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Programmatically modifies the structure of a table.

   FieldType [( nFieldWidth [, nPrecision])] [NULL | NOT NULL] [CHECK lExpression1 [ERROR cMessageText1]] 
   [AUTOINC [NEXTVALUE NextValue [STEP StepValue]]] [DEFAULT eExpression1] 
   [PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE [COLLATE cCollateSequence]] 


ALTER TABLE TableName1 ALTER [COLUMN] FieldName2 [NULL | NOT NULL] [SET DEFAULT eExpression2] 
   [SET CHECK lExpression2 [ERROR cMessageText2]] [ DROP DEFAULT ] [ DROP CHECK ] [ NOVALIDATE ]


ALTER TABLE TableName1 [DROP [COLUMN] FieldName3] 
   [SET CHECK lExpression3 [ERRORcMessageText3]] [DROP CHECK] 
   [ADD PRIMARY KEY eExpression3 [FOR lExpression4] TAG TagName2
   [COLLATE cCollateSequence]] [DROP PRIMARY KEY] 
   [ADD UNIQUE eExpression4 [[FOR lExpression5] TAG TagName3
   [COLLATE cCollateSequence]]] [DROP UNIQUE TAG TagName4] 
   [ADD FOREIGN KEY [eExpression5] [FOR lExpression6] TAG TagName4 
   [COLLATE cCollateSequence] REFERENCES TableName2 [TAG TagName5]] 


  • ALTER TABLE TableName1
    Modifies the structure of a table. The TableName1 parameter specifies the name of the table to be modified.

  • ADD | ALTER [COLUMN] FieldName1
    Specifies the name of the field to add or modify.

    A single table can contain up to 255 fields. If one or more fields allow null values, the limit decreases by one field to 254 fields.

    Using ALTER COLUMN resets the collating sequence to the default. You should index the table again with the desired collating sequence after performing ALTER COLUMN. You can also use the COLLATE clause in the ALTER TABLE command when appropriate (primary key or foreign key).

  • FieldType [(nFieldWidth [, nPrecision])]
    Specifies the field type, field width, and field precision (number of decimal places) for the new or modified field.

    FieldType is a single letter indicating the field's data type. Some field data types require that you specify nFieldWidth or nPrecision, or both. The following table lists the values for FieldType and whether nFieldWidth and nPrecision are required:

    FieldType nFieldWidth nPrecision Data type
    C N Character field of width n
    D Date
    T DateTime
    N N D Numeric field of width n with d decimal places
    F N D Floating numeric field of width n with d decimal places
    I Integer
    B D Double
    Y Currency
    L Logical
    M Memo
    G General
    P Picture

    The nFieldWidth and nPrecision parameters are ignored for D, T, I, Y, L, M, G, and P types. The nPrecision parameter defaults to zero (no decimal places) if nPrecision is not included for the N, F, or B types.

    Specifies whether null values are allowed in the field. NULL permits null values, while NOT NULL does not allow null values. If one or more fields can contain null values, the maximum number of fields the table can contain is reduced from 255 to 254.

  • CHECK lExpression1
    Specifies a validation rule for the field. The lExpression1 parameter must evaluate to a logical expression and can be a user-defined function or a stored procedure. Visual FoxPro checks the validation rule specified in the CHECK clause when a blank record is appended.

  • ERROR cMessageText1
    Specifies an error message. Visual FoxPro displays this message when the validation rule specified with the CHECK clause generates an error. The message displays only when data is changed within a Browse window or Edit window.

  • AUTOINC [NEXTVALUE NextValue [STEP StepValue]]
    Enables automatic incrementing for the field. NextValue specifies the start value and can be a positive or a negative integer value ranging from 2,147,483,647 to -2,147,483,647. The default value is 1. You can set NextValue using the Next Value spin box in Fields tab of the Table Designer.

    StepValue specifies the increment value for the field and can be a positive, nonzero integer value ranging from 1 to 255. The default value is 1. You can set StepValue using the Step spin box in the Fields tab of the Table Designer.

    Autoincrementing values cannot be NULL.

    **Note   **Tables containing automatically incrementing field values append table-buffered records approximately 35% slower than tables without automatically incrementing field values, which might affect performance. When using table buffering, the table header is locked when the record is appended.

