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Page Object

Creates a page in a PageFrame control.

You can use pages to create tabbed forms or dialog boxes. A page frame contains a set of pages. For additional information about creating pages and page frames, see "Adding Page Frames to a Form" in Extending Forms.



You can refer to a page in a page frame by name as in the following example:


You can also refer to a page by its index number using the PageFramePages property. This is consistent with the control collections in other Visual FoxPro containers.

myFrame.Pages(2).Enabled = .T.

This index does not necessarily equal the PageOrder property. You might have three pages with PageOrders of 2, 3, and 5. You can refer to these pages as follows:


Only the active page is refreshed when the FormRefresh method occurs for the form on which the page is located.

See Also

Page Object Properties, Methods and Events | CREATE FORM | CREATE CLASS | DEFINE CLASS | PageFrame Control