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Starting Report Builder 1.0

Report Builder uses a deployment technology called ClickOnce that is part of the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. ClickOnce enables you to easily install and upgrade Windows-based applications. ClickOnce applications can run in full trust or in partial trust mode. Report Builder runs in full trust mode. When Report Builder starts for the first time, users will see a security message asking them if they are willing to grant the application full trust to their computer using the permissions that are granted to the user. For example, a user with Administrator permissions will grant Report Builder Administrator permissions on the computer that is being used to start Report Builder.

For more information about deploying ClickOnce applications, applying ClickOnce application security, or running ClickOnce applications in the Internet zone, see the "ClickOnce Deployment for Windows Forms Applications", "Security in Windows Forms Overview", or "Trusted Application Deployment Overview" articles on the Microsoft Developer Network Web site at

To verify that you have configured the report server and roles correctly, see How to: Configure Report Builder 1.0 and Report Builder 2.0 Access, Role Assignments, and Report Builder Role.


Do not pass user credentials in the URL when attempting to start Report Builder. Report Builder will not start or connect to the server using the supplied credentials and Internet Explorer does not support this syntax by default. For more information about Internet Explorer, see

Using a URL to Start Report Builder

By default, clicking the Report Builder button in Report Manager starts Report Builder. Because Report Builder is a Web application installed on your report server, you can also use a URL to start the application. To start Report Builder, use the following URL:


For the URL, <servername> is the name of the computer where the report server is located and reportserver is the name of the report server instance. For more information about virtual report server directories, see Configuring Report Server URLs.

Additional Parameters

The URL used to start Report Builder can also support the following parameters:

  • To automatically open a specific report, add the following to the URL:


    For example, use the following to open Report Builder and display a report called Quarterly Sales by Region located in your MyReports folder:


  • To automatically load a specific report model, add the following to the URL:


    For example, use the following to open Report Builder and load a report model located in the Models folder called Adventure Works:


  • To automatically load a perspective of a specific report model, add the following to the URL:


    For example, use the following to open Report Builder and load a perspective called Employees within a report model called Adventure Works:



You can find the perspective ID by opening SQL ServerBusiness Intelligence Development Studio, selecting the perspective in list view, and then copying the General Category ID number in the Properties window. Alternatively, view the report model XML and search for the <Perspectives> tag. The perspective ID is listed within the <Perspectives> tag.

Starting Report Builder in SharePoint Integrated Mode

If your report server is configured to run in SharePoint integrated mode, you can still use Report Builder.

To run a report server in SharePoint integrated mode, the report server must be added to a SharePoint site or farm. For more information about configuring the report server for SharePoint integrated mode, see Configuring Reporting Services for SharePoint 3.0 Integration. After the report server is configured for SharePoint integrated mode, you must add the Report Builder Report content type to the SharePoint library. For more information, see How to: Add Report Server Content Types to a Library (Reporting Services in SharePoint Integrated Mode).

After the SharePoint library is set up, you can start Report Builder by using any one of the following methods:

  • Open the New menu and click Report Builder Report.

    The Report Builder window opens and you select a model and report layout.

  • Point to the report (.rdl) file, click the down arrow, and select Edit in Report Builder.

    The Report Builder window opens with the model selected and the report displayed in design mode.

  • Point to the model (.smdl) file, click the down arrow, and select Load in Report Builder.

    The Report Builder window opens with the model selected. By default, a table report is the report layout selected.

  • View the report and then open the Actions menu and select Open with Report Builder.

    The Report Builder window opens with the model selected and the report displayed in design mode.