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Journey 3: Orders and Registrations Bounded Context

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A description of the bounded context | Working definitions for this chapter | Domain definitions (ubiquitous language) | Requirements for creating orders | Architecture | Patterns and concepts | Implementation details | Impact on testing | Summary

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The first stop on our CQRS journey.

"The Allegator is the same, as the Crocodile, and differs only in Name." John Lawson

A description of the bounded context

The Orders and Registrations bounded context is partially responsible for the booking process for attendees planning to come to a conference. In the Orders and Registrations bounded context, a person (the registrant) purchases seats at a particular conference. The registrant also assigns names of attendees to the purchased seats (this is described in Chapter 5, "Preparing for the V1 Release").

This was the first stop on our CQRS journey, so the team decided to implement a core, but self-contained part of the system—orders and registrations. The registration process must be as painless as possible for attendees. The process must enable the business customer to ensure that the maximum possible number of seats can be booked, and give them the flexibility set the prices for the different seat types at a conference.

Because this was the first bounded context addressed by the team, we also implemented some infrastructure elements of the system to support the domain's functionality. These included command and event message buses and a persistence mechanism for aggregates.


The Contoso Conference Management System described in this chapter is not the final version of the system. This guidance describes a journey, so some of the design decisions and implementation details change later in the journey. These changes are described in subsequent chapters.

Plans for enhancements to this bounded context in some future journey include support for wait listing, whereby requests for seats are placed on a wait list if there aren't sufficient seats available, and enabling the business customer to set various types of discounts for seat types.


Wait listing is not implemented in this release, but members of the community are working on this and other features. Any out-of-band releases and updates will be announced on the Project "a CQRS Journey" website.

Working definitions for this chapter

This chapter uses a number of terms that we will define in a moment. For more detail, and possible alternative definitions, see "A CQRS and ES Deep Dive" in the Reference Guide.

Command. A command is a request for the system to perform an action that changes the state of the system. Commands are imperatives; MakeSeatReservation is one example. In this bounded context, commands originate either from the UI as a result of a user initiating a request, or from a process manager when the process manager is directing an aggregate to perform an action.

A single recipient processes a command. A command bus transports commands that command handlers then dispatch to aggregates. Sending a command is an asynchronous operation with no return value.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifGary Says:
                For a discussion of some possible optimizations that also involve a slightly different definition of a command, see Chapter 6, "<a href="jj591565(v=pandp.10).md">Versioning our System</a>."</td>

Event. An event, such as OrderConfirmed, describes something that has happened in the system, typically as a result of a command. Aggregates in the domain model raise events.

Multiple subscribers can handle a specific event. Aggregates publish events to an event bus; handlers register for specific types of events on the event bus and then deliver the event to the subscriber. In this bounded context, the only subscriber is a process manager.

Process manager. In this bounded context, a process manager is a class that coordinates the behavior of the aggregates in the domain. A process manager subscribes to the events that the aggregates raise, and then follow a simple set of rules to determine which command or commands to send. The process manager does not contain any business logic; it simply contains logic to determine the next command to send. The process manager is implemented as a state machine, so when it responds to an event, it can change its internal state in addition to sending a new command.

Our process manager is an implementation of the Process Manager pattern defined on pages 312 to 321 of the book by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf, entitled Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003).

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifMarkus Says:
                It can be difficult for someone new to the code to follow the flow of commands and events through the system. For a discussion of a technique that can help, see the section "<a href="jj591579(v=pandp.10).md" Anchor="impact-on-testing">Impact on testing</a>" in Chapter 4, "Extending and Enhancing the Orders and Registrations Bounded Contexts."</td>

The process manager in this bounded context can receive commands as well as subscribe to events.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifGary Says:
                The team initially referred to the process manager class in the orders bounded context as a saga. To find out why we decided to change the terminology, see the section "Patterns and concepts" later in this chapter.</td>

The Reference Guide contains additional definitions and explanations of CQRS-related terms.

Domain definitions (ubiquitous language)

The following list defines the key domain-related terms that the team used during the development of this Orders and Registrations bounded context.

Attendee. An attendee is someone who is entitled to attend a conference. An Attendee can interact with the system to perform tasks such as manage his agenda, print his badge, and provide feedback after the conference. An attendee could also be a person who doesn't pay to attend a conference such as a volunteer, speaker, or someone with a 100% discount. An attendee may have multiple associated attendee types (speaker, student, volunteer, track chair, and so on.)

Registrant. A registrant is a person who interacts with the system to place orders and to make payments for those orders. A registrant also creates the registrations associated with an order. A registrant may also be an attendee.

User. A user is a person such as an attendee, registrant, speaker, or volunteer who is associated with a conference. Each user has a unique record locator code that the user can use to access user-specific information in the system. For example, a registrant can use a record locator code to access her orders, and an attendee can use a record locator code to access his personalized conference agenda.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifCarlos Says:
                We intentionally implemented a record locator mechanism to return to a previously submitted order via the mechanism. This eliminates an often annoying requirement for users to create an account in the system and sign in in order to evaluate its usefulness. Our customers were adamant about this.</td>

Seat assignment. A seat assignment associates an attendee with a seat in a confirmed order. An order may have one or more seat assignments associated with it.

Order. When a registrant interacts with the system, the system creates an order to manage the reservations, payment, and registrations. An order is confirmed when the registrant has successfully paid for the order items. An order contains one or more order items.

Order item. An order item represents a seat type and quantity, and is associated with an order. An order item exists in one of three states: created, reserved, or rejected. An order item is initially in the created state. An order item is in the reserved state if the system has reserved the quantity of seats of the seat type requested by the registrant. An order item is in the rejected state if the system cannot reserve the quantity of seats of the seat type requested by the registrant.

Seat. A seat represents the right to be admitted to a conference or to access a specific session at the conference such as a cocktail party, a tutorial, or a workshop. The business customer may change the quota of seats for each conference. The business customer may also change the quota of seats for each session.

