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PowerPivot Tab Overview

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This section provides Help on the PowerPivot tab and dialog boxes that are used in the Excel window when PowerPivot for Excel is installed. For an overview of the user interface, see Take a Tour of the PowerPivot UI. The PowerPivot tab in Excel provides tools for working with PivotTables, measures, and linked tables and for opening the PowerPivot window.


Options on the PowerPivot Tab

The options on the PowerPivot tab are arranged in groups.


Click the PowerPivot Window button to launch the PowerPivot window. For more information about the PowerPivot window, see PowerPivot Window: Home Tab, PowerPivot Window: Design Tab, and PowerPivot Window: Linked Tables Tab.


The buttons in the Measure group enable you to create, view, modify, and delete measures. A measure is a formula that you define and save as part of your PowerPivot data. You can associate the measure with a PivotTable or PivotChart to perform dynamic calculations. For more information, see Measure Settings Dialog Box (Standard Aggregation), Measure Settings Dialog Box (Custom Aggregation), and Measures in PowerPivot.


The PivotTable button enables you to insert into the Excel workbook one or more PivotTables that are based on data in the PowerPivot window. For more information, see Create a PivotTable or PivotChart Report.

Excel Data

This group enables you to create and update linked tables. For more information about what linked tables are and how you can use them, see Add Data by Using Excel Linked Tables.

  • Create Linked Table. Click to create a new linked table in the PowerPivot workbook. The linked table uses data from the current Excel data table.

  • Update All. Update all the PowerPivot tables that are linked to tables in Excel.

After you create a linked table, use the Linked Tables tab in the PowerPivot window to manage the tables.


Click Settings to open the PowerPivot Options & Diagnostics Dialog Box. This dialog box provides options for creating a trace that that can be used for technical support; for changing the language that is used in menus, dialog boxes, and messages in the PowerPivot window; and for providing feedback that can be used in improving the product.


The PowerPivot Field List becomes visible when you are working with a PivotTable or PivotChart that is based on PowerPivot data. After you have created a PivotTable or PivotChart, you can toggle the visibility of the field list by clicking the Field List button. For more information about the PowerPivot Field List, see PowerPivot Field List and Create and Change the Field Layout in a PivotTable or PivotChart Report.


Click the Detection button to enable or disable the automatic detection of relationships between fields in the PowerPivot Field List. For more information about relationships, see Relationships Overview.

Dialog Boxes and Field List

The following topics provide Help for the dialog boxes that are available from the PowerPivot tab, and the PowerPivot Field List that is available for working with PivotTables in the Excel window.

Create PivotTable Dialog Box

Create Table Dialog Box in PowerPivot

Detecting and Creating Relationships Dialog Box

Field Settings Dialog Box

Insert Function Dialog Box

Maximum Memory or File Size Exceeded

Measure Settings Dialog Box (Custom Aggregation)

Measure Settings Dialog Box (Standard Aggregation)

PowerPivot Field List

PowerPivot Metadata Restored

PowerPivot Options & Diagnostics Dialog Box

See Also


Take a Tour of the PowerPivot UI