  • DEFAULT eExpression1
    Specifies a default value for the field specified in FieldName1. The data type of eExpression1 must be the same as the data type for the field.

    You cannot specify a default value if you use the AUTOINC clause to turn on autoincrementing for a field. Visual FoxPro generates an error message if you specify values for both the AUTOINC and DEFAULT clauses.

    PRIMARY KEY creates a primary index for the field specified in FieldName1. UNIQUE creates a candidate index for the field specified in FieldName1. The primary index tag or candidate index tag has the same name as the field. For more information about primary and candidate indexes, see Setting a Primary or Candidate Index.

  • COLLATE cCollateSequence
    Specifies a collation sequence other than the default setting, MACHINE. The cCollateSequence parameter must be a valid Visual FoxPro collation sequence. For more information about setting collation sequences, see Optimization of International Applications and SET COLLATE Command.

  • REFERENCES TableName2 [TAG TagName1]
    Specifies the parent table to which a persistent relationship is established. The parent table cannot be a free table.

    The TagName1 parameter clause specifies an index tag name for the parent table in TableName2. Index tag names can contain up to 10 characters. If you omit the TAG clause, the relationship is established using the primary index key of the parent table. If the parent table does not have a primary index, Visual FoxPro generates an error.

    Prevents translation to a different code page for character and memo fields. You can specify NOCPTRANS only for character and memo fields. This creates what appears to be Character (binary) and Memo (binary) data types in the Table Designer.

    Specifies that Visual FoxPro allows changes to the table structure that can violate the data integrity of the table. By default, Visual FoxPro prevents ALTER TABLE from making such changes to the table structure. To override the default behavior, include the NOVALIDATE option.

  • ALTER [COLUMN] FieldName2
    Specifies the name of a field to modify. You need to include multiple ALTER COLUMN clauses to change more than one property of a field in a single ALTER TABLE command. For more information about how ALTER COLUMN clauses are structured, see the examples in this topic.

  • SET DEFAULT eExpression2
    Specifies a new default value for an existing field. The data type of eExpression2 must be the same as the data type for the field.

    You cannot specify a default value if you use the AUTOINC clause to turn on autoincrementing for a field. Visual FoxPro generates an error message if you specify values for both the AUTOINC and SET DEFAULT clauses.

  • SET CHECK lExpression2
    Specifies a new validation rule for an existing field. The lExpression2 parameter must evaluate to a logical expression and can be a user-defined function or a stored procedure.

  • ERROR cMessageText2
    Specifies an error message for the field validation rule in lExpression2. Visual FoxPro displays this message when the field validation rule generates an error. The message displays only when data is changed within a Browse window or Edit window.

    Removes the default value for an existing field.

    Removes the validation rule for an existing field.

  • DROP [COLUMN] FieldName3
    Specifies a field to remove from the table. Removing a field from the table also removes the field's default value setting and field validation rule.

    If index key or trigger expressions reference the field, the expressions become invalid when the field is removed. In this case, an error is not generated when the field is removed, but the invalid index key or trigger expressions generate errors at run time.

  • SET CHECK lExpression3
    Specifies the table validation rule. The lExpression3 parameter must evaluate to a logical expression and can be a user-defined function or a stored procedure.

  • ERROR cMessageText3
    Specifies an error message for the table validation rule in lExpression3. Visual FoxPro displays this message when the table validation rule generates an error. The message displays only when data is changed within a Browse window or Edit window.

    Removes the table validation rule.

  • ADD PRIMARY KEY eExpression3 [FOR lExpression4] TAG TagName2
    Adds a primary index to the table. The eExpression3 specifies the primary index key expression.

    You can use lExpression4 to specify a filter expression where only records that satisfy the condition are available for display and access. Primary index keys are created in the index file just for those records that match the filter expression. You should avoid using the FOR clause to create a primary index; the uniqueness of a primary key is enforced only for those records that match the condition specified in the FOR clause. Instead, use the INDEX command with a FOR clause to create a filtered index.

