Porting and Upgrading Programs
Porting an application refers to opening it for the first time in Visual C++. Upgrading refers to opening a project from a previous version of Visual C++ in the current version.
For more information, see What's New in Visual C++ 2008.
In This Section
How to: Upgrade Projects from Previous Versions of Visual C++
Discusses how to use projects created in previous versions of Visual C++.Introduction to Visual C++ for UNIX Users
Provides information for UNIX users who are new to Visual C++ and want to become productive with Visual C++.Porting from UNIX to Win32
Discusses options for migrating UNIX applications to Windows.How to: Upgrade Wizard-Generated Managed Extensions for C++ Code
Discusses how you can upgrade wizard-generated code.Managed Extensions for C++ Syntax Upgrade Checklist
Lists the syntactic differences between Managed Extensions for C++ and the new Visual C++ syntax for targeting the common language runtime.C++/CLI Migration Primer
A detailed guide to upgrade your Managed Extensions for C++ syntax to use the new syntax (see Language Features in Visual C++ 2005 for more information on the new syntax).
An ActiveX control compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 when embedded in a dialog box in a project developed with Visual C++ 2008 may cause your program to assert at runtime. In this situation, recompile the ActiveX control using Visual C++ 2008. The assert will be in the file occcont.cpp, on the line in source: ASSERT(IsWindow(pTemp->m_hWnd)).