Reservation. A reservation is a temporary reservation of one or more seats. The ordering process creates reservations. When a registrant begins the ordering process, the system makes reservations for the number of seats requested by the registrant. These seats are then not available for other registrants to reserve. The reservations are held for n minutes during which the registrant can complete the ordering process by making a payment for those seats. If the registrant does not pay for the seats within n minutes, the system cancels the reservation and the seats become available to other registrants to reserve.

Seat availability. Every conference tracks seat availability for each type of seat. Initially, all of the seats are available to reserve and purchase. When a seat is reserved, the number of available seats of that type is decremented. If the system cancels the reservation, the number of available seats of that type is incremented. The business customer defines the initial number of each seat type to be made available; this is an attribute of a conference. A conference owner may adjust the numbers for the individual seat types.

Conference site. You can access every conference defined in the system by using a unique URL. Registrants can begin the ordering process from this site.

Each of the terms defined here was formulated through active discussions between the development team and the domain experts. The following is a sample conversation between developers and domain experts that illustrates how the team arrived at a definition of the termattendee*.
Developer 1: Here's an initial stab at a definition for
attendee*. "An attendee is someone who has paid to attend a conference. An attendee can interact with the system to perform tasks such as manage his agenda, print his badge, and provide feedback after the conference."
Domain Expert 1: Not all attendees will pay to attend the conference. For example, some conferences will have volunteer helpers, also speakers typically don't pay. And, there may be some cases where an attendee gets a 100% discount.
Domain Expert 1: Don't forget that it's not the attendee who pays; that's done by the registrant.
Developer 1: So we need to say that Attendees are people who are authorized to attend a conference?
Developer 2: We need to be careful about the choice of words here. The term authorized will make some people think of security and authentication and authorization.
Developer 1: How about entitled?
Domain Expert 1: When the system performs tasks such as printing badges, it will need to know what type of attendee the badge is for. For example, speaker, volunteer, paid attendee, and so on.
Developer 1: Now we have this as a definition that captures everything we've discussed. An attendee is someone who is entitled to attend a conference. An attendee can interact with the system to perform tasks such as manage his agenda, print his badge, and provide feedback after the conference. An attendee could also be a person who doesn't pay to attend a conference such as a volunteer, speaker, or someone with a 100% discount. An attendee may have multiple associated attendee types (speaker, student, volunteer, track chair, and so on.)

Requirements for creating orders

A registrant is the person who reserves and pays for (orders) seats at a conference. Ordering is a two-stage process: first, the registrant reserves a number of seats and then pays for the seats to confirm the reservation. If registrant does not complete the payment, the seat reservations expire after a fixed period and the system makes the seats available for other registrants to reserve.

Figure 1 shows some of the early UI mockups that the team used to explore the seat-ordering story.


Figure 1

Ordering UI mockups

These UI mockups helped the team in several ways, allowing them to:

  • Communicate the core team's vision for the system to the graphic designers who are on an independent team at a third-party company.
  • Communicate the domain expert's knowledge to the developers.
  • Refine the definition of terms in the ubiquitous language.
  • Explore "what if" questions about alternative scenarios and approaches.
  • Form the basis for the system's suite of acceptance tests.


The application is designed to deploy to Microsoft Azure. At this stage in the journey, the application consists of a web role that contains the ASP.NET MVC web application and a worker role that contains the message handlers and domain objects. The application uses an Azure SQL Database instance for data storage, both on the write side and the read side. The application uses the Azure Service Bus to provide its messaging infrastructure.

While you are exploring and testing the solution, you can run it locally, either using the Azure compute emulator or by running the MVC web application directly and running a console application that hosts the handlers and domain objects. When you run the application locally, you can use a local SQL Server Express database instead of SQL Database, and use a simple messaging infrastructure implemented in a SQL Server Express database.

For more information about the options for running the application, see Appendix 1, "Release Notes."

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifGary Says:
                A frequently cited advantage of the CQRS pattern is that it enables you to scale the read side and write side of the application independently to support the different usage patterns. In this bounded context, however, the number of read operations from the UI is not likely to hugely out-number the write operations: this bounded context focuses on registrants creating orders. Therefore, the read side and the write side are deployed to the same Azure worker role rather than to two separate worker roles that could be scaled independently.</td>

Patterns and concepts

The team decided to implement the first bounded context without using event sourcing in order to keep things simple. However, they did agree that if they later decided that event sourcing would bring specific benefits to this bounded context, then they would revisit this decision.


For a description of how event sourcing relates to the CQRS pattern, see "Introducing Event Sourcing" in the Reference Guide.

One of the important discussions the team had concerned the choice of aggregates and entities that they would implement. The following images from the team's whiteboard illustrate some of their initial thoughts, and questions about the alternative approaches they could take with a simple conference seat reservation scenario to try and understand the pros and cons of alternative approaches.

"A value I think developers would benefit greatly from recognizing is the de-emphasis on the means and methods for persistence of objects in terms of relational storage. Teach them to avoid modeling the domain as if it was a relational store, and I think it will be easier to introduce and understand both domain-driven design (DDD) and CQRS."
—Josh Elster, CQRS Advisors Mail List

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifGary Says:
                These diagrams deliberately exclude details of how the system delivers commands and events through command and event handlers. The diagrams focus on the logical relationships between the aggregates in the domain.</td>

This scenario considers what happens when a registrant tries to book several seats at a conference. The system must:

  • Check that sufficient seats are available.
  • Record details of the registration.
  • Update the total number of seats booked for the conference.


We deliberately kept the scenario simple to avoid distractions while the team examines the alternatives. These examples do not illustrate the final implementation of this bounded context.

The first approach considered by the team, shown in Figure 2, uses two separate aggregates.

