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Troubleshoot a Reporting Services Installation

If you cannot install Reporting Services because of errors that occur during setup, use the instructions in this topic to address the conditions that are most likely to cause installation errors.

For The latest information regarding issues with SQL Server 2012, see Reporting Services SQL Server 2012 Tips Tricks, and Troubleshooting

For information about other errors and issues related to Reporting Services see Troubleshoot SSRS issues and errors.

Review the Online Release Notes in case the issue you encounter is described in the release notes.

This topic contains the following information:

  • Check Setup Logs

  • Check Pre-requisites

  • Troubleshoot SharePoint Mode

  • Troubleshoot Native Mode

  • Additional Resources

Check Setup Logs

Setup errors are recorded in log files in the Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Setup Bootstrap\Log folder. A subfolder is created each time you run Setup. The subfolder name is the time and date you ran Setup. For instructions on how to view the Setup log files, see View and Read SQL Server Setup Log Files.

  • The log files include a collection of files.

  • Open the *_summary.txt file to view product, component, and instance information.

  • Open the *_errorlog.txt file to view error information generated during Setup.

  • Open the *_RS_*_ComponentUpdateSetup.log to view Reporting Services setup information.

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Check Prerequisites

Setup checks prerequisites automatically. However, if you are troubleshooting setup problems, it is helpful to know which requirements Setup is checking for.

  • Account requirements for running Setup include membership in the local Administrators group. Setup must have permission to add files, registry settings, create local security groups, and set permissions. If you are installing a default configuration, Setup must have permission to create a report server database on the SQL Server instance on which you are installing.

  • Operating System must support HTTP.SYS 1.1.

  • HTTP service must be enabled and running.

  • Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) must be running if you are also installing SQL Server Agent service.

  • Authz.dll must be present in the System32 folder.

Setup no longer checks for Internet Information Services (IIS) or ASP.NET. Reporting Services requires MDAC 2.0 and the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0; Setup will install these if they are not already installed.

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Troubleshoot Problems with SharePoint Mode installations

  • Reporting Services Configuration Manager Does not start

  • You do not see the SQL Server Reporting Services service in SharePoint Central Administration after installing SQL Server 2012 SSRS in SharePoint mode

  • Reporting Services PowerShell cmdlets are not available and commands are not recognized

  • You see an error message indicating the URL is not configured

  • Setup fails when on a computer with SharePoint installed but it is not configured

  • SharePoint Central Administration Page is blank

  • You see an error message when try to create a new Report Builder Report

  • You see an error message that RS_SHP is not supported with PREPAREIMAGE

Reporting Services Configuration Manager Does not start

Description: This issue is by design in SQL Server 2012. The Reporting Services is now architected for the SharePoint service architecture. The Configuration Manager is no longer needed to configure and administer Reporting Services in SharePoint mode.

Workaround: Use SharePoint Central Administration to configure a report server in SharePoint mode. For more information, see Manage a Reporting Services Service Application

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You do not see the SQL Server Reporting Services service in SharePoint Central Administration after installing SQL Server 2012 SSRS in SharePoint mode

Description: If after successfully installing SQL Server 2012  Reporting Services in SharePoint mode and the SQL Server 2012  Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint 2010, you do not see “SQL Server Reporting Services” in the following two menus, then the Reporting Services service has not been registered:

  • SharePoint 2010 Central Administration -> "Application Management" -> "Manage Services on Server" page

  • SharePoint 2010 Central Administration -> "Application Management" -> "Manage Service Applications" ->"New" menu

Workaround: To register and start the Reporting Services SharePoint Services, complete the following:

  1. On the computer that runs SharePoint 2010 Central Administration

    1. Open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell with administrator privileges. Right click the icon and click, "Run As Administrator". Run the following three cmdlets from the shell:

    2. Install-SPRSService
    3. Install-SPRSServiceProxy
    4. Get-SPServiceInstance -all |where {$_.TypeName -like "SQL Server Reporting*"} | Start-SPServiceInstance
  2. Verify the Reporting Services Service shows status as “Started” on the page: SharePoint 2010 Central Administration -> "Application Management" -> "Manage Services on Server"

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Reporting Services PowerShell cmdlets are not available and commands are not recognized

Description: When you try to run a Reporting Services PowerShell cmdlet, you see an error message similar to the following:

  • The term 'Install-SPRSServiceInstall-SPRSService' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.At line:1 char:39+ Install-SPRSServiceInstall-SPRSService <<<< + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Install-SPRSServiceInstall-SPRSService:String) [], CommandNotFoundExcep

Workaround: Complete one of the following:

  • Run the Reporting Services add-in for SharePoint products. rssharepoint.msi.

