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Choose Link Page (Report Manager)

Use the Choose Link page to choose a different report upon which to base the currently selected linked report. Linked reports are based on other reports already published to a report server. A linked report uses the layout and data of the base report, but has separate property pages so that you can customize parameter properties, security settings, name, description, and location.

Through the Choose Link page, you can choose a different published report to use with the linked report. Other settings of the linked report (such as security and parameter settings) are unaffected by changes to the link information. The report server will not validate your selection, so be sure to choose a report that has the same parameters as those you specified on the linked report.

To open this page, select a linked report, click the Properties tab at the top of the page, and then click Change Link. Or, if the Contents page is in details view, click the property page icon:

Property page icon

Property Page icon


  • Location
    Specify the full name of the published report, including the folder path and report name. You can type the full name of the report or use the tree view to navigate to the report you want to use.

  • Tree view
    Shows all of the folders in the report server folder hierarchy. To use the tree view to fill in the Location field, click the name of the report.