLE The decoder returns S_OK on this instruction to indicate that it can step multiple frames at a time, S_FALSE otherwise. No instance data is passed when this property is set.

See Also