  • Install Reporting Services SharePoint mode from the SQL Server installation media.

Note: If the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell is open when you complete one of the workarounds, close and reopen the management shell.

For more information, see the following:

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You see an error message indicating the URL is not configured

Description: You see and error message similar to the following:

This SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) functionality is not supported. Use Central Administration to verify and fix one or more of the following issues:•A report server URL is not configured. Use the SSRS Integration page to set it.•The SSRS service application proxy is not configured. Use the SSRS service application pages to configure the proxy.•The SSRS service application is not mapped to this web application. Use the SSRS service application pages to associate the SSRS service application proxy to the Application Proxy Group for this web application.

Workaround: The error message contains three suggested steps to correct this issue. The first suggestion in the message ‘A report server URL is not configured..’ is relevant when integrating with report server version previous to SQL Server 2012. SharePoint Configuration for the previous report server versions is completed on the General Application Settings page, using the SQL Server Reporting Services (2008 and 2008 R2)..

More Information: You will see this error message when attempting to use any of the Reporting Services functionality that requires a connection to the Reporting Services service. This includes:

  • Opening SQL Server Report Builder from a SharePoint document library.

  • Manage Subscriptions.

  • Manage a service application.

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Setup fails on a computer with SharePoint installed but it is not configured

Description: If you select to install Reporting Services SharePoint Mode on a computer that has SharePoint installed but SharePoint is not configured, you will see a message similar to the following and setup will stop:

SQL Server Setup has stopped working

Workaround: Configure SharePoint and then run SQL Server Installation.

More Information: When installing Reporting Services into and existing SharePoint installation, setup attempts to install and start the Reporting Services SharePoint service. If SharePoint is not configured, the service installation fails, causing setup to fail.

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SharePoint Central Administration Page is blank

Description: You were able to successfully install SharePoint 2010, with no installation errors. However when you browse to Central Administration, you only see a blank page:

Workaround: This issue is not specific to Reporting Services but is related to the configuration of permissions in your overall SharePoint installation. The following is a list of suggested:.

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You see an error Message when you try to create a new Report Builder Report

Description: You see an error message similar to the following when you attempt to create a Report Builder report inside a document library:

This functionality is not supported because a SQL Server Reporting Services service application does not exist or a report server URL has not been configured in Central Administration.

Workaround: Verify you have an service application and it is correctly configured. For more information see, the section ‘Create a Reporting Services Service Application’ in Install Reporting Services SharePoint Mode in a Single Server Farm

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You see an error message that RS_SHP is not supported with PREPAREIMAGE

Description: When you try to run PREPAREIMAGE for you see an error message similar to the following:

“The specified feature 'RS_SHP' is not supported when running the PREPAREIMAGE action, since it does not support SysPrep. Remove the features that are not compatible with SysPrep and run setup again.”

Workaround: There is no work around. Reporting Services does not support SYSPREP (PREPAREIMAGE). Reporting Services Native mode does support SYSPREP.

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Troubleshoot Problems with the Native Mode Installations

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Performance counters are not visible after upgrading to Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

If you upgrade the operating system to Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 on a computer that runs Reporting Services, Reporting Services performance counters will not be set after the upgrade.

To reinstate Reporting Services performance counters

  1. Delete the following registry keys:

    • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSRS 2011 Web Service

    • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSRS 2011 Windows Service

  2. Open a command window and type the following command at the prompt:

    • run <.NET 2.0 Framework directory**>\InstallUtil.exe <Report Server Bin directory>\ReportingServicesLibrary.dll**


      Replace <.NET 2.0 Framework directory> with the physical path of the .NET Framework 2.0 files and replace <Report Server Bin directory> with the physical path of the report server bin files.

  3. Restart the Reporting Services service.

To verify that the steps worked, open a Web browser and navigate to the Report Manager URL or the Report Server URL. Then open Performance Monitor to verify that the counters are working.