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Figure 2

Approach 1: Two separate aggregates

The numbers in the diagram correspond to the following steps:

  1. The UI sends a command to register attendees X and Y for conference 157. The command is routed to a new Order aggregate.
  2. The Order aggregate raises an event that reports that an order has been created. The event is routed to the SeatsAvailability aggregate.
  3. The SeatsAvailability aggregate with an ID of 157 is re-hydrated from the data store.
  4. The SeatsAvailability aggregate updates its total number of seats booked.
  5. The updated version of the SeatsAvailability aggregate is persisted to the data store.
  6. The new Order aggregate, with an ID of 4239, is persisted to the data store.
JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifMarkus Says:
                The term rehydration refers to the process of deserializing the aggregate instance from a data store.</td>
JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifJana Says:
                You could consider using the <a href="">Memento pattern</a> to handle the persistence and rehydration.</td>

The second approach considered by the team, shown in Figure 3, uses a single aggregate in place of two.

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Figure 3

Approach 2: A single aggregate

The numbers in the diagram correspond to the following steps:

  1. The UI sends a command to register Attendees X and Y for conference 157. The command is routed to the Conference aggregate with an ID of 157.
  2. The Conference aggregate with an ID of 157 is rehydrated from the data store.
  3. The Order entity validates the booking (it queries the SeatsAvailability entity to see if there are enough seats left), and then invokes the method to update the number of seats booked on the Conference entity.
  4. The SeatsAvailability entity updates its total number of seats booked.
  5. The updated version of the Conference aggregate is persisted to the data store.

The third approach considered by the team, shown in Figure 4, uses a process manager to coordinate the interaction between two aggregates.

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Figure 4

Approach 3: Using a process manager

The numbers in the diagram correspond to the following steps:

  1. The UI sends a command to register Attendees X and Y for conference 157. The command is routed to a new Order aggregate.
  2. The new Order aggregate, with an ID of 4239, is persisted to the data store.
  3. The Order aggregate raises an event that is handled by the RegistrationProcessManager class.
  4. The RegistrationProcessManager class determines that a command should be sent to the SeatsAvailability aggregate with an ID of 157.
  5. The SeatsAvailability aggregate is rehydrated from the data store.
  6. The total number of seats booked is updated in the SeatsAvailability aggregate and it is persisted to the data store.
JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifGary Says:
                Process manager or saga? Initially the team referred to the <strong>RegistrationProcessManager</strong> class as a saga. However, after they reviewed the original definition of a saga from the paper "<a href="">Sagas</a>" by Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem, they revised their decision. The key reasons for this are that the reservation process does not include explicit compensation steps, and does not need to be represented as a long-lived transaction.</td>

For more information about process managers and sagas, see Chapter 6, "A Saga on Sagas" in the Reference Guide.

The team identified the following questions about these approaches:

  • Where does the validation that there are sufficient seats for the registration take place: in the Order or SeatsAvailability aggregate?
  • Where are the transaction boundaries?
  • How does this model deal with concurrency issues when multiple registrants try to place orders simultaneously?
  • What are the aggregate roots?

The following sections discuss these questions in relation to the three approaches considered by the team.


Before a registrant can reserve a seat, the system must check that there are enough seats available. Although logic in the UI can attempt to verify that there are sufficient seats available before it sends a command, the business logic in the domain must also perform the check; this is because the state may change between the time the UI performs the validation and the time that the system delivers the command to the aggregate in the domain.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifJana Says:
                When we talk about UI validation here, we are talking about validation that the Model-View Controller (MVC) controller performs, not the browser.</td>

In the first model, the validation must take place in either the Order or SeatsAvailability aggregate. If it is the former, the Order aggregate must discover the current seat availability from the SeatsAvailability aggregate before the reservation is made and before it raises the event. If it is the latter, the SeatsAvailability aggregate must somehow notify the Order aggregate that it cannot reserve the seats, and that the Order aggregate must undo (or compensate for) any work that it has completed so far.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifBeth Says:
                Undo is just one of many compensating actions that occur in real life. The compensating actions could even be outside of the system implementation and involve human actors: for example, a Contoso clerk or the business customer calls the registrant to tell them that an error was made and that they should ignore the last confirmation email they received from the Contoso system.</td>

The second model behaves similarly, except that it is Order and SeatsAvailability entities cooperating within a Conference aggregate.

In the third model, with the process manager, the aggregates exchange messages through the process manager about whether the registrant can make the reservation at the current time.

All three models require entities to communicate about the validation process, but the third model with the process manager appears more complex than the other two.

Transaction boundaries

An aggregate, in the DDD approach, represents a consistency boundary. Therefore, the first model with two aggregates, and the third model with two aggregates and a process manager will involve two transactions: one when the system persists the new Order aggregate and one when the system persists the updated SeatsAvailability aggregate.


The term consistency boundary refers to a boundary within which you can assume that all the elements remain consistent with each other all the time.

To ensure the consistency of the system when a registrant creates an order, both transactions must succeed. To guarantee this, we must take steps to ensure that the system is eventually consistent by ensuring that the infrastructure reliably delivers messages to aggregates.

In the second approach, which uses a single aggregate, we will only have a single transaction when a registrant makes an order. This appears to be the simplest approach of the three.


The registration process takes place in a multi-user environment where many registrants could attempt to purchase seats simultaneously. The team decided to use the Reservation pattern to address the concurrency issues in the registration process. In this scenario, this means that a registrant initially reserves seats (which are then unavailable to other registrants); if the registrant completes the payment within a timeout period, the system retains the reservation; otherwise the system cancels the reservation.

This reservation system introduces the need for additional message types; for example, an event to report that a registrant has made a payment, or report that a timeout has occurred.

This timeout also requires the system to incorporate a timer somewhere to track when reservations expire.

Modeling this complex behavior with sequences of messages and the requirement for a timer is best done using a process manager.

Aggregates and aggregate roots

In the two models that have the Order aggregate and the SeatsAvailability aggregate, the team easily identified the entities that make up the aggregate, and the aggregate root. The choice is not so clear in the model with a single aggregate: it does not seem natural to access orders through a SeatsAvailability entity, or to access the seat availability through an Order entity. Creating a new entity to act as an aggregate root seems unnecessary.

