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New Model Page (Report Manager)

Use this page to generate a default report model from a shared data source. You can only generate report models from Analysis Services multidimensional data sources, SQL Server relational data sources, and Oracle relational data sources.

Models that you generate in Report Manager are based on the schema of the shared data source. Entities, folders, and fields are created for all tables and columns in the data source. You cannot exclude items, nor can you set options that determine how the model is generated. If you want to customize or refine a model, you must use Model Designer instead. For more information, see Working with Models.

To open this page, select the shared data source upon which you want to base the model, click the Properties tab at the top of the page, and then click Generate Model.


  • Name
    Specifies the name of the model. The default model name is based on the shared data source you are using to generate it.

    A name must contain at least one alphanumeric character. It can also include spaces and some symbols. Do not use the following characters when specifying a name:

    ; ? : @ & = + , $ / * < > | " /

  • Data source name
    Shows the fully qualified path name of the shared data source.

  • Generate the model in this folder
    Shows the folder location for the new model. You can click the browse button to select a different location.

  • Description
    Shows a description of the model. Users who view this item through Report Manager see this description when browsing the folder hierarchy.