Commerce Server 2002 - General Discussion (August 10, 2005)

Posted: August 11, 2005

Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity


AlexSh (Moderator):
Hello All, we are starting the dedicated chat for Commerce Server 2002.

AlexSh (Moderator):
Let go ahead and start this chat with some introductions - My name is Alex and I am part of the CSD Customer Response Team.

Chad Ray (Expert):
I'm Chad Ray - Escalation Engineer for Application Center and ramping up on Commerce Server

HenryW (Expert):
Hi, I am Henry Winkler - part of the Microsoft Technology Team focusing Portals and Integration technologies

CharlesT (Expert):
Hello, I'm Charles Teague and the Technical Lead for Commerce Server Support

AlexSh (Moderator):
For more general information on Commerce Server 2002, please go to

Start of Chat

AlexSh (Moderator):
Meh asked: I am having problem in using Microsoft Sample sites (Retail site) on commerce server 2K. After unpackaging the site, Retail site is norunning

Chad Ray (Expert):
Hi Meh - can you be more specific about what is not running? Do you get an error?

Chad Ray (Expert):
Meh, what specifically is not working? Do you get an ASP error? Which part is not working?

CharlesT (Expert):
Meh, you will need to first import a catalog into the site to be able to have content and products appear in the site.

davidme (Expert):
Q: I've created functionality to add items from a past order into a current (existing) basket. This is used for reordering frequently purchased items quickly. I've tried using both the PurchaseOrder object and the OrderGroup objec via the OrderGroupsearch.
A: This is the purpose of the OrderTemplate class - it can be used for wish lists, recurring shopping lists, etc.

davidme (Expert):
Meh, I suggest that you put the site into "debug" mode. This is done by modifying the Global.asa file and changing the mode to DEVELOPMENT

davidme (Expert):
'Set the environment to PRODUCTION or DEVELOPMENT

HenryW (Expert):
Q: Is there any sample catalog already exists? Or I need to create a new catalog? I was looking into BizDesk help
A: Yes, there is a sample catalog. For CS2000, I think it's called AdventureWorks.xml or something like that. It's in the SDK subdirectory if I remember correctly. Sorry, I don't have a CS2000 implementation handy.

AlexSh (Moderator):
Q: help
A: This Chat session is dedicated to questions about Commerce Server 2002. You may try the other chat rooms or newsgroups for your answer. Also, check the manufacturer's website.

davidme (Expert):
Q: Hi we have an existing Pipeline component which was intially developed on Microsoft Site Server Commerce edition. We now want to upgrade this Commerce server 2002
A: The CS2002 pipeline infrastructure supports a backward compatibility mode for interoperation with components developed for Site Server. When you right click the root node of the PCF file in Pipeline Editor and select properties, you will see a "Currency compatability" mode option (or something like that).

HenryW (Expert):
Q: After in install sample site Retail, can i run it as it is? Or I need to configure BizDesk first?
A: You should be able to run as is. The BizDesk application that gets unpacked as part of the Retail Site un-packaging is ready to go. Use the Catalogs module of the BizDesk to import the AdvWorksCatalog.xml that David mentioned. In order to check out, you have to configure a default Shipping Method (also via the BizDesk).

CharlesT (Expert):
Q: Is the Commerce 2002 backward compatible???
A: Yes, Commerce Server 2002 is backward compatible n that an ASP base site from Commerce Server 2000 will work on Commerce Server 2002.

CharlesT (Expert):
Q: Hi i have MP3 player but i cant connect it to USB 2.0. I think there is no power in USB. How to fix it.
A: Meh,

CharlesT (Expert):
A: based on the error it sounds like it could not find the SQL Analysis server during the unpack. If you have the full text of that section of the pup.log we may be able to be more specific.

HenryW (Expert):
Meh: During the unpack you get the option to install the Data Warehous portions. If you skip this resource, I think you get this error. Also, make sure the Analysis Services are started before starting the unpack.

CharlesT (Expert):
Q: Is there any link or documentation from where I can get the associated Commerce server fields for (CVV Value,CVV Indicator, Purcase Card Fields...)
A: In the Commerce Server 2002 SDK look under the heading "Values Commonly Used in the OrderForm Object"

AlexSh (Moderator):
We have about 5 minutes left in today's Chat.

AlexSh (Moderator):
If you haven't checked already, see an overview of Commerce Server 2006 at

AlexSh (Moderator):
Q: OK. i think that will help. When is the next chat session? Next week-wednesday same time?
A: We will be back next month on September 14th. Be sure to check out for a list of all upcoming moderated chats. And check out for a link to the newsgroups.

AlexSh (Moderator):
The Commerce Server Chats are usually held the second Wednesday of the month.

HenryW (Expert):
Q: Is there any help or links\documentation in MS site wher I can see how to make the sample Retail site running???
A: There is a tutorial in the docs based on the Retail site. This maybe useful to run through to verify that the site is running correctly. It includes importing a catalog and setting shipping methods.

CharlesT (Expert):
Q: Yes i will check that but inaddition to that are there any links and additional documentation regarding the fields
A: We do not persist any credit card data to a database. The credit card number is passed to the payment pipeline component which takes full control of the number.

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