Commerce Server 2002 - General Discussion (January 19, 2005)

Posted February 8, 2005

Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity


Alex (Moderator):
Welcome to today’s chat on Commerce Server 2002. We will officially begin this chat in about 10 minutes. Thank you for joining us.

Alex (Moderator):
I see that questions are already being asked and answered, so let's go continue with it and welcome our Experts for today’s chat. I will have them introduce themselves now.

Alex (Moderator):
Hello, my name is Alex Shogren and I am part of the Community Team.

oscarm (Expert):
Hi, I'm Oscar and work with the Solutions team in Product Support Services.

Sudha (Expert):
Hi, I am Sudha and I am part of the Commerce Server test team.

Caesar (Expert):
Hello, my name is Caesar Samsi and I am a Commerce Server Program Manager for User Profile Management, Orders, Datawarehouse/Analytics.

Andrew McD - MS (Expert):
Hello, my name is Andrew McDonald and I am the program manager for customer programs.

Jolene (Expert):
Hello, I'm Jolene Nakamoto and I work on documentation for Commerce Server.

davidme (Expert):
Hello, David here from the Commerce Server development team.

Start of Chat

dineshra (Expert):
Q: I would like to know a place to read from about TAPI and how to use it to buld a telephony application that monitors recorde and plays back calls, please
A: You can find lots of samples and documentation on TAPI on Windows Platform SDK.

dineshra (Expert):
Q: I would like to know a place to read from about TAPI and how to use it to buld a telephony application that monitors recorde and plays back calls, please
A: should take you to the Platform SDK site on MSDN.

dineshra (Expert):
Chris: Just inherited a Commerece Server / Content Mangement Server site and am trying to learn how it all works

dineshra (Expert):
Q: How does Commerce Server 2002 index for a site-wide search?
A: Commerce Server does support web crawlers.

Caesar (Expert):
Q: How does Commerce Server 2002 index for a site-wide search?
A: Commerce Server 2002 provides indexing for product catalogs only. To provide a site-wide search you can leverage SPS 2.0 Search capabilities, or our search partners, please see

Caesar (Expert):
Q: But what about an internal site search? Does it have that capability?
A: Please see my answer to your previous question.

Caesar (Expert):
Q: If i'm using C# as my langauge tool and i want to do a certain part like dragging objects in the form or writting an email client app or anything else, how can i know the libraries and functions that i 'll use to call ?
A: To find the actual assemblies of Commerce Server classes, see the documentation: Developers Guide -> Programmer's Reference -> .NET Class Reference.

dineshra (Expert):
Commerce Server product does not support this feature, but you can use IndexServer to do this.

oscarm (Expert):
Q: i keep getting an error with my intertnet explorer saying--crdminder mfc application has encountered a problem and needs to close.... why am i getting this error and how can this be resolved? thank you weezanh
A: I could not find much in our Knowledge Base regarding this error, but did find a case where the following 'lengthy' response addressed the issue

Caesar (Expert):
Q: When trying to access my site at from the localhost I get prompted for a user name, password and domain. Admin credentials are entered, it prompts me 3 times and then an “Access Denied” message is displayed in the browser. Any thoughts?
A: It's appears to be a permissions problem. Check to see that permissions/ACLs are granted at the file system level.

oscarm (Expert):
Q: i keep getting an error with my intertnet explorer saying--crdminder mfc application has encountered a problem and needs to close.... why am i getting this error and how can this be resolved? thank you weezanh
A: Step 1: Delete crdmind.exe in File system.
(1) Click Start, and then click Search (->For Files or Folders).

(2) In the Search Companion dialog box, click "All files and folders".

(3) Type "crdmind.exe" (without quotation marks) in the "All or part of the file
name" box

(4) In the "Look in" box, choose "Local Hard drives".

(5) Click "More advanced options" to make sure that the "Search subfolders",
"Search hidden files and folders", and "Search system folders" are selected.

(6) Click Search.

(7) If the crdmind.exe file is found, please delete it. If it cannot be deleted it,
please try to delete it in Safe Mode.

Log onto the computer in Safe Mode
a. Restart the computer.
b. Keep pressing the F8 key until the Windows Startup menu appears.
d. Choose Safe Mode, and press Enter.
c. Run the computer in Safe Mode and try to delete crdmind.exe again.

