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docPr element [Word 2003 XML Reference] --  Microsoft Office Word 2003 XML Software Development Kit

docPr element [Word 2003 XML Reference]

Represents the document properties.


<docPr />

Element Information

Element type docPrElt
Schema name XML Document 2003

Elements and Attributes

Parent Elements

Element Description
wordDocument Represents the root element for the document.

Child Elements

Element Description
view Controls the view mode in Word.
zoom Controls how large or small the document appears on the screen in Word.
removePersonalInformation Helps avoid unintentionally distributing hidden information, such as the document's author or the names associated with comments or tracked changes (Security option).
dontDisplayPageBoundaries Turns off display of the space between the top of the text and the top edge of the page (View option).
displayBackgroundShape Controls display of the background shape in print layout view (View option).
printPostScriptOverText Allows PostScript code in PRINT fields in a document to print on top of the document text instead of underneath it (Print option). This elements setting has no effect if a document does not contain PRINT fields.
printFractionalCharacterWidth Word for the Macintosh setting that has no effect in other versions of Word (Print option).
printFormsData Prints the data entered into an online form without printing the online form (Print option).
embedTrueTypeFonts Stores the TrueType fonts used to create this document along with the document (Save option). Others who open the document will be able to view and print it with the fonts used to create it, even if those fonts aren't installed on their computer. (NOTE: TrueType fonts are not embedded in XML files.)
doNotEmbedSystemFonts For the TrueType fonts in your document, does not embed fonts that are likely to already be installed on a computer (Save option). This option takes effect only when Embed TrueType Fonts option is on.
saveSubsetFonts For the TrueType fonts in your document, embeds only the font styles you actually used in the document, which may decrease the file size of your document (Save option). If you used 32 or fewer characters of a font, Word embeds only those characters. This option takes effect only when Embed TrueType Fonts option is on.
saveFormsData Saves the data entered in an online form as a single, tab-delimited record so you can use it in a database. Word saves the file in Text Only file format.
mirrorMargins For multiple page documents, swaps left and right margins on facing pages (Page Setup Margins option).
alignBordersAndEdges Aligns paragraph borders and tables with the page border throughout the document (Page Border option). Setting this element to on eliminates any gaps between adjoining borders. However, Word aligns, or snaps, text to the edge of a table only if the text is one character width (10.5 points) or less from the page border.
bordersDontSurroundHeader Causes the page border to exclude the header (Page Border option).
bordersDontSurroundFooter Causes the page border to exclude the footer (Page Border option).
gutterAtTop Positions the gutter at the top of a document (Page Setup Margins option). If you have set up your document with facing pages or two pages per sheet (by selecting the Mirror margins, Book fold, or 2 pages per sheet setting for the Multiple Pages list in the Page Setup dialog box), gutterAtTop is ignored.
hideSpellingErrors Hides the wavy red line under possible spelling errors in your document (Spelling and Grammar option).
hideGrammaticalErrors Hides the wavy green line under possible grammatical errors in your document (Spelling and Grammar option).
activeWritingStyle Specifies the writing style you want Word to use to when checking grammar in this document (Spelling and Grammar option)
proofState Represents the state of the proofing tools in this document: clean (no errors found) or dirty (errors present in the document).
formsDesign Specifies whether the document is in forms design mode. In this mode, you can edit or create a form by using the ActiveX controls in the Control Toolbox toolbar.
attachedTemplate Specifies the template that's attached to this document (Templates and Add-Ins option)
linkStyles Updates the styles in this document to match the styles in the attached template each time you open the document (Templates and Add-Ins option). This ensures that your document contains up-to-date style formatting.
stylePaneFormatFilter Represents a bitmask that controls the display of styles in the Styles and Formatting task pane.
topicType Specifies the document type used by the AutoFormat feature.
mailMerge Contains the elements that hold mail-merge information for this document.
revisionView Determines how document revisions are viewed.
trackRevisions Marks changes in the current document and keeps track of each change by reviewer name.
documentProtection Helps prevent unintentional changes to all or part of an online form or document, as specified (Protect Document option).
autoFormatOverride Allows the AutoFormat feature to override formatting restrictions (Protect Document option).
defaultTabStop Specifies the default spacing between tab stops (Format Tabs option).
autoHyphenation Automatically hyphenates the document as you type (Language Hyphenation option).
consecutiveHyphenLimit Specifies the maximum number of consecutive lines of text that can end with a hyphen (Language Hyphenation option).
hyphenationZone Specifies the distance from the right margin within which you want to hyphenate your document (Language Hyphenation option). Word hyphenates words that fall into the hyphenation zone. A smaller zone reduces the raggedness of the right margin, but more words may require hyphens. A larger zone increases the raggedness of the right margin, but fewer words may require hyphens.
doNotHyphenateCaps Causes Word to not hyphenate words written in all capital letters (Language Hyphenation option).
showEnvelope Displays the Microsoft Office Outlook e-mail header in a document.
summaryLength Specifies the size for an automatic document summary (AutoSummary option).
