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Prompt Options Dialog Box

Makes it possible for you to specify options for prompts in a customized menu system. Use this dialog box to define keyboard shortcuts, determine when the menu or menu item is disabled, include a message in the status bar when the menu or menu item is selected, specify a name for a menu title, and control menu title location during OLE visual editing.

This dialog box appears when you choose the Options button in the Menu and Shortcut Designers.

  • Comment
    Provides space for adding a comment for personal use only. Comments do not affect generated code in any way; Microsoft Visual FoxPro ignores them when running the menu program.

  • Shortcut
    Defines the optional shortcut key for a menu or menu item. Keyboard shortcuts for Visual FoxPro menu items are a combination of the CTRL key and another key.

  • Key Label
    Displays your key combination. If a menu item does not have a keyboard shortcut, Visual FoxPro displays "(press the key)" in the KeyLabel box. Press the key combination you want for your shortcut key.

  • Key Text
    Displays the text you want to appear beside the menu item. Unless you change it, this box repeats the keyboard shortcut from the KeyLabel box. For example, if both the KeyLabel and the KeyText were CTRL+R, you could change the KeyText to ^R.

    Note   You cannot assign CTRL+J as a keyboard shortcut for a menu item.

  • Skip For
    Displays the Expression Builder Dialog Box. In the SkipFor box of the ExpressionBuilder, type the expression that determines whether the menu or menu item is disabled or enabled. The menu or menu item is disabled if the expression is true (.T.).

  • Negotiate
    Specifies the location of menu titles when the user edits an OLE object in your application.

  • Container
    Specifies how the menu title will be merged when Visual FoxPro is the container of an in-place active object.

    Note   Menu negotiation options are available only for OLE objects that can be edited in place.

    The following table lists the menu title placement for each negotiation setting.

    Setting Placement
    None Specifies that the menu title not be placed on the menu bar. This is the same as not choosing any option.
    Left Specifies that the menu title be placed in the left group of menu titles on the menu bar.
    Middle Specifies that the menu title be placed in the middle group of menu titles on the menu bar.
    Right Specifies that the menu title be placed in the right group of menu titles on the menu bar.

    For more information about object menu negotiation, see DEFINE PAD Command.

  • Message
    Displays the ExpressionBuilder dialog box. In the Message box of the ExpressionBuilder, type the message that will appear in the Visual FoxPro status bar that describes the menu choice.

  • Pad Name
    Makes it possible for you to specify an optional menu title. The name or number used in the generated menu program is optional, and Visual FoxPro provides one if you do not. Using this name or number, you can reference a menu or menu item at run time. This option is available for menus only.

    Note   This option is available only if the Result area in the MenuDesigner window shows Command, Submenu, or Procedure.

  • Picture
    Makes it possible for you to specify a graphics file to be displayed to the left of the menu bar text, or beside the resource in the Visual FoxPro system menu.

  • Bar #
    Makes it possible for you to specify an optional shortcut menu title. This option is available for shortcut menus only.

See Also

Expression Builder Dialog Box | Menu and Shortcut Designers | PROMPT( ) Function | DEFINE PAD Command | Having Dialog Box | Set Index Order Dialog Box | Create One-To-Many Relationships Dialog Box