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Browse Data Source View Dialog Box (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)

The Browse Data Source View dialog box displays a simple graphical diagram of the selected data source view. Also, the name of the data source view appears as the title of the dialog box.

On the diagram surface, you can click to select an object, drag an object to relocate the object, and select multiple objects by dragging the cursors across them. To change which portion of the data source view appears in the diagram, click the navigation button (a four-headed arrow) in the lower-right corner and then drag the selection pane to the area that you want to display.


  • Zoom
    Select the zoom ratio to resize the objects on the diagram surface.

  • Close
    Click to close the dialog box.

See Also


Select a Data Source View (Cube Wizard)


Data Source Views in Multidimensional Models

Other Resources

Data Source Views (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)