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Hide Method

Hides a form, form set, or toolbar by setting the Visible property to false (.F.).



Controls on a hidden form are not accessible to the user, but are still available and can be accessed in code. Although they are not visible, controls contained in an invisible form retain their own Visible property setting.

When the Visible property of the form set is set to false (.F.), the user cannot see the Forms it contains. Forms in a hidden form set are not accessible to the user, but are still available and can be accessed in code. The Hide method for a form set does not set the Visible property of its child Forms, so when a form is contained in a form set, you must check the Visible property settings of both the form and form set to determine if the form is visible.

After a form set is hidden, Visual FoxPro activates the last active object. If no objects were active before the form set, the main Visual FoxPro window becomes active.

Calling the Hide Method for the _SCREEN system variable has no effect.

See Also

Activate Event | Deactivate Event | Enabled Property | GotFocus Event | Show Method | Visible Property

Applies To: Form | FormSet | _SCREEN | ToolBar