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How to: Filter Related Data (LINQ to SQL)

Use the AssociateWith method to specify sub-queries to limit the amount of retrieved data.


In the following example, the AssociateWith method limits the Orders retrieved to those that have not been shipped today. Without this approach, all Orders would have been retrieved even though only a subset is desired.

Dim db As New Northwnd("c:\northwnd.mdf")

Dim dlo As DataLoadOptions = New DataLoadOptions()
dlo.AssociateWith(Of Customer)(Function(c As Customer) _
        c.Orders.Where(Function(p) p.ShippedDate <> DateTime.Today))
db.LoadOptions = dlo

Dim custOrderQuery = _
    From cust In db.Customers _
    Where cust.City = "London" _
    Select cust

For Each custObj In custOrderQuery
    For Each ord In custObj.Orders
        Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", vbTab, ord.OrderDate)

Northwnd db = new Northwnd(@"c:\northwnd.mdf");
DataLoadOptions dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
dlo.AssociateWith<Customer>(c => c.Orders.Where(p => p.ShippedDate != DateTime.Today));
db.LoadOptions = dlo;
var custOrderQuery = 
    from cust in db.Customers
    where cust.City == "London" 
    select cust;

foreach (Customer custObj in custOrderQuery)
    foreach (Order ord in custObj.Orders)
        Console.WriteLine("\t {0}",ord.OrderDate);

See Also

Other Resources

Querying the Database (LINQ to SQL)