The team decided on the model that incorporated a process manager because this offers the best way to handle the concurrency requirements in this bounded context.

Implementation details

This section describes some of the significant features of the Orders and Registrations bounded context implementation. You may find it useful to have a copy of the code so you can follow along. You can download it from the Download center, or check the evolution of the code in the repository on github: mspnp/cqrs-journey-code.


Do not expect the code samples to match the code in the reference implementation exactly. This chapter describes a step in the CQRS journey, the implementation may well change as we learn more and refactor the code.

High-level architecture

As we described in the previous section, the team initially decided to implement the reservations story in the conference management system using the CQRS pattern but without using event sourcing. Figure 5 shows the key elements of the implementation: an MVC web application, a data store implemented using an Azure SQL Database instance, the read and write models, and some infrastructure components.


We'll describe what goes on inside the read and write models later in this section.

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Figure 5

High-level architecture of the registrations bounded context

The following sections relate to the numbers in Figure 5 and provide more detail about these elements of the architecture.

1. Querying the read model

The ConferenceController class includes an action named Display that creates a view that contains information about a particular conference. This controller class queries the read model using the following code:

public ActionResult Display(string conferenceCode)
    var conference = this.GetConference(conferenceCode);

    return View(conference);

private Conference.Web.Public.Models.Conference GetConference(string conferenceCode)
    var repo = this.repositoryFactory();
    using (repo as IDisposable)
        var conference = repo.Query<Conference>().First(c => c.Code == conferenceCode);

        var conferenceModel =
            new Conference.Web.Public.Models.Conference { Code = conference.Code, Name = conference.Name, Description = conference.Description };

        return conferenceModel;

The read model retrieves the information from the data store and returns it to the controller using a data transfer object (DTO) class.

2. Issuing commands

The web application sends commands to the write model through a command bus. This command bus is an infrastructure element that provides reliable messaging. In this scenario, the bus delivers messages asynchronously and once only to a single recipient.

The RegistrationController class can send a RegisterToConference command to the write model in response to user interaction. This command sends a request to register one or more seats at the conference. The RegistrationController class then polls the read model to discover whether the registration request succeeded. See the section "6. Polling the Read Model" below for more details.

The following code sample shows how the RegistrationController sends a RegisterToConference command:

var viewModel = this.UpdateViewModel(conferenceCode, contentModel);

var command =
    new RegisterToConference
        OrderId = viewModel.Id,
        ConferenceId = viewModel.ConferenceId,
        Seats = viewModel.Items.Select(x => new RegisterToConference.Seat { SeatTypeId = x.SeatTypeId, Quantity = x.Quantity }).ToList()



All of the commands are sent asynchronously and do not expect return values.

3. Handling commands

Command handlers register with the command bus; the command bus can then forward commands to the correct handler.

The OrderCommandHandler class handles the RegisterToConference command sent from the UI. Typically, the handler is responsible for initiating any business logic in the domain and for persisting any state changes to the data store.

The following code sample shows how the OrderCommandHandler class handles the RegisterToConference command:

public void Handle(RegisterToConference command)
    var repository = this.repositoryFactory();

    using (repository as IDisposable)
        var seats = command.Seats.Select(t => new OrderItem(t.SeatTypeId, t.Quantity)).ToList();

        var order = new Order(command.OrderId, Guid.NewGuid(), command.ConferenceId, seats);


4. Initiating business logic in the domain

In the previous code sample, the OrderCommandHandler class creates a new Order instance. The Order entity is an aggregate root, and its constructor contains code to initiate the domain logic. See the section "Inside the Write Model" below for more details of what actions this aggregate root performs.

5. Persisting the changes

In the previous code sample, the handler persists the new Order aggregate by calling the Save method in the repository****class. This Save method also publishes any events raised by the Order aggregate on the command bus.

6. Polling the read model

To provide feedback to the user, the UI must have a way to check whether the RegisterToConference command succeeded. Like all commands in the system, this command executes asynchronously and does not return a result. The UI queries the read model to check whether the command succeeded.

The following code sample shows the initial implementation where the RegistrationController class polls the read model until either the system creates the order or a timeout occurs. The WaitUntilUpdated method polls the read-model until it finds either that the order has been persisted or it times out.

public ActionResult StartRegistration(string conferenceCode, OrderViewModel contentModel)


    var draftOrder = this.WaitUntilUpdated(viewModel.Id);

    if (draftOrder != null)
        if (draftOrder.State == "Booked")
            return RedirectToAction("SpecifyPaymentDetails", new { conferenceCode = conferenceCode, orderId = viewModel.Id });
        else if (draftOrder.State == "Rejected")
            return View("ReservationRejected", viewModel);

    return View("ReservationUnknown", viewModel);

The team later replaced this mechanism for checking whether the system saves the order with an implementation of the Post-Redirect-Get pattern. The following code sample shows the new version of the StartRegistration action method.


For more information about the Post-Redirect-Get pattern see the article Post/Redirect/Get on Wikipedia.

public ActionResult StartRegistration(string conferenceCode, OrderViewModel contentModel)


    return RedirectToAction("SpecifyRegistrantDetails", new { conferenceCode = conferenceCode, orderId = command.Id });

The action method now redirects to the SpecifyRegistrantDetails view immediately after it sends the command. The following code sample shows how the SpecifyRegistrantDetails action polls for the order in the repository before returning a view.

public ActionResult SpecifyRegistrantDetails(string conferenceCode, Guid orderId)
    var draftOrder = this.WaitUntilUpdated(orderId);


The advantages of this second approach, using the Post-Redirect-Get pattern instead of in the StartRegistration post action are that it works better with the browser's forward and back navigation buttons, and that it gives the infrastructure more time to process the command before the MVC controller starts polling.

