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Stroke Class

Stroke Class

Represents a single ink stroke.

A stroke is a set of properties and point data that the digitizer captures that represent the coordinates and properties of a known ink mark. It is the set of data that is captured in a single pen down, up, or move sequence.


Visual Basic .NET Public Class Stroke
Inherits Object
C# public class Stroke : Object
Managed C++ public __gc class Stroke : public Object

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
Clip Removes the portions of the Stroke object that are outside a given rectangle.
Equals Leave Site Determines whether two Object Leave Site instances are equal. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
Finalize Leave Site Allows an Object Leave Site to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object Leave Site is reclaimed by garbage collection. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
FindIntersections Finds the points where this Stroke object intersects other Stroke objects within a given Strokes collection.
GetBoundingBox Returns the bounding Rectangle Leave Site that contains the Stroke object.
GetFlattenedBezierPoints Returns the array of actual points that are used to approximate the Bezier representation of a Stroke object.
GetHashCode Leave Site Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
GetPacketData Returns the packet data associated with one or more points in a Stroke object.
GetPacketDescriptionPropertyMetrics Returns the metrics for a given packet description type.
GetPacketValuesByProperty Returns the data for a known packet property from one or more packets in the Stroke object.
GetPoint Returns the Point Leave Site structure at the specified index in a Stroke object.
GetPoints Returns an array of Point Leave Site structures that make up the Stroke object.
GetRectangleIntersections Returns an array of Point Leave Site structures that indicate where a Stroke object intersects a given Rectangle Leave Site.
GetType Leave Site Gets the Type Leave Site of the current instance. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
HitTest Returns a value that indicates whether a Stroke object is either completely inside or intersected by a given circle.
MemberwiseClone Leave Site Creates a shallow copy of the current Object Leave Site. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
Move Applies a translation to the ink of the Stroke object.
NearestPoint Returns the location on the Stroke object nearest to a specified Point Leave Site.
static (Shared in Visual Basic .NET)ReferenceEquals Leave Site Determines whether the specified Object Leave Site instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
Rotate Rotates the Stroke object around a center point.
Scale Scales the Stroke object in the X and Y dimensions.
ScaleToRectangle Scales the Stroke object to fit in the specified Rectangle Leave Site structure.
SetPacketValuesByProperty Sets the packet values for a particular PacketProperty object within this Stroke object.
SetPoint Sets the Point Leave Site structure at the specified index in a Stroke object.
SetPoints Sets an array of Point Leave Site structures at the specified indices in a Stroke object.
Shear Shears the Stroke object by the specified horizontal and vertical factors.
Split Splits the Stroke object at the specified location on the Stroke object and returns the new Stroke object.
ToString Leave Site Returns a String Leave Site that represents the current Object Leave Site. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
Transform Applies a linear transformation to a Stroke object.


Property Description
BezierCusps Gets an array that contains the indices of the cusps of the Bezier approximation of the Stroke object.
BezierPoints Gets the array of control points that represent the Bezier approximation of the stroke.
Deleted Gets a value that indicates whether the Stroke object has been deleted from its parent Ink object.
DrawingAttributes Gets or sets the drawing attributes to apply to ink as it is drawn.
ExtendedProperties Gets the collection of application-defined data.
Id Gets the identifier of the Stroke object.
Ink Gets the parent Ink object of the Stroke object.
PacketCount Gets the number of packets received for a Stroke object.
PacketDescription Gets an array of type Guid Leave Site that describes the types of packet data stored in the Stroke object.
PacketSize Gets the size, in bytes, of a packet.
PolylineCusps Gets an array that contains the indices of the cusps of the Stroke object.
SelfIntersections Gets the self-intersections of the Stroke object.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Object Leave Site


Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.Ink
Assembly Microsoft.Ink (
Strong Name Microsoft.Ink, Version=1.7.4009.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a2870d9cc4d021c8

See Also