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To re-add the performance registry keys by using Registry Editor

  1. Open the Registry Editor:

    1. Click Start, and click Run.

    2. In the Run dialog box, in the Open box, type regedit.

  2. In Registry Editor, select the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSRS 2011 Web Service\Performance

  3. Right-click the Performance node, point to New, and click Multi-String Value.

  4. Type Counter Names and then press ENTER.

  5. Repeat to add the Counter Types registry key in this node.

  6. Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSRS 2011 Web Service\Performance

  7. Right-click the Performance node, point to New, and click Multi-String Value.

  8. Type Counter Names and then press ENTER.

  9. Repeat to add the Counter Types registry key in this node.

After you repair the 64-bit instance or re-add the registry keys manually, you can use Performance Monitor to configure the Reporting Services performance objects that you want to monitor.

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ReportServerExternalURL and PassThroughCookies configuration properties are not configured after an upgrade from SQL Server 2005

When you upgrade from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS), the ReportServerExternalURL and PassThroughCookies configuration properties are not configured by the upgrade process. ReportServerExternalURL is an optional property, and it should be set only if you are using SharePoint 2.0 Web Parts and you want users to be able to retrieve a report and open it in a new browser window. For more information about ReportServerExternalURL, see URLs in Configuration Files. PassThroughCookies is required only when using Custom authentication method. For more information about PassThroughCookies, see Configure Report Manager to Pass Custom Authentication Cookies.


When you use Custom authentication, it is recommended that you migrate your installation rather than performing an upgrade. For more information about migrating Reporting Services, see Migrate a Reporting Services Installation (Native Mode).

By default, these properties do not exist in the SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) configuration. If you configured these properties in SQL Server 2005 and you continue to require the functionality that they provide, you must manually add them to the RSReportServer.config file following the upgrade process. For more information, see Modify a Reporting Services Configuration File (RSreportserver.config).

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Installation fails for a default instance of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services on a computer that runs SQL Server 2012Reporting Services

If you attempt to install a default instance of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services on a computer that already runs an instance of SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS), the SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services instance will fail to install with the following error message:

"An instance with the same name is already installed on this computer. To proceed with SQL Server Setup, provide a unique instance name."

This issue happens regardless of whether the SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) instance is a default or named instance, and regardless of whether a SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) instance with that name already exists on the computer.

To work around this issue, you have one of the following options:

  • If you must run SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services as the default instance on the computer, you must install the SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services instance before the SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) instance.

  • If the SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services instance does not need to be a default instance, you can install the SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services instance as a named instance after you install the SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) instance.

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401-Unauthorized error when using Windows authentication after an upgrade from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2012

If you upgrade from SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS), and you use NTLM authentication with a built-in account for the Report Server service account, you might encounter a 401-Unauthorized error when you access the report server or Report Manager after the upgrade.

This happens because of a change in the default SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) configuration for Windows authentication. Negotiate is configured when the Report Server service account is either Network Service or Local System. NTLM is configured when the Report Server service account is not one of those built-in accounts. To fix this issue after you upgrade, you can edit the RSReportServer.config file and configure the AuthenticationType to be RSWindowsNTLM. For more information, see Configure Windows Authentication on the Report Server.


Uninstalling 32-bit instance of SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services in side-by-side deployment with a 64-bit instance breaks the 64-bit instance

When you install a 32-bit instance and a 64-bit instance of SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) side-by-side on a computer, and you uninstall the 32-bit instance, four Reporting Services registry keys are removed. This breaks the 64-bit instance of Reporting Services. The Reporting Services registry keys that are removed when you uninstall the 32-bit instance are:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSRS 2011 Web Service\Performance:Counter Names HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSRS 2011 Windows Service\Performance:Counter Names HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSRS 2011 Web Service\Performance:Counter Types HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSRS 2011 Windows Service\Performance:Counter Types

To fix this issue, you can repair the 64-bit instance. Although it is recommended to use repair, you can re-add the registry keys manually by using Registry Editor.


Incorrectly editing the registry can severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

Additional Resources

The following are additional resources you can review to assist you with trouble shooting issues:

SharePoint Settings Submit feedback and contact information through Microsoft SQL Server Connect (

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