Inside the write model


The following code sample shows the Order aggregate.

public class Order : IAggregateRoot, IEventPublisher
    public static class States
        public const int Created = 0;
        public const int Booked = 1;
        public const int Rejected = 2;
        public const int Confirmed = 3;

    private List<IEvent> events = new List<IEvent>();


    public Guid Id { get; private set; }

    public Guid UserId { get; private set; }

    public Guid ConferenceId { get; private set; }

    public virtual ObservableCollection<TicketOrderLine> Lines { get; private set; }

    public int State { get; private set; }

    public IEnumerable<IEvent> Events
        get { return; }

    public void MarkAsBooked()
        if (this.State != States.Created)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

        this.State = States.Booked;

    public void Reject()
        if (this.State != States.Created)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

        this.State = States.Rejected;

Notice how the properties of the class are not virtual. In the original version of this class, the properties Id, UserId, ConferenceId, and State were all marked as virtual. The following conversation between two developers explores this decision.

Developer 1: I'm really convinced you should not make the property virtual, except if required by the object-relational mapping (ORM) layer. If this is just for testing purposes, entities and aggregate roots should never be tested using mocking. If you need mocking to test your entities, this is a clear smell that something is wrong in the design.
Developer 2: I prefer to be open and extensible by default. You never know what needs may arise in the future, and making things virtual is hardly a cost. This is certainly controversial and a bit non-standard in .NET, but I think it's OK. We may only need virtuals on lazy-loaded collections.
Developer 1: Since CQRS usually makes the need for lazy load vanish, you should not need it either. This leads to even simpler code.
Developer 2: CQRS does not dictate usage of event sourcing (ES), so if you're using an aggregate root that contains an object graph, you'd need that anyway, right?
Developer 1: This is not about ES, it's about DDD. When your aggregate boundaries are right, you don't need delay loading.
Developer 2: To be clear, the aggregate boundary is here to group things that should change together for reasons of consistency. A lazy load would indicate that things that have been grouped together don't really need this grouping.
Developer 1: I agree. I have found that lazy-loading in the command side means I have it modeled wrong. If I don't need the value in the command side, then it shouldn't be there. In addition, I dislike virtuals unless they have an intended purpose (or some artificial requirement from an object-relational mapping (ORM) tool). In my opinion, it violates the Open-Closed principle: you have opened yourself up for modification in a variety of ways that may or may not be intended and where the repercussions might not be immediately discoverable, if at all.
Developer 2: Our Order aggregate in the model has a list of Order Items. Surely we don't need to load the lines to mark it as Booked? Do we have it modeled wrong there?
Developer 1: Is the list of OrderItems that long? If it is, the modeling may be wrong because you don't necessarily need transactionality at that level. Often, doing a late round trip to get and updated OrderItems can be more costly that loading them up front: you should evaluate the usual size of the collection and do some performance measurement. Make it simple first, optimize if needed.
—Thanks to Jérémie Chassaing and Craig Wilson

Aggregates and process managers

Figure 6 shows the entities that exist in the write-side model. There are two aggregates, Order and SeatsAvailability, each one containing multiple entity types. Also there is a RegistrationProcessManager class to manage the interaction between the aggregates.

The table in the Figure 6 shows how the process manager behaves given a current state and a particular type of incoming message.


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Figure 6

Domain objects in the write model

The process of registering for a conference begins when the UI sends a RegisterToConference command. The infrastructure delivers this command to the Order aggregate. The result of this command is that the system creates a new Order instance, and that the new Order instance raises an OrderPlaced event. The following code sample from the constructor in the Order class shows this happening. Notice how the system uses GUIDs to identify the different entities.

public Order(Guid id, Guid userId, Guid conferenceId, IEnumerable<OrderItem> lines)
    this.Id = id;
    this.UserId = userId;
    this.ConferenceId = conferenceId;
    this.Lines = new ObservableCollection<OrderItem>(items);
        new OrderPlaced
            OrderId = this.Id,
            ConferenceId = this.ConferenceId,
            UserId = this.UserId,
            Seats = this.Lines.Select(x => new OrderPlaced.Seat { SeatTypeId = x.SeatTypeId, Quantity = x.Quantity }).ToArray()


To see how the infrastructure elements deliver commands and events, see Figure 7.

The system creates a new RegistrationProcessManager instance to manage the new order. The following code sample from the RegistrationProcessManager class shows how the process manager handles the event.

public void Handle(OrderPlaced message)
    if (this.State == ProcessState.NotStarted)
        this.OrderId = message.OrderId;
        this.ReservationId = Guid.NewGuid();
        this.State = ProcessState.AwaitingReservationConfirmation;

            new MakeSeatReservation
                ConferenceId = message.ConferenceId,
                ReservationId = this.ReservationId,
                NumberOfSeats = message.Items.Sum(x => x.Quantity)
        throw new InvalidOperationException();

The code sample shows how the process manager changes its state and sends a new MakeSeatReservation command that the SeatsAvailability aggregate handles. The code sample also illustrates how the process manager is implemented as a state machine that receives messages, changes its state, and sends new messages.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifMarkus Says:
Markus Notice how we generate a new globally unique identifier (GUID) to identify the new reservation. We use these GUIDs to correlate messages to the correct process manager and aggregate instances.

