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Report Builder Options Dialog Box, Settings (Report Builder 2.0)

Click the Report Builder button and then click Options to set options for showing recent files and connections. You can also change the default report server, or add one if you don't have a default.

  • Use this report server or SharePoint site by default
    Your admin may have configured this. The value can be a well-formed URL starting with http:// or https://. This setting determines which data source connections appear by default in the Table/Matrix and Chart wizards. In addition, your reports will be processed on this server and you can reference resources from this server.

    If you select a different report server, you may need to restart Report Builder 2.0 in order for this change to take affect.

  • Show this number of recent sites and servers
    Specify the number of recent sites and connections to show in the Open Report and Save As Report dialog boxes.

  • Show this number of recent shared data source connections
    Specify the number of recent shared data source connections to show in the Dataset Properties dialog box and the Choose a connection to a data source page of the Data Regions Wizard.

  • Show this number of recent documents
    Specify the number of recent documents to show when you click the Report Builder button.

  • Clear all recent item lists
    Clear the current lists of recent sites and servers, shared data source connections, and documents.

See Also

Other Resources