clickAndTypeStyle Specifies the style to be used when automatically formatting paragraphs as a result of double-clicking any open area in the document (Edit option).
defaultTableStyle Specifies the default table style for new documents (Table AutoFormat option).
evenAndOddHeaders Creates one header or footer for even-numbered pages and a different header or footer for odd-numbered pages (Page Setup Layout option).
bookFoldRevPrinting For multiple-page documents, specifies whether to print the document as a reverse book fold (Page Setup Margin option).
bookFoldPrinting For multiple-page documents, specifies whether to print the document as a book fold (Page Setup Margin option).
bookFoldPrintingSheets For multiple-page documents with book fold and reverse book fold printing, sets the number of sheets per booklet (Page Setup Margin option).
drawingGridHorizontalSpacing Specifies the amount of horizontal space between vertical gridlines (Drawing Grid option).
drawingGridVerticalSpacing Specifies the amount of vertical space between horizontal gridlines (Drawing Grid option).
displayHorizontalDrawingGridEvery Specifies the amount of space between horizontal gridlines drawn on the screen (Drawing Grid option).
displayVerticalDrawingGridEvery Specifies the amount of space between vertical gridlines drawn on the screen (Drawing Grid option).
useMarginsForDrawingGridOrigin If set to on overrides the settings for drawingGridHorizontalOrigin and drawingGridVerticalOrigin and sets the upper-left corner of the document area within the margins as the grid origin (Drawing Grid option).
drawingGridHorizontalOrigin Specifies the point at the left edge of the page where you want the invisible grid to begin (Drawing Grid option). This setting is ignored when useMarginsForDrawingGridOrigin is set to on.
drawingGridVerticalOrigin Specifies the point at the top edge of the page where you want the invisible grid to begin (Drawing Grid option). This setting is ignored when useMarginsForDrawingGridOrigin is set to on.
doNotShadeFormData Specifies whether to turn off the gray shading on form fields.
punctuationKerning When kerning for Latin text is turned on, also kern punctuation text (Asian Typography option).
characterSpacingControl Sets the blank-space compression option you want for Asian characters (Asian Typography option). The equivalent in HTML is setting text-justify-trim on the BODY element.
printTwoOnOne For multiple page documents, prints two pages per sheet (Page Setup Margins option).
strictFirstAndLastChars Specifies whether to use standard characters to start and end lines of text (Asian Typography option).
noLineBreaksAfter Specifies which characters are restricted from ending a line (Asian Typography option).
noLineBreaksBefore Specifies which characters are restricted from starting a line (Asian Typography option).
webPageEncoding Specifies the encoding you want to use when you save as a Web page (Web option).
optimizeForBrowser Specifies whether to disable features not supported by Web browsers (Web option).
relyOnVML Specifies whether to rely on Vector Markup Language (VML) for displaying graphics in browsers (Web option).
allowPNG Specifies whether to allow Portable Network Graphics (PNG ) as a graphic format (Web option).
doNotRelyOnCSS Turns off cascading style sheets (CSS) for font formatting of Web pages (Web option).
doNotSaveWebPagesAsSingleFile When saving this file as a Web page, does not save as a single-file Web page (MHTML) (Web option).
doNotOrganizeInFolder When saving as a Web page, causes all supporting files such as bullets, background textures, and graphics to be stored in the same folder as the Web page.
doNotUseLongFileNames Disables long file names for Web pages, which forces a file name of no more than eight characters (Web option).
pixelsPerInch The number of pixels per inch that you want for the display of pictures in Web pages (Web option). The size that you select affects the size of graphics relative to the size of text on the screen.
targetScreenSz Specifies the monitor resolution (screen size) that you are optimizing your Web pages for (Web option). The screen size that you specify can affect the size and layout of images on Web pages.
savePreviewPicture Saves a picture of the first page of the file for previewing (Document Properties Summary option). This option has no effect if the document is saved as XML.
validateAgainstSchema Validates document against attached schemas (Templates and Add-Ins XML Schema option).
saveInvalidXML Specifies whether to allow saving as XML even if the XML is not valid (Templates and Add-Ins XML Schema option).
ignoreMixedContent Specifies whether save and validate ignores all text not in leaf nodes (Templates and Add-Ins XML Schema option).
alwaysShowPlaceholderText Turns on display of placeholder text for all empty leaf elements.
doNotUnderlineInvalidXML Turns off wavy underline of schema violations in document (Templates and Add-Ins XML Schema option).
removeWordSchemaOnSave Saves data only, removing all elements in the WordprocessingML Schema when saving as XML (XML Save option).
useXSLTWhenSaving Specifies whether to apply a custom transform when saving the document as XML (XML Save option).
saveThroughXSLT Specifies the custom transform to apply when saving document as XML (XML Save option).
showXMLTags Turns on display of XML elements in document.
alwaysMergeEmptyNamespace Controls how empty namespace elements that do not belong to a schema are handled. If set to on, these elements will not be removed. If set to off, they will be removed.
hdrShapeDefaults Represents wrapper for the shape defaults of the headers and footers.
footnotePr Represents document-wide footnote properties, including footnote separators.
endnotePr Represents document-wide endnote properties, including endnote separators.
compat Contains compatibility options (that is, the user preferences entered on the Compatibility tab of the Options dialog in Word).
docVars Contains document variables from documents created in Word version 6.0/95 or earlier.




<xsd:element name="docPr" type="docPrElt" minOccurs="0" >

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