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IntegralHeight Property

Specifies that the height of an EditBox or ListBox control is automatically adjusted so the last item in the control is properly displayed. Specifies that the height of a TextBox control is adjusted to accommodate one line of text. Available at design time; read-only at run time.

Object.IntegralHeight[ = lExpr]

Property Values

  • lExpr
    One of the following:
    lExpr Description
    True (.T.) The height an EditBox or ListBox control is adjusted as necessary so the last item in the control is properly displayed. The height of a TextBox is adjusted to accommodate one line of text.
    False (.F.) (Default) The height of an EditBox or ListBox isn't adjusted, allowing the last item in the control to be improperly displayed. The height of a TextBox isn't adjusted to accommodate one line of text.


The last line of text in an EditBox or ListBox control might be partially displayed if the control isn't the proper height. For example, the height of the control may be such that only the top half of the last item is displayed in the control. Set IntergralHeight to true (.T.) to automatically adjust the height of the control so the last item in the control is always properly displayed.

For a TextBox, set IntergralHeight to true (.T.) to ensure that the control automatically adjusts its height when its FontSize property is changed.

When the IntegralHeight property is set to true (.T.), the value of the Height property might not match the actual height of the control.

See Also

Height Property

Applies To: EditBox | ListBox | TextBox