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ServiceContract.Deny Method (ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean)

Denies access to the specified permission for the specified grantee and other users who the grantee granted access to on the service contract.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Broker
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public Sub Deny ( _
    permission As ObjectPermissionSet, _
    granteeName As String, _
    cascade As Boolean _
Dim instance As ServiceContract 
Dim permission As ObjectPermissionSet 
Dim granteeName As String 
Dim cascade As Boolean

instance.Deny(permission, granteeName, _
public void Deny(
    ObjectPermissionSet permission,
    string granteeName,
    bool cascade
virtual void Deny(
    ObjectPermissionSet^ permission, 
    String^ granteeName, 
    bool cascade
) sealed
abstract Deny : 
        permission:ObjectPermissionSet * 
        granteeName:string * 
        cascade:bool -> unit  
override Deny : 
        permission:ObjectPermissionSet * 
        granteeName:string * 
        cascade:bool -> unit
public final function Deny(
    permission : ObjectPermissionSet, 
    granteeName : String, 
    cascade : boolean


  • granteeName
    Type: System.String
    A String value that specifies the grantee to be denied access to the permission.
  • cascade
    Type: System.Boolean
    A Boolean property that specifies whether users who the grantee has granted access to the permission are also denied access to the permission.If True, the grantee and users to which the grantee granted access to the permission are all denied access to the permission.If False, only the grantee is denied access to the permission.


IObjectPermission.Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean)


Granting, Revoking, and Denying Permissions

See Also


ServiceContract Class

Deny Overload

Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Broker Namespace

Other Resources

Granting, Revoking, and Denying Permissions

DEL - Development (Service Broker)

Managing Service Broker

Service Broker