When the SeatsAvailability aggregate receives a MakeReservation command, it makes a reservation if there are enough available seats. The following code sample shows how the SeatsAvailability class raises different events depending on whether or not there are sufficient seats.

public void MakeReservation(Guid reservationId, int numberOfSeats)
    if (numberOfSeats > this.RemainingSeats)
    { ReservationRejected { ReservationId = reservationId, ConferenceId = this.Id });
        this.PendingReservations.Add(new Reservation(reservationId, numberOfSeats));
        this.RemainingSeats -= numberOfSeats; ReservationAccepted { ReservationId = reservationId, ConferenceId = this.Id });

The RegistrationProcessManager class handles the ReservationAccepted and ReservationRejected events. This reservation is a temporary reservation for seats to give the user the opportunity to make a payment. The process manager is responsible for releasing the reservation when either the purchase is complete, or the reservation timeout period expires. The following code sample shows how the process manager handles these two messages.

public void Handle(ReservationAccepted message)
    if (this.State == ProcessState.AwaitingReservationConfirmation)
        this.State = ProcessState.AwaitingPayment;

        this.AddCommand(new MarkOrderAsBooked { OrderId = this.OrderId });
            new Envelope<ICommand>(new ExpireOrder { OrderId = this.OrderId, ConferenceId = message.ConferenceId })
                Delay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15),
        throw new InvalidOperationException();

public void Handle(ReservationRejected message)
    if (this.State == ProcessState.AwaitingReservationConfirmation)
        this.State = ProcessState.Completed;
        this.AddCommand(new RejectOrder { OrderId = this.OrderId });
        throw new InvalidOperationException();

If the reservation is accepted, the process manager starts a timer running by sending an ExpireOrder command to itself, and sends a MarkOrderAsBooked command to the Order aggregate. Otherwise, it sends a ReservationRejected message back to the Order aggregate.

The previous code sample shows how the process manager sends the ExpireOrder command. The infrastructure is responsible for holding the message in a queue for the delay of fifteen minutes.

You can examine the code in the Order, SeatsAvailability, and RegistrationProcessManager classes to see how the other message handlers are implemented. They all follow the same pattern: receive a message, perform some logic, and send a message.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifJana Says:
Jana The code samples shown in this chapter are from an early version of the conference management system. The next chapter shows how the design and implementation evolved as the team explored the domain and learned more about the CQRS pattern.


The sequence diagram in Figure 7 shows how the infrastructure elements interact with the domain objects to deliver messages.

Follow link to expand image

Figure 7

Infrastructure sequence diagram

A typical interaction begins when an MVC controller in the UI sends a message using the command bus. The message sender invokes the Send method on the command bus asynchronously. The command bus then stores the message until the message recipient retrieves the message and forwards it to the appropriate handler. The system includes a number of command handlers that register with the command bus to handle specific types of commands. For example, the OrderCommandHandler class defines handler methods for the RegisterToConference, MarkOrderAsBooked, and RejectOrder commands. The following code sample shows the handler method for the MarkOrderAsBooked command. Handler methods are responsible for locating the correct aggregate instance, calling methods on that instance, and then saving that instance.

public void Handle(MarkOrderAsBooked command)
    var repository = this.repositoryFactory();

    using (repository as IDisposable)
        var order = repository.Find<Order>(command.OrderId);

        if (order != null)

The class that implements the IRepository interface is responsible for persisting the aggregate and publishing any events raised by the aggregate on the event bus, all as part of a transaction.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifCarlos Says:
Carlos The team later discovered an issue with this when they tried to use Azure Service Bus as the messaging infrastructure. Azure Service Bus does not support distributed transactions with databases. For a discussion of this issue, see Chapter 5, "Preparing for the V1 Release."

The only event subscriber in the reservations bounded context is the RegistrationProcessManager class. Its router subscribes to the event bus to handle specific events, as shown in the following code sample from the RegistrationProcessManager class.


We use the term handler to refer to the classes that handle commands and events and forward them to aggregate instances, and the term router to refer to the classes that handle events and commands and forward them to process manager instances.

public void Handle(ReservationAccepted @event)
    var repo = this.repositoryFactory.Invoke();
    using (repo as IDisposable)
        lock (lockObject)
            var process = repo.Find<RegistrationProcessManager>(@event.ReservationId);


Typically, an event handler method loads a process manager instance, passes the event to the process manager, and then persists the process manager instance. In this case, the IRepository instance is responsible for persisting the process manager instance and for sending any commands from the process manager instance to the command bus.

Using the Azure Service Bus

To transport command and event messages, the team decided to use the Azure Service Bus to provide the low-level messaging infrastructure. This section describes how the system uses the Azure Service Bus and some of the alternatives and trade-offs the team considered during the design phase.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifJana Says:
Jana The team at Contoso decided to use the Azure Service Bus because it offers out-of-the-box support for the messaging scenarios in the conference management system. This minimizes the amount of code that the team needs to write, and provides for a robust, scalable messaging infrastructure. The team plans to use features such as duplicate message detection and guaranteed message ordering. For a summary of the differences between Azure Service Bus and Azure Queues, see "Microsoft Azure Queues and Microsoft Azure Service Bus Queues - Compared and Contrasted" on MSDN.

Figure 8 shows how both command and event messages flow through the system. MVC controllers in the UI and domain objects use CommandBus and EventBus instances to send BrokeredMessage messages to one of the two topics in the Azure Service Bus. To receive messages, the handler classes register with the CommandProcessor and EventProcessor instances that retrieve messages from the topics by using the SubscriptionReceiver class. The CommandProcessor class determines which single handler should receive a command message; the EventProcessor class determines which handlers should receive an event message. The handler instances are responsible for invoking methods on the domain objects.


An Azure Service Bus topic can have multiple subscribers. The Azure Service Bus delivers messages sent to a topic to all its subscribers. Therefore, one message can have multiple recipients.

Follow link to expand image

Figure 8

Message flows through an Azure Service Bus topic

In the initial implementation, the CommandBus and EventBus classes are very similar. The only difference between the Send method and the Publish method is that the Send method expects the message to be wrapped in an Envelope class. The Envelope class enables the sender to specify a time delay for the message delivery.

Events can have multiple recipients. In the example shown in Figure 8, the ReservationRejected event is sent to the RegistrationProcessManager, the WaitListProcessManager, and one other destination. The EventProcessor class identifies the list of handlers to receive the event by examining its list of registered handlers.

