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PanelLink Property

Specifies whether the left and right panels of a Grid control are linked when the grid is split. Available at design time; read/write at run time. Available only if the Partition property is set to a value greater than 0.

Grid.PanelLink[ = lExpr]

Property Values

  • lExpr
    The settings for the PanelLink property are:
    Setting Description
    True (.T.) (Default) The left and right panels of the grid are linked when the grid is split.
    False (.F.) The left and right panels of the grid are not linked when the grid is split.

If PanelLink is set to true (.T.), both panels of the grid are affected when the following properties are set: HeaderHeight, DeleteMark, GridLineColor, GridLines, GridLineWidth, Highlight, RecordMark, RowHeight, and ScrollBars.

If PanelLink is set to false (.F.), the Panel property setting determines which panel the following properties are set on: HeaderHeight, DeleteMark, GridLineColor, GridLines, GridLineWidth, HighLight, RecordMark, RowHeight, and ScrollBars.

See Also

DeleteMark Property | GridLineColor Property | GridLines Property | GridLineWidth Property | HeaderHeight Property | Highlight Property | Panel Property | Partition Property | RecordMark Property | RowHeight Property | ScrollBars Property

Applies To: Grid