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How to: Use a Recordset Destination

The Recordset destination does not save data to an external data source. Instead, the Recordset destination saves data in memory in a recordset that is stored in an Integration Services package variable of the Object data type. After the Recordset destination saves the data, you typically use a Foreach Loop container with the Foreach ADO enumerator to process one row of the recordset at a time. The Foreach ADO enumerator saves the value from each column of the current row into a separate package variable. Then, the tasks that you configure inside the Foreach Loop container read those values from the variables and perform some action with them.

You can use the Recordset destination in many different scenarios. Here are some examples:

  • You can use a Send Mail task and the Integration Services expression language to send a customized e-mail message for each row in the recordset.

  • You can use a Script component configured as a source, inside a Data Flow task, to read the column values into the columns of the data flow. Then, you can use transformations and destinations to transform and save the row. In this example, the Data Flow task runs once for each row.

The following sections first describe the general process of using the Recordset destination and then show a specific example of how to use the destination.

General Steps to Using a Recordset Destination

The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required to save data to a Recordset destination, and then use the Foreach Loop container to process each row.

To save data to a Recordset destination and process each row by using the Foreach Loop container

  1. In Business Intelligence Development Studio, create or open an Integration Services package.

  2. Create a variable that will contain the recordset saved into memory by the Recordset destination, and set the variable's type to Object.

  3. Create additional variables of the appropriate types to contain the values of each column in the recordset that you want to use.

  4. Add and configure the connection manager required by the data source that you plan to use in your data flow.

  5. Add a Data Flow task to the package, and on the Data Flow tab of SSIS Designer, configure sources and transformations to load and transform the data.

  6. Add a Recordset destination to the data flow and connect it to the transformations. For the VariableName property of the Recordset destination, enter the name of the variable that you created to hold the recordset.

  7. On the Control Flow tab of SSIS Designer, add a Foreach Loop container and connect this container after the Data Flow task. Then, open the Foreach Loop Editor to configure the container with the following settings:

    1. On the Collection page, select the Foreach ADO Enumerator. Then, for ADO object source variable, select the variable that contains the recordset.

    2. On the Variable Mappings page, map the zero-based index of each column that you want to use to the appropriate variable.

      On each iteration of the loop, the enumerator populates these variables with the column values from the current row.

  8. Inside the Foreach Loop container, add and configure tasks to process one row of the recordset at a time by reading the values from the variables.

Example of Using the Recordset Destination

In the following example, the Data Flow task loads information about AdventureWorks2008R2 employees from the Sales.SalesPerson table into a Recordset destination. Then, a Foreach Loop container reads one row of data at a time, and calls a Send Mail task. The Send Mail task uses expressions to send a customized e-mail message to each salesperson about the amount of his or her bonus.

To create the project and configure the variables

  1. In BI Development Studio, create a new Integration Services project.

  2. On the SSIS menu, select Variables.

  3. In the Variables window, create the variables that will hold the recordset and the column values from the current row:

    1. Create a variable named, BonusRecordset, and set its type to Object.

      The BonusRecordset variable holds the recordset.

    2. Create a variable named, EmailAddress, and set its type to String.

      The EmailAddress variable holds the salesperson's e-mail address.

    3. Create a variable named, FirstName, and set its type to String.

      The FirstName variable holds the salesperson's first name.

    4. Create a variable named, Bonus, and set its type to Double.

      The Bonus variable holds the amount of the salesperson's bonus.

To configure the connection managers

  1. In the Connection Managers area of the SSIS Designer, add and configure a new OLE DB connection manager that connects to the AdventureWorks2008R2 sample database.

    The OLE DB source in the Data Flow task will use this connection manager to retrieve data.

  2. In the Connection Managers area, add and configure a new SMTP connection manager that connects to an available SMTP server.

    The Send Mail task inside the Foreach Loop container will use this connection manager to send emails.

To configure the data flow and the Recordset Destination

  1. On the Control Flow tab of SSIS Designer, add a Data Flow task to the design surface.

  2. On the Data Flow tab, add an OLE DB source to the Data Flow task, and then open the OLE DB Source Editor.

  3. On the Connection Manager page of the editor, configure the source with the following settings:

    1. For OLE DB connection manager, select the OLE DB connection manager that you previously created.

    2. For Data access mode, select SQL command.

    3. For SQL command text, enter the following query:

      SELECT     Sales.vSalesPerson.EmailAddress, Sales.vSalesPerson.FirstName, CONVERT(float, Sales.SalesPerson.Bonus) AS Bonus
      FROM         Sales.SalesPerson INNER JOIN
                            Sales.vSalesPerson ON Sales.SalesPerson.BusinessEntityID = Sales.vSalesPerson.BusinessEntityID;


      You have to convert the currency value in the Bonus column to a float before you can load that value into a package variable whose type is Double.

  4. On the Data Flow tab, add a Recordset destination, and connect the destination after the OLE DB source.

  5. Open the Recordset Destination Editor, and configure the destination with the following settings:

    1. On the Component Properties tab, for VariableName property, select User::BonusRecordset.

    2. On the Input Columns tab, select all three of the available columns.

To configure the Foreach Loop container and run the package

  1. On the Control Flow tab of SSIS Designer, add a Foreach Loop container, and connect the container after the Data Flow task.

  2. Open the Foreach Loop Editor, and configure the container with the following settings:

    1. On the Collection page, for Enumerator, select Foreach ADO Enumerator, and for ADO object source variable, select User::BonusRecordset.

    2. On the Variable Mappings page, map User::EmailAddress to index 0, User::FirstName to index 1, and User::Bonus to index 2.

  3. On the Control Flow tab, inside the Foreach Loop container, add a Send Mail task.

  4. Open the Send Mail Task Editor, and then on the Mail page, configure the task with the following settings:

    1. For SmtpConnection, select the SMTP connection manager that was configured previously.

    2. For From, enter an appropriate e-mail address.

      If you use your own e-mail address, you will be able to confirm that the package runs successfully. You will receive undeliverable receipts for the messages sent by the Send Mail task to the fictitious salespersons of AdventureWorks2008R2.

    3. For To, enter a default e-mail address.

      This value will not be used, but will be replaced at run time by the e-mail address of each salesperson.

    4. For Subject, enter "Your annual bonus".

    5. For MessageSourceType, select Direct Input.

  5. On the Expressions page of the Send Mail Task Editor, click the ellipsis button (...) to open the Property Expressions Editor.

  6. In the Property Expressions Editor, enter the following information:

    1. For ToLine, add the following expression:

    2. For the MessageSource property, add the following expression:

      "Dear " +  @[User::FirstName] + ": The amount of your bonus for this year is $" +  (DT_WSTR, 12) @[User::Bonus] + ". Thank you!"
  7. Run the package.

    If you have specified a valid SMTP server and provided your own e-mail address, you will receive undeliverable receipts for the messages that the Send Mail task sends to the fictitious salespersons of AdventureWorks2008R2.