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Schedule Properties (Reports Page)

Use this page to view a list of all reports that use this shared schedule. Schedules can be used to refresh report snapshots, generate report history, trigger a subscription, or expire a cached copy of the report. To find out how the schedule is used, view the property and subscription information of the report.

Although this page shows each report that uses the shared schedule, it does not indicate how many times the shared schedule is used within that single report. For example, suppose 20 different subscribers to the Company Sales report all use the same shared schedule to trigger subscription processing. In this case, the Company Sales report will only appear once in this list, even though the report has 20 references to the shared schedule.

To open this page, start SQL Server Management Studio, connect to a report server, open the Shared Schedules folder, right-click a shared schedule, select Properties, and then click Reports.


This feature is not supported in SQL Server Express with Advanced Services. The page does not appear when you are running the Express edition.


  • Folder
    Specifies the path of the report.

  • Report
    Specifies the name of the report that uses the schedule.