CHttpConnection Class
Manages your connection to an HTTP server.
class CHttpConnection : public CInternetConnection
HTTP is one of three Internet server protocols implemented by the MFC WinInet classes.
The class CHttpConnection contains a constructor and one member function, OpenRequest, that manages connections to a server with an HTTP protocol.
To communicate with an HTTP server, you must first create an instance of CInternetSession, and then create a CHttpConnection object. You never create a CHttpConnection object directly; rather, call CInternetSession::GetHttpConnection, which creates the CHttpConnection object and returns a pointer to it.
To learn more about how CHttpConnection works with the other MFC Internet classes, see the article Internet Programming with WinInet. For more information about connecting to servers using the other two supported Internet protocols, gopher and FTP, see the classes CGopherConnection and CFtpConnection.
Header: afxinet.h