    Rushmore Query Optimization optimizes an ALTER TABLE ... FORlExpression4 command if the lExpression4 expression can be optimized. For the best performance, use an optimizable expression in the FOR clause. For more information, see SET OPTIMIZE and Using Rushmore Query Optimization to Speed Data Access.

    The TagName2 parameter specifies the name of the primary index tag. Index tag names can contain up to 10 characters. If you omit TAGTagName2, and eExpression3 is a single field, the primary index tag has the same name as the field specified in eExpression3.

    Removes the primary index and its index tag. A table can have only one primary key, so you do not need to specify the name of the primary key. Removing the primary index also deletes any persistent relations based on the primary key.

  • ADD UNIQUE eExpression4 [TAG TagName3 [FOR lExpression5]]
    Adds a candidate index to the table. The eExpression4 parameter specifies the candidate index key expression. The TagName3 parameter specifies the name of the candidate index tag. Index tag names can contain up to 10 characters. If you omit TAGTagName3, and if eExpression4 is a single field, the candidate index tag has the same name as the field specified in eExpression4.

    You can use the lExpression5 parameter to specify a filter expression where only records that satisfy the condition are available for display and access. Candidate index keys are created in the index file just for those records that match the filter expression.

    Rushmore optimizes an ALTER TABLE ... FORlExpression5 command if the lExpression5 expression can be optimized. For the best performance, use an optimizable expression in the FOR clause. For more information, see SET OPTIMIZE and Using Rushmore Query Optimization to Speed Data Access.

    Removes the candidate index and its index tag. A table can have multiple candidate keys, so you must specify the name of the candidate index tag.

  • ADD FOREIGN KEY [eExpression5] TAG TagName4 [FOR lExpression6]
    Adds a foreign (non-primary) index to the table. The eExpression5 parameter specifies the foreign index key expression. The TagName4 parameter specifies the name of the foreign index tag. Index tag names can contain up to 10 characters.

    You can use the lExpression6 parameter to specify a filter expression where only records that satisfy the condition are available for display and access. Foreign index keys are created in the index file just for those records that match the filter expression.

    Rushmore optimizes an ALTER TABLE ... FORlExpression6 command if the lExpression6 expression can be optimized. For the best performance, use an optimizable expression in the FOR clause. For more information, see SET OPTIMIZE and Using Rushmore Query Optimization to Speed Data Access.

  • REFERENCES TableName2 [TAG TagName5]
    Specifies the parent table to which a persistent relationship is established. You can use the TAGTagName5 clause to establish a relationship based on an existing index tag for the parent table. Index tag names can contain up to 10 characters. If you omit the TAG clause, Visual FoxPro establishes the relationship using the parent table's primary index tag.

    Deletes a foreign key whose index tag is TagName6. You can use SAVE to keep the index tag in the structural index. If you omit SAVE, the index tag is deleted from the structural index.

  • RENAME COLUMN FieldName4 TO FieldName5
    Makes it possible for you to change the name of a field in the table. The FieldName4 parameter specifies the name of the field to be renamed. The FieldName5 paramter specifies the new name of the field.

    Caution   Exercise care when renaming table fields because index expressions, field and table validation rules, commands, functions, and so on might refer to the original field names.


You can use ALTER TABLE to modify the structure of a table that has not been added to a database. However, Visual FoxPro generates an error if you include the DEFAULT, FOREIGN KEY, PRIMARY KEY, REFERENCES, or SET clauses when modifying a free table.

ALTER TABLE might rebuild the table by creating a new table header and appending records to the table header. For example, changing the type or width of a field can cause the table to rebuild.

After a table is rebuilt, field validation rules are executed for any fields whose type or width is changed. If you change the type or width of any field in the table, the table rule is executed.

If you modify field or table validation rules for a table that has records, Visual FoxPro tests the new field or table validation rules against the existing data and issues a warning on the first occurrence of a field or table validation rule or of a trigger violation.

You cannot specify a value or expression in the DEFAULT clause if you turn on autoincrementing for a field.

To remove autoincrementing, use ALTER TABLE - SQL to change COLUMN but do not include the AUTOINC clause.

Field validation should remain enabled for autoincrementing fields. You might want to use validation to return a new autoincrementing value.

