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ODBC SQL Type for Table-Valued Parameters

Support for table-valued parameters is provided by a new ODBC SQL type, SQL_SS_TABLE.


SQL_SS_TABLE cannot be converted to any other ODBC or SQL Server data type.

If SQL_SS_TABLE is used as a C data type in the ValueType parameter of SQLBindParameter, or an attempt is made to set SQL_DESC_TYPE in an application parameter descriptor (APD) record to SQL_SS_TABLE, SQL_ERROR is returned and a diagnostic record is generated with SQLSTATE=HY003, "Invalid application buffer type".

If SQL_DESC_TYPE is set to SQL_SS_TABLE in an IPD record and the corresponding application parameter descriptor record is not SQL_C_DEFAULT, SQL_ERROR is returned and a diagnostic record is generated with SQLSTATE=HY003, "Invalid application buffer type". This can occur with the ParameterType of a SQLSetDescField, SQLSetDescRec or SQLBindParameter.

If the TargetType parameter is SQL_SS_TABLE when calling SQLGetData, SQL_ERROR is returned and a diagnostic record is generated with SQLSTATE=HY003, "Invalid application buffer type".

A table-valued parameter column cannot be bound as type SQL_SS_TABLE. If SQLBindParameter is called with ParameterType set to SQL_SS_TABLE, SQL_ERROR is returned and a diagnostic record is generated with SQLSTATE=HY004, "Invalid SQL data type". This can also occur with SQLSetDescField and SQLSetDescRec.

Table-valued parameter column values have the same data conversion options as parameters and result columns.

A table-valued parameter can only be an input parameter. If an attempt is made to set SQL_DESC_PARAMETER_TYPE to a value other than SQL_PARAM_INPUT via SQLBindParameter or SQLSetDescField, SQL_ERROR is returned and a diagnostic record is added to the statement with SQLSTATE=HY105 and the message "Invalid parameter type".

Table-valued parameter columns cannot use SQL_DEFAULT_PARAM in StrLen_or_IndPtr, because per-row default values are not supported with table-valued parameters. Instead, an application can set the column attribute SQL_CA_SS_COL_HAS_DEFAULT_VALUE to 1. This means that the column will have default values for all rows. If StrLen_or_IndPtr is set to SQL_DEFAULT_PARAM, SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect will return SQL_ERROR, and a diagnostic record will be added to the statement with SQLSTATE=HY090 and the message "Invalid string or buffer length".

See Also