A command has only one recipient. In Figure 8, the MakeSeatReservation is sent to the SeatsAvailability aggregate. There is just a single handler registered for this subscription. The CommandProcessor class identifies the handler to receive the command by examining its list of registered handlers.

This implementation gives rise to a number of questions:

  • How do you limit delivery of a command to a single recipient?
  • Why have separate CommandBus and EventBus classes if they are so similar?
  • How scalable is this approach?
  • How robust is this approach?
  • What is the granularity of a topic and a subscription?
  • How are commands and events serialized?

The following sections discuss these questions.

Delivering a command to a single recipient

This discussion assumes you that you have a basic understanding of the differences between Azure Service Bus queues and topics. For an introduction to Azure Service Bus, see "Technologies Used in the Reference Implementation" in the Reference Guide.

With the implementation shown in Figure 8, two things are necessary to ensure that a single handler handles a command message. First, there should only be a single subscription to the conference/commands topic in Azure Service Bus; remember that an Azure Service Bus topic may have multiple subscribers. Second, the CommandProcessor should invoke a single handler for each command message that it receives. There is no way in Azure Service Bus to restrict a topic to a single subscription; therefore, the developers must be careful to create just a single subscription on a topic that is delivering commands.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifGary Says:
Gary A separate issue is to ensure that the handler retrieves commands from the topic and processes them only once. You must ensure either that the command is idempotent, or that the system guarantees to process the command only once. The team will address this issue in a later stage of the journey. See Chapter 7, "Adding Resilience and Optimizing Performance" for more information.


It is possible to have multiple SubscriptionReceiver instances running, perhaps in multiple worker role instances. If multiple SubscriptionReceiver instances can receive messages from the same topic subscription, then the first one to call the Receive method on the SubscriptionClient object will get and handle the command.

An alternative approach is to use a Azure Service Bus queue in place of a topic for delivering command messages. Azure Service Bus queues differ from topics in that they are designed to deliver messages to a single recipient instead of to multiple recipients through multiple subscriptions. The developers plan to evaluate this option in more detail with the intention of implementing this approach later in the project.

The following code sample from the SubscriptionReceiver class shows how it receives a message from the topic subscription.

private SubscriptionClient client;


private void ReceiveMessages(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
        BrokeredMessage message = null;

            message = this.receiveRetryPolicy.ExecuteAction<BrokeredMessage>(this.DoReceiveMessage);
        catch (Exception e)
            Trace.TraceError("An unrecoverable error occurred while trying to receive a new message:\r\n{0}", e);


            if (message == null)

            this.MessageReceived(this, new BrokeredMessageEventArgs(message));
            if (message != null)

protected virtual BrokeredMessage DoReceiveMessage()
    return this.client.Receive(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifJana Says:
Jana This code sample shows how the system uses the Transient Fault Handling Application Block to retrieve messages reliably from the topic.

The Azure Service Bus SubscriptionClient class uses a peek/lock technique to retrieve a message from a subscription. In the code sample, the Receive method locks the message on the subscription. While the message is locked, other clients cannot see it. The Receive method then tries to process the message. If the client processes the message successfully, it calls the Complete method; this deletes the message from the subscription. Otherwise, if the client fails to process the message successfully, it calls the Abandon method; this releases the lock on the message and the same, or a different client can then receive it. If the client does not call either the Complete or Abandon methods within a fixed time, the lock on the message is released.


The MessageReceived event passes a reference to the SubscriptionReceiver instance so that the handler can call either the Complete or Abandon methods when it processes the message.

The following code sample from the MessageProcessor class shows how to call the Complete and Abandon methods using the BrokeredMessage instance passed as a parameter to the MessageReceived event.

private void OnMessageReceived(object sender, BrokeredMessageEventArgs args)
    var message = args.Message;

    object payload;
    using (var stream = message.GetBody<Stream>())
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
        payload = this.serializer.Deserialize(reader);



    catch (Exception e)
        if (args.Message.DeliveryCount > MaxProcessingRetries)
            Trace.TraceWarning("An error occurred while processing a new message and will be dead-lettered:\r\n{0}", e);
            message.SafeDeadLetter(e.Message, e.ToString());
            Trace.TraceWarning("An error occurred while processing a new message and will be abandoned:\r\n{0}", e);


    Trace.TraceInformation("The message has been processed and will be completed.");


This example uses an extension method to invoke the Complete and Abandon methods of the BrokeredMessage reliably using the Transient Fault Handling Application Block.

Why have separate CommandBus and EventBus classes?

Although at this early stage in the development of the conference management system the implementations of the CommandBus and EventBus classes are very similar and you may wonder why we have both, the team anticipates that they will diverge in the future.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifMarkus Says:
Markus There may be differences in how we invoke handlers and what context we capture for them: commands may want to capture additional runtime state, whereas events typically don't need to. Because of these potential future differences, I didn't want to unify the implementations. I've been there before and ended up splitting them when further requirements came in.

How scalable is this approach?

With this approach, you can run multiple instances of the SubscriptionReceiver class and the various handlers in different Azure worker role instances, which enables you to scale out your solution. You can also have multiple instances of the CommandBus, EventBus, and TopicSender classes in different Azure worker role instances.

For information about scaling the Azure Service Bus infrastructure, see Best Practices for Performance Improvements Using Service Bus Brokered Messaging on MSDN.

How robust is this approach?

This approach uses the brokered messaging option of the Azure Service Bus to provide asynchronous messaging. The Service Bus reliably stores messages until consumers connect and retrieve their messages.

Also, the peek/lock approach to retrieving messages from a queue or topic subscription adds reliability in the scenario in which a message consumer fails while it is processing the message. If a consumer fails before it calls the Complete method, the message is still available for processing when the consumer restarts.

What is the granularity of a topic and a subscription?

The current implementation uses a single topic (conference/commands) for all commands within the system, and a single topic (conference/events) for all events within the system. There is a single subscription for each topic, and each subscription receives all of the messages published to the topic. It is the responsibility of the CommandProcessor and EventProcessor classes to deliver the messages to the correct handlers.

