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Call this function to select the given tree view item, scroll the item into view, or redraw the item in the style used to indicate the target of a drag-and-drop operation.

BOOL Select( 
   HTREEITEM hItem, 
   UINT nCode  


  • hItem
    Handle of a tree item.

  • nCode
    The type of action to take. This parameter can be one of the following values:

    • TVGN_CARET   Sets the selection to the given item.

    • TVGN_DROPHILITE   Redraws the given item in the style used to indicate the target of a drag-and-drop operation.

    • TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE   Scrolls the tree view vertically so that the given item is the first visible item.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


If nCode contains the value TVGN_CARET, the parent window receives the TVN_SELCHANGING and TVN_SELCHANGED notification messages. In addition, if the specified item is the child of a collapsed parent item, the parent's list of child items is expanded to reveal the specified item. In this case, the parent window receives the TVN_ITEMEXPANDING and TVN_ITEMEXPANDED notification messages.


See the example for CTreeCtrl::HitTest.


Header: afxcmn.h

See Also


CTreeCtrl Class

Hierarchy Chart


