Bagikan melalui

Exporting to a CSV File (Report Builder 2.0)

The Comma-Separated Value (CSV) rendering extension renders reports as a flattened representation of data from a report in a standardized, plain-text format that is easily readable and exchangeable with many applications.

The CSV rendering extension uses a string character delimiter to separate fields and rows, with the string character delimiter configurable to be a character other than a comma. The resulting file can be opened in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or used as an import format for other programs. The exported report becomes a .csv file, and returns a MIME type of text/csv.

CSV Rendering

When rendered using the default settings, a CSV report has the following characteristics:

  • The default field delimiter string is a comma (,).


    You can change the field delimiter to any character that you want, including TAB, by changing the device information settings. For more information, see Reporting Services Device Information Settings.

  • The record delimiter string is the carriage return and line feed (<cr><lf>).

  • The text qualifier string is a quotation mark (").

    The CSV renderer does not add qualifiers around all text strings. Text qualifiers are added only when the value contains the delimiter character or when the value has a line break.

  • If the text contains an embedded delimiter string or qualifier string, the text qualifier is placed around the text, and the embedded qualifier strings are doubled.

  • Formatting and layout are ignored.

The following items are ignored during rendering:

  • Chart

  • Gauge

  • Page header

  • Page footer

  • Custom items

  • Line

  • Image

  • Automatic subtotals

The remaining report items are sorted, from top to bottom, then left to right. Each item is then rendered to a column. If the report has nested data items like lists or tables, the parent items are repeated in each record.

The following table indicates the appearance of report items when rendered:


Rendering behavior

Text box

Renders the contents of the text box. In default mode, items are formatted based on the item's formatting properties. In compliant mode, formatting can be changed by device information settings. For more information about CSV rendering modes, see below.


Renders by expanding the table and creating a row and column for each row and column at the lowest level of detail. Subtotal rows and columns do not have column or row headings. Drillthrough reports are not supported.


Renders by expanding the matrix and creating a row and column for each row and column at the lowest level of detail. Subtotal rows and columns do not have column or row headings.


Renders a record for each detail row or instance in the list.


The parent item is repeated for each instance of the contents.


The parent item is repeated for each instance of the contents.

Hierarchical and Grouped Data

Hierarchical and grouped data must be flattened in order to be represented in the CSV format.

The rendering extension flattens the report into a tree structure that represents the nested groups within the data region. To flatten the report:

  • A row hierarchy is flattened before a column hierarchy.

  • Members of the row hierarchy are rendered to the CSV file before members of the column hierarchy.

  • Columns are ordered as follows: text boxes in body order left-to-right, top-to-bottom followed by data regions ordered left-to-right, top-to-bottom.

  • Within a data region, the columns are ordered as follows: corner members, row hierarchy members, column hierarchy members, and then cells.

  • Peer data regions are data regions or dynamic groups that share a common data region or dynamic ancestor. Peer data is identified by branching of the flattened tree.

For more information, see Working with Tablix Data Regions (Report Builder 2.0).

Renderer Modes

The CSV rendering extension can operate in two modes: one is optimized for Excel and the other is optimized for third-party applications that require strict CSV compliance to the CSV specification in RFC 4180. Depending on which mode you use, peer data regions are handled differently.

Default Mode

The default mode is optimized for Excel. When rendered in default mode, the report is rendered as a CSV file with multiple sections of CSV-rendered data. Each peer data region is delimited by an empty line. Peer data regions within the report body are rendered as separate blocks of data within the CSV file. The result is a CSV file in which:

  • Individual text boxes within the report body are rendered once as the first block of data within the CSV file.

  • Each top-level peer data region in the report body is rendered in its own data block.

  • Nested data regions are rendered diagonally into the same data block.


Numeric values are rendered in their formatted state. Excel can recognize formatted numeric values, such as currency, percentage and date, and format the cells appropriately when importing the CSV file.

Compliant Mode

Compliant mode is optimized for third-party applications.

Data Regions

Only the first row of the file contains the column headers and each row has the same number of columns.


Values are unformatted.


Interactivity is not supported by either CSV formats generated by this renderer. The following interactive elements are not rendered:

  • Hyperlinks

  • Show or Hide

  • Document Map

  • Drillthrough or clickthrough links

  • End user sort

  • Fixes headers

  • Bookmarks

Device Information Settings

You can change some default settings for this renderer, including which mode to render in, which characters to use as delimiters and which characters to use as the text qualifier default string, by changing the device information settings. For more information, see Reporting Services Device Information Settings.