Bagikan melalui

BorderColor Property

Specifies the border color of an object. Available at design time and run time.

Object.BorderColor[ = nColor]

Property Values

  • nColor
    Specifies the border color value.

    The following table lists typical color values:

    Color RGB values nColor value
    White 255, 255, 255 16777215
    Black 0, 0, 0 0
    Gray 192, 192, 192 12632256
    Dark gray 128, 128, 128 8421504
    Red 255, 0, 0 255
    Dark red 128, 0, 0 128
    Yellow 255, 255, 0 65535
    Dark yellow 128, 128, 0 32896
    Green 0, 255, 0 65280
    Dark green 0, 128, 0 32768
    Cyan 0, 255, 255 16776960
    Dark cyan 0, 128, 128 8421376
    Blue 0, 0, 255 16711680
    Dark blue 0, 0, 128 8388608
    Magenta 255, 0 ,255 16711935
    Dark magenta 128, 0, 128 8388736


BorderColor applies only to a text box or edit box when the SpecialEffect property is set to 1 - Plain.

Use the RGB( ) function to convert the three component colors into one composite nColor.

See Also

BackColor, ForeColor Properties | GetColor( ) | RGB( ) | SpecialEffect Property

Applies To: ComboBox Control | CommandGroup Control | Container Object | Control Object | EditBox Control | Image Control | Line Control | ListBox Control | OptionGroup Control | PageFrame Control | Shape Control | TextBox Control