In the future, the team will examine the options of using multiple topics—for example, using a separate command topic for each bounded context; and multiple subscriptions—such as one per event type. These alternatives may simplify the code and facilitate scaling of the application across multiple worker roles.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifJana Says:
Jana There are no costs associated with having multiple topics, subscriptions, or queues. Azure Service Bus usage is billed based on the number of messages sent and the amount of data transferred out of a Azure sub-region.

How are commands and events serialized?

The Contoso Conference Management System uses the Json.NET serializer. For details on how the application uses this serializer, see "Technologies Used in the Reference Implementation" in the Reference Guide.

"You should consider whether you always need to use the Azure Service Bus for commands. Commands are typically used within a bounded context and you may not need to send them across a process boundary (on the write side you may not need additional tiers), in which case you could use an in memory queue to deliver your commands."
—Greg Young, conversation with the patterns & practices team

Impact on testing

Because this was the first bounded context the team tackled, one of the key concerns was how to approach testing given that the team wanted to adopt a test-driven development approach. The following conversation between two developers about how to do TDD when they are implementing the CQRS pattern without event sourcing summarizes their thoughts:

Developer 1: If we were using event sourcing, it would be easy to use a TDD approach when we were creating our domain objects. The input to the test would be a command (that perhaps originated in the UI), and we could then test that the domain object fires the expected events. However if we're not using event sourcing, we don't have any events: the behavior of the domain object is to persist its changes in data store through an ORM layer.
Developer 2: So why don't we raise events anyway? Just because we're not using event sourcing doesn't mean that our domain objects can't raise events. We can then design our tests in the usual way to check for the correct events firing in response to a command.
Developer 1: Isn't that just making things more complicated than they need to be? One of the motivations for using CQRS is to simplify things! We now have domain objects that need to persist their state using an ORM layer and raise events that report on what they have persisted just so we can run our unit tests.
Developer 2: I see what you mean.
Developer 1: Perhaps we're getting stuck on how we're doing the tests. Maybe instead of designing our tests based on the expected behavior of the domain objects, we should think about testing the state of the domain objects after they've processed a command.
Developer 2: That should be easy to do; after all, the domain objects will have all of the data we want to check stored in properties so that the ORM can persist the right information to the store.
Developer 1: So we really just need to think about a different style of testing in this scenario.
Developer 2: There is another aspect of this we'll need to consider: we might have a set of tests that we can use to test our domain objects, and all of those tests might be passing. We might also have a set of tests to verify that our ORM layer can save and retrieve objects successfully. However, we will also have to test that our domain objects function correctly when we run them against the ORM layer. It's possible that a domain object performs the correct business logic, but can't properly persist its state, perhaps because of a problem related to how the ORM handles specific data types.

For more information about the two approaches to testing discussed here, see Martin Fowler's article "Mocks Aren't Stubs" and "Point/Counterpoint" by Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce, and Joshua Kerievsky.


The tests included in the solution are written using

The following code sample shows two examples of tests written using the behavioral approach discussed above.

JJ591570.note(en-us,PandP.10).gifMarkus Says:
Markus These are the tests we started with, but we then replaced them with state-based tests.
public SeatsAvailability given_available_seats()
    var sut = new SeatsAvailability(SeatTypeId);
    return sut;

public void when_reserving_less_seats_than_total_then_succeeds()
    var sut = this.given_available_seats();
    sut.MakeReservation(Guid.NewGuid(), 4);

public void when_reserving_more_seats_than_total_then_fails()
    var sut = this.given_available_seats();
    sut.MakeReservation(Guid.NewGuid(), 11);

These two tests work together to verify the behavior of the SeatsAvailability aggregate. In the first test, the expected behavior is that the MakeReservation method succeeds and does not throw an exception. In the second test, the expected behavior is for the MakeReservation method to throw an exception because there are not enough free seats available to complete the reservation.

It is difficult to test the behavior in any other way without the aggregate raising events. For example, if you tried to test the behavior by checking that the correct call is made to persist the aggregate to the data store, the test becomes coupled to the data store implementation (which is a smell); if you want to change the data store implementation, you will need to change the tests on the aggregates in the domain model.

The following code sample shows an example of a test written using the state of the objects under test. This style of test is the one used in the project.

public class given_available_seats
    private static readonly Guid SeatTypeId = Guid.NewGuid();

    private SeatsAvailability sut;
    private IPersistenceProvider sutProvider;

    protected given_available_seats(IPersistenceProvider sutProvider)
        this.sutProvider = sutProvider;
        this.sut = new SeatsAvailability(SeatTypeId);

        this.sut = this.sutProvider.PersistReload(this.sut);

    public given_available_seats()
        : this(new NoPersistenceProvider())

    public void when_reserving_less_seats_than_total_then_seats_become_unavailable()
        this.sut.MakeReservation(Guid.NewGuid(), 4);
        this.sut = this.sutProvider.PersistReload(this.sut);

        Assert.Equal(6, this.sut.RemainingSeats);

    public void when_reserving_more_seats_than_total_then_rejects()
        var id = Guid.NewGuid();
        sut.MakeReservation(id, 11);

        Assert.Equal(1, sut.Events.Count());
        Assert.Equal(id, ((ReservationRejected)sut.Events.Single()).ReservationId);

The two tests shown here test the state of the SeatsAvailability aggregate after invoking the MakeReservation method. The first test tests the scenario in which there are enough seats available. The second test tests the scenario in which there are not enough seats available. This second test can make use of the behavior of the SeatsAvailability aggregate because the aggregate does raise an event if it rejects a reservation.


In the first stage in our journey, we explored some of the basics of implementing the CQRS pattern and made some preparations for the next stages.

The next chapter describes how we extended and enhanced the work already completed by adding more features and functionality to the Orders and Registrations bounded context. We will also look at some additional testing techniques to see how they might help us on our journey.

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