ChatHistoryQueryOptions |
Parameters which specify a chat history query. |
ChatHistoryResult |
A collection of Messages for a single chat room, which match the requested ChatHistoryQueryOptions. Returned as the result of a chat history query. |
ChatMessage |
Represents a message that was posted to a chat room. |
ChatMessageReceivedEventArgs |
Event argument forwarded by a ChatRoomSession when a message is received. |
ChatRoom |
Describes a chat room. A chat room is a topic oriented, access controlled forum for posting real-time messages to be shared with a group of users. Chat rooms optionally support logging of chat history, which is available to members for review or query. To obtain a reference to a ChatRoom, and access other metadata about the chat room, see ChatRoomManagementServices. |
ChatRoomCategory |
Describes a chat room category. A chat room category is a logical structure for organizing chat rooms. To obtain a reference to a ChatRoomCategory, and access other metadata about it, see CategoryManagementServices. |
ChatRoomCategorySettings |
Settings needed for creating a chat room category. |
ChatRoomCategorySummary |
Basic information about a chat room category. |
ChatRoomFileDownloadJob |
Provides metadata and controls for handling a file download operation with a chat room. |
ChatRoomFileTransferProgressEventArgs |
Event argument forwarded by a ChatRoomFileDownloadJob or ChatRoomFileUploadJob when file transfer progress has changed. |
ChatRoomFileUploadJob |
Provides metadata and controls for handling a file upload operation with a chat room. |
ChatRoomInvitationEventArgs |
Event argument forwarded by a GroupChatEndpoint when a chat room invitation is received. |
ChatRoomParticipant |
Represents a user that is actively joined to a ChatRoomSession. |
ChatRoomPropertiesChangedEventArgs |
Event argument forwarded by a ChatRoomSession when the properties of the chat room have changed. |
ChatRoomSession |
Enables a user to join a chat room. When joined to a chat room, a user can send and receive chat messages in real time. |
ChatRoomSessionStateChangedEventArgs |
Event argument forwarded by a ChatRoomSession when the participation status of the currently logged in user has changed. |
ChatRoomSessionStateException |
Thrown when an operation is attempted on a ChatRoomSession, which is not supported based on its current state. |
ChatRoomSettings |
Settings needed for creating a chat room. |
ChatRoomSnapshot |
Returned from a request to browse chat rooms. |
ChatRoomSummary |
Basic information about a chat room. |
ChatServerConnectionException |
Thrown when the GroupChatEndpoint fails to connect to the Group Chat server, or when a request is made when the GroupChatEndpoint is not in a valid state. |
CommandFailedException |
Thrown when the group chat server encounters an error while processing a request. |
FormattedOutboundChatMessage |
Used to construct a chat message that contains formatted parts, such as emoticons, hyperlinks, and chat room links. Once constructed, you must invoke one or more of the Append methods before sending this message (see BeginSendChatMessage(FormattedOutboundChatMessage, AsyncCallback, Object)). |
GroupChatAddIn |
An add-in is a web-based application which can be associated with a chat room (see AddIn). |
GroupChatEndpoint |
An endpoint which is the basis for all communication with the Group Chat server. This endpoint represents a single connection to a single group chat server, using an existing LocalEndpoint instance. |
GroupChatEndpointStateChangedEventArgs |
Event argument forwarded by a GroupChatEndpointwhen the state of the group chat server connection has changed. |
GroupChatException |
Represents the base class for all exceptions defined in the Microsoft Group Chat API. |
GroupChatPreferenceBundle |
Describes an arbitrary block of Data which a group chat application may define for storing user preferences and settings, or any other purpose. |
GroupChatServerConfiguration |
Properties and configuration settings which apply to the group chat server to which the GroupChatEndpoint has connected. |
GroupChatServices |
Provides access to a wide variety of Group Chat features and services. For a list of these features and services, see the Remarks section below. |
InheritedChatRoomProperty |
Represents a Boolean value of a property which is derived from information associated with an entity, as well as information associated with the logical parent or parents of an entity. |
MessagePart |
Base class for all supported message parts. A message part is a portion of a message which can be parsed into an object. Examples include emoticons, hyperlinks, chat room links, and file download links. |
MessagePartChatRoomLink |
A portion of a message that represents a chat room link. |
MessagePartEmoticon |
A portion of a message which represents an emoticon. |
MessagePartFileDownloadLink |
A portion of a message which represents a downloadable file. This message part cannot be used for sending messages, it is only used for parsing inbound messages. |
MessagePartHyperLink |
A portion of a message which represents a hyperlink, such as http://www.microsoft.com. |
MessagePartPlainText |
A portion of a message which represents a simple, plain-text string. |
MessagePartStoryTitle |
A portion of a message which represents a story title. |
ParticipantAttendanceChangedEventArgs |
Event argument forwarded by a ChatRoomSession when a user enters or leaves the room. |
ParticipantLeftEventArgs |
Event argument forwarded by a ChatRoomSession when another user leaves the chat room. |
ParticipantPrivilegeChangedEventArgs |
Event argument forwarded by a ChatRoomSession when the privileges of a user have changed. For more information, see IsManager and IsPresenter. |