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Exclusive Property

Specifies whether a table associated with a Cursor object is opened exclusively. Available at design time; read/write at run time.

DataEnvironment.Cursor.Exclusive[ = lExpr]

Property Values

  • lExpr
    The settings for the Exclusive property are:
    Setting Description
    True (.T.) (Default) The table associated with the Cursor is opened exclusively when the data environment is loaded.
    False (.F.) The table associated with the cursor is not opened exclusively when the data environment is loaded.


Note   When the Cursor object is accessed using CURSORSETPROP( ), the Exclusive property is read-only at run time.

When the data environment is loaded, each table associated with a Cursor can be opened exclusively (no other user in a multiuser environment can access the table) or in shared mode. Use the Exclusive property to specify how the table is accessed.

Note   If you set the DataSession property to 2 (Private Data Session), the default setting of the Exclusive property for all Cursor objects in the data environment is changed to false (.F.).

For views, the View object itself is always opened in shared mode. However, the tables that define the view are affected by the Exclusive property. For local views, the Visual FoxPro tables that define the view are opened in exclusive or shared mode, depending on the setting of the Exclusive property. The Exclusive property has no effect on remote views.

The Exclusive property mimics the behavior of the USE command's EXCLUSIVE and SHARE clauses.

See Also

DataSession Property | SET EXCLUSIVE | USE

Applies To: Cursor