When you change a table that does not contain an autoincrementing field to include one, either by using ALTER TABLE or the Table Designer, autoincrementing begins with the next added row. Previous rows in the table are not updated with autoincrementing values starting with the first record. You need to make sure that no conflicts occur as a result.

ALTER TABLE might not produce consistent results when used with Visual FoxPro cursors created by the CREATE CURSOR command. In particular, you can create a Visual FoxPro cursor with features, such as long field names, that are normally available only with tables that are part of a database container. ALTER TABLE saves a temporary copy of the cursor, so the rules that apply to free tables also apply, and any features requiring database support are lost or changed in an unpredictable manner. Therefore, you should generally avoid using ALTER TABLE with Visual FoxPro cursors unless you have tested and understood the outcome.

If you omit NULL and NOT NULL, the current setting of the SET NULL command determines if null values are allowed in the field. However, if you omit NULL and NOT NULL but include the PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE clause, Visual FoxPro disregards the current setting of SET NULL, and the field defaults to NOT NULL.

Visual FoxPro generates an error if the validation rule specified in the CHECK clause does not allow for a blank field value in an appended record.

Null values and duplicate records are not permitted in a field used for a primary or candidate index. If you are creating a new field using ADD COLUMN, Visual FoxPro does not generate an error if you create a primary or candidate index for a field that supports null values. However, Visual FoxPro generates an error if you attempt to enter a null or duplicate value into a field used for a primary or candidate index.

Note   Candidate indexes, created by including the UNIQUE option (provided for ANSI compatibility) in CREATE TABLE – SQL or ALTER TABLE – SQL commands, are not the same as indexes created in the INDEX command with the UNIQUE option. An index created in the INDEX command using the UNIQUE option allows duplicate index keys; candidate indexes do not allow duplicate index keys. For more information about the UNIQUE option in the INDEX command, see INDEX Command.

If you modify an existing field, and the primary index expression or candidate index expression consists of fields in the table, Visual FoxPro checks the fields to see if they contain null values or duplicate records. If they do, Visual FoxPro generates an error and the table is not altered.

If the table is converted to another code page, the fields for which NOCPTRANS has been specified are not translated.


Example 1 adds a field called Fax to a Customer table and allows the field to have null values.

Example 2 makes the Cust_id field the primary key of the Customer table.

Example 3 adds a field validation rule to the Quantity field of the Orders table so that values in the Quantity field must be non-negative.

Example 4 adds a one-to-many persistent relation between the Customer and Orders tables based on the primary key Cust_id in the Customer table and a new foreign key index Cust_id in the Orders table.

Example 5 removes the field validation rule from the Quantity field in the Orders table.

Example 6 removes the persistent relation between the Customer and Orders tables, but keeps the Cust_id index tag in the Orders table.

Example 7 adds a field called Fax2 to the Customer table and prevents the field from containing null values. The new structure of the table is displayed. Two ALTER COLUMN clauses are used to allow the field to have null values and set the default value for the field to the null value. Note that multiple ALTER COLUMN clauses are required to change more than one property of a field in a single ALTER TABLE command. The new field is then removed from the table to restore the table to its original state.

* Example 1
SET PATH TO (HOME(2) + 'Data\')     && Sets path to table.

* Example 2

* Example 3
    ALTER COLUMN Quantity SET CHECK Quantity >= 0;
    ERROR "Quantities must be non-negative"

* Example 4
   ADD FOREIGN KEY Cust_id TAG Cust_id REFERENCES Customer

* Example 5

* Example 6

* Example 7

The following example uses NOCPTRANS to prevent translation to a different code page. The example creates a table named "mytable" that contains two character fields and two memo fields. The second character field, "char2", and the second memo field, "memo2", include NOCPTRANS to prevent translation.

CREATE TABLE mytable (char1 C(10), char2 C(10) NOCPTRANS,;
   memo1 M, memo2 M NOCPTRANS)

See Also

Commands | Autoincrementing Field Values in Tables | AFIELDS( ) Function | CREATE TABLE - SQL | INDEX | MODIFY STRUCTURE | OPEN DATABASE | SET OPTIMIZE | Using Rushmore Query Optimization to Speed Data Access