Note: In Safe Mode, your system display and Desktop will look and per

oscarm (Expert):
Q: i keep getting an error with my intertnet explorer saying--crdminder mfc application has encountered a problem and needs to close.... why am i getting this error and how can this be resolved? thank you weezanh
A: response ...continued

oscarm (Expert):
Q: i keep getting an error with my intertnet explorer saying--crdminder mfc application has encountered a problem and needs to close.... why am i getting this error and how can this be resolved? thank you weezanh
A: Note: In Safe Mode, your system display and Desktop will look and perform
differently than in Normal Mode. This is only temporary.

Step 2: Delete crdmind.exe in registry.
Before we go further, please first backup the Registry.

1. Click Start, click Run, type REGEDIT, and click OK.
2. Select My Computer (the root node) in the left pane, click Export under the File
menu, choose All under Export range, type a file name for this backup registry, and
click Save.

The Registry backup ensures if anything unexpected happens after editing the
Registry, we can then restore the whole registry from the backup.

Please try the following steps to resolve this issue.

1. Click Edit => Find, input "crdmind.exe" (without the quotation marks) click Find
2. When you find a key that relates to "crdmind.exe" please right click it and
click delete.
3. Press F3 to search for the next key, and repeat the second step to delete it.
4. Thoroughly check the whole registry and delete all key

oscarm (Expert):
Q: i keep getting an error with my intertnet explorer saying--crdminder mfc application has encountered a problem and needs to close.... why am i getting this error and how can this be resolved? thank you weezanh
A: 4. Thoroughly check the whole registry and delete all keys that relate to
5. Quit the registry, restart your computer and try again.

mshea_ms (Expert):
Q: But what about an internal site search? Does it have that capability?
A: Hey, I'm looking to implement discounts using fp1 so that if you buy 4 of an item, you get $60 off. If you buy 8, you get $120 off etc.. I've noticed that if my item is less than $60, that I don't get the full $60 off. So my item is $40 and I buy 4, The order total is $160, minus the discount of $40. If I change this to an orderlevel discount, the full $60 is applied, but it only appears to apply once. Is what I'm trying to do possible?

davidme (Expert):
Q: When clicking on the “Campaign Manager” in Business Desk, I get the error: What causes this? “0x80070005 – 006~ASP 0178 Server.CreateObject Access Error. The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object."
A: Chris, the answer can be found in the following KB article:;en-us;811306. Since SP2 of Commerce Server 2002, the ListManager and DirectMailer objects have been locked down for security. You must explicitly grant users access in DCOMCnfg.exe.

Alex (Moderator):
Q: Can you point me in the direction of any white papers or articles on how to create a pipeline component using .NET?
A: I will need to take this one offline with Soren.

davidme (Expert):
Q: Hey, I'm looking to implement discounts using fp1 so that if you buy 4 of an item, you get $60 off. If you buy 8, you get $120 off etc.. I've noticed that if my item is less than $60, that I don't get the full $60 off. So my item is $40 and I buy 4, The order total is $160, minus the discount of $40. If I change this to an orderlevel discount, the full $60 is applied, but it only appears to apply once. Is what I'm trying to do possible?

davidme (Expert):
A: The closest you can get to meeting this requirement out of the box is to create a different discount for each tier and prioritize them so that the highest quantity is first. So, for example you might create 3 different discounts. The first is "buy 12 items and get $180 off the order". The second is "buy 8 items and get $120 off the order".

Alex (Moderator):
We have about 10 minutes left in today's Commerce Server 2002 Chat. If you have been holding onto a CS question, now is a good time to ask it.

Alex (Moderator):
If you have any suggestions/feedback for new or existing features in Commerce Server for send them to>>.
This alias is well monitored by dev/test/management and we do value your feedback.

Alex (Moderator):
You can also post questions and comments in our newsgroups. They live on at microsoft.public.commerceserver.*

John (Expert):
Is there any documentation on how the Content Connector works between Commerce Server 2002 and Content Management Server?

John (Expert):
Answer: Have a look at this article It describes a sample called the method systems site that includes examples & documentation of how to get the CS2002 / Content Management server content connector working together

Alex (Moderator):
Q: Is there any documentation on how the Content Connector works between Commerce Server 2002 and Content Management Server?
A: Have a look at this article It describes a sample called the method systems site that includes examples & documentation of how to get the CS2002 / Content Management server content connector working together

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