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Report Server Execution Log

The report server execution log contains information about the reports that execute on the server or on multiple servers in a scale-out deployment. You can use the report execution log to find out how often a report is requested, what formats are used the most, and how many milliseconds of processing time is spent on each processing phase.

Viewing Log Information

The report server logs data about report execution into an internal database table. This table does not provide complete information by itself, nor does it present data in a format that is understandable to users.

To view report execution data, you can run a sample SQL Server Integration Services package that Reporting Services provides to extract the data from the execution log and put it into a table structure that you can query. For more information, see Querying and Reporting on Report Execution Log Data.

Configuration Settings for the Report Server Execution Log

You can turn report execution logging on or off by selecting options in Report Manager on the Site Settings page or on the Server Properties page in Management Studio.

By default, log entries are kept 60 days. Entries that exceed this date are removed at 2:00 A.M. every day. On a mature installation, only 60 days of information will be available at any given time.

The report execution log is stored in the report server database. You cannot set limits on the number of rows or on the type of entries that are logged. However, you can create reports that retrieve the log information you want to track.

Log File Fields

The following list describes the data that is captured in the report execution log:

  • Name of the report server instance that handled the request.

  • Report identifier.

  • User identifier.

  • Request type (either user or system).

  • Rendering format.

  • Parameter values used for a report execution.

  • Start and stop times that indicate the duration of a report process.

  • Number of milliseconds spent retrieving the data, processing the report, and rendering the report.

  • Source of the report execution (1=Live, 2=Cache, 3=Snapshot, 4=History).

  • Status (either rsSuccess or an error code; if multiple errors occur, only the first error is recorded).

  • Size of rendered reports in bytes.

  • Number of rows returned from queries.