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Connections Missing

Connections Missing. The typed dataset will not compile. Please add the required connection strings to the application settings.

This dialog box appears when adding or copying an existing typed dataset that includes references to a connection string in the project's application settings. The project that the existing dataset has been added to does not have the referenced connection string setting, resulting in the dataset failing to compile.

To fix the compiler error, add the connection string to the project's application settings.

To correct this error

  1. Click OK to close the dialog box.

  2. From the Build menu, build the current project.

  3. Inspect the Error List and locate the error in the dataset. It should be similar to the following: 'NorthwindConnectionString' is not a member of 'ApplicationName.Settings'.

  4. In Solution Explorer, double-click the My Project icon (Visual Basic) or Properties toolbar button (Visual C#) to open the Project Designer.

  5. Choose the Settings page.

  6. In the Name column, type the name of the connection string referenced in the error. For example, NorthwindConnectionString.

  7. In the Type column, select (Connection string) from the drop-down list.

  8. In the Value column, type your connection string, or click the ellipsis button (...) to create a connection string using the Add/Modify Connection Dialog Box (General).

See Also


How to: Edit a Connection String

How to: Save a Connection String


Displaying Data Overview

Other Resources

Connecting to Data in Visual Studio

Preparing Your Application to Receive Data

Fetching Data into Your Application

Displaying Data on Forms in Windows Applications

Editing Data in Your Application

Saving Data