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Working with Debug Dump Files

In Integration Services, you can create debug dump files that provide information about the execution of a package. The information in these files can help you in troubleshooting package execution issues.


Debug dump files might contain sensitive information. To help protect sensitive information, you can use an access control list (ACL) to restrict access to the files, or copy the files to a folder that has restricted access. For example, before you send your debug files to Microsoft support services, we recommend that you remove any sensitive or confidential information.

To create the debug dump files, you use either the dtexec utility or the dtutil utility, and then specify a debug dump option in the command line. For more information, see dtexec Utility and dtutil Utility.

When you specify a debug dump option, Integration Services creates the following debug dump files:

  • A .mdmp debug dump file. This is a binary file.

  • The .tmp debug dump file. This is a text formatted file.

By default, Integration Services stores these files in the folder, <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\ErrorDumps.

The following table describes only certain sections in the .tmp file. The .tmp file includes additional data that is not listed in the table.

Type of information




Operating system version, memory usage data, process ID, and process image name. The environment information is at the beginning of the .tmp file.

# SSIS Textual Dump taken at 9/13/2007 1:50:34 PM

#PID 4120

#Image Name [C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe]

# OS major=6 minor=0 build=6000

# Running on 2 amd64 processors under WOW64

# Memory: 58% in use. Physical: 845M/2044M  Paging: 2404M/4095M (avail/total)

Dynamic-link library (DLL) path and version

Path and version number of each DLL that the system loads during the processing of a package.

# Loaded Module: c:\bb\Sql\DTS\src\bin\debug\i386\DTExec.exe (10.0.1069.5)

# Loaded Module: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll (6.0.6000.16386)

# Loaded Module: C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll (6.0.6000.16386)

Recent messages

Recent messages issued by the system. Includes the time, type, description, and thread ID of each message.

[M:1]   Ring buffer entry:              (*pRecord)

[D:2]      <<<CRingBufferLogging::RingBufferLoggingRecord>>> ( @ 0282F1A8 )

[E:3]         Time Stamp: 2007-09-13 13:50:32.786      (szTimeStamp)

[E:3]         Thread ID: 2368           (ThreadID)

[E:3]         Event Name: OnError                        (EventName)

[E:3]         Source Name:                (SourceName)

[E:3]         Source ID:                        (SourceID)

[E:3]         Execution ID:                 (ExecutionGUID)

[E:3]         Data Code: -1073446879              (DataCode)

[E:3]         Description: The component is missing, not registered, not upgradeable, or missing required interfaces. The contact information for this component is "".

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