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Using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.CppUnitTestFramework

This topic lists the public members of the Microsoft::VisualStudio::CppUnitTestFramework namespace.

The header files are located in the VisualStudio2012[x86]InstallFolder**\VC\UnitTest\include** folder.

The lib files are located in the VisualStudio2012[x86]InstallFolder**\VC\UnitTest\lib** folder.

In this topic


  • Create test classes and methods

  • Initialize and cleanup

    • Test methods

    • Test classes

    • Test modules

  • Create test attributes

    • Test method attributes

    • Test class attributes

    • Test module attributes

    • Pre-defined attributes


    • General Asserts

      • Are Equal

      • Are Not Equal

      • Are Same

      • Are Not Same

      • Is Null

      • Is Not Null

      • Is True

      • Is False

      • Fail

    • Windows Runtime Asserts

      • Are Equal

      • Are Same

      • Are Not Equal

      • Are Not Same

      • Is Null

      • Is Not Null

    • Exception Asserts

      • Expect Exception


      • Logger

      • Write Message


Create test classes and methods


Required for each class containing test methods. Identifies className as a test class. TEST_CLASS must be declared at namescape scope.

    // test method body

Defines methodName as a test method. TEST_METHOD must be declared in the scope of the method's class.

Initialize and cleanup

Test methods

    // method initialization code

Defines methodName as a method that runs before each test method is run. TEST_METHOD_INITIALIZE can only be defined once in a test class and must be defined in the test class.

    // test method cleanup  code

Defines methodName as a method that runs after each test method is run. TEST_METHOD_CLEANUP can only be defined once in a test class and must be defined in the scope of the test class.

Test classes

    // test class initialization  code

Defines methodName as a method that runs after each test class is created. TEST_CLASS_INITIALIZE can only be defined once in a test class and must be defined in the scope of the test class.

    // test class cleanup  code

Defines methodName as a method that runs after each test class is created. TEST_CLASS_CLEANUP can only be defined once in a test class and must be defined in the scope of the test class.

Test modules

    // module initialization code

Defines the method methodName that runs when a module is loaded. TEST_MODULE_INITIALIZE can only be defined once in a test module and must be declared at namespace scope.


Defines the method methodName that runs when a module is unloaded. TEST_MODULE_CLEANUP can only be defined once in a test module and must be declared at namespace scope.

Create test attributes

Test method attributes

    TEST_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE(attributeName, attributeValue)

Adds the attributes defined with one or more TEST_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE macros to the test method testClassName.

A TEST_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE macro defines an attribute with the name attributeName and the value attributeValue.

Test class attributes

    TEST_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE(attributeName, attributeValue)

Adds the attributes defined with one or more TEST_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE macros to the test class testClassName.

A TEST_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE macro defines an attribute with the name attributeName and the value attributeValue.

Test module attributes

    TEST_MODULE_ATTRIBUTE(attributeName, attributeValue)

Adds the attributes defined with one or more TEST_MODULE_ATTRIBUTE macros to the test module testModuleName.

A TEST_MODULE_ATTRIBUTE macro defines an attribute with the name attributeName and the value attributeValue.

Pre-defined attributes

These pre-defined attribute macros can be substituted for the macros TEST_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE, TEST_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, OR TEST_MODULE_ATTRIBUTE described above.


Defines an attribute with the name Owner and the attribute value of ownerAlias.


Defines an attribute with the name Description and the attribute value of description.


Defines an attribute with the name Priority and the attribute value of priority.


Defines an attribute with the name WorkItem and the attribute value of workItem.


Defines an attribute with the name Ignore and the attribute value of true.


General Asserts

Are Equal

Verify that two objects are equal

template<typename T> 
static void AreEqual(
    const T& expected, 
    const T& actual, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Verify that two doubles are equal

static void AreEqual(
    double expected, 
    double actual, 
    double tolerance, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Verify that two floats are equal

static void AreEqual(
    float expected, 
    float actual, 
    float tolerance, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Verify that two char* strings are equal

static void AreEqual(
    const char* expected, 
    const char* actual, 
    bool ignoreCase = false, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Verify that two w_char* strings are equal

static void AreEqual(
    const wchar_t* expected, 
    const wchar_t* actual, 
    bool ignoreCase = false, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Are Not Equal

Verify that two doubles are not equal

static void AreNotEqual(
    double notExpected, 
    double actual, 
    double tolerance, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Verify that two floats are not equal

static void AreNotEqual(
    float notExpected, 
    float actual, 
    float tolerance, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Verify that two char* strings are not equal

static void AreNotEqual(
    const char* notExpected, 
    const char* actual, 
    bool ignoreCase = false, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Verify that two w_char* strings are not equal

static void AreNotEqual(
    const wchar_t* notExpected, 
    const wchar_t* actual, 
    bool ignoreCase = false, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Verify that two references are not equal based on operator==.

template<typename T> 
static void AreNotEqual(
    const T& notExpected, 
    const T& actual, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Are Same

Verify that two references refer to the same object instance (identity).

template<typename T> 
static void AreSame(
    const T& expected, 
    const T& actual, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Are Not Same

Verify that two references do not refer to the same object instance (identity).

template<typename T> 
static void AreNotSame (
    const T& notExpected, 
    const T& actual, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Is Null

Verify that a pointer is NULL.

template<typename T> 
static void IsNull(
    const T* actual,
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Is Not Null

Verify that a pointer is not NULL

template<typename T> 
static void IsNotNull(
    const T* actual, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Is True

Verify that a condition is true

static void IsTrue(
    bool condition, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Is False

Verify that a condition is false

static void IsFalse(
    bool condition, 
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)


Force the test case result to be failed

static void Fail(
    const wchar_t* message = NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)

Windows Runtime Asserts

Are Equal

Verifies that two Windows Runtime pointers are equal.

template<typename T> 
static void AreEqual(
    T^ expected, 
    T^ actual, 
    Platform::String^ message = nullptr, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo= nullptr)

Verifies that two Platform::String^ strings are equal.

template<typename T> 
static void AreEqual(
    T^ expected, 
    T^ actual, 
    Platform::String^ message= nullptr, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo= nullptr)

Are Same

Verifies that two Windows Runtime references reference the same object.

template<typename T> 
static void AreSame(
    T% expected, 
    T% actual, 
    Platform::String^ message= nullptr, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo= nullptr)

Are Not Equal

Verifies that two Windows Runtime pointers are not equal.

template<typename T> 
static void AreNotEqual(
    T^ notExpected, 
    T^ actual, 
    Platform::String^ message = nullptr, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo= nullptr)

Verifies that two Platform::String^ strings are not equal.

static void AreNotEqual(
    Platform::String^ notExpected, 
    Platform::String^ actual, 
    bool ignoreCase = false, 
    Platform::String^ message= nullptr, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo= nullptr)

Are Not Same

Verifies that two Windows Runtime references do not reference the same object.

template<typename T> 
static void AreNotSame(
    T% notExpected, 
    T% actual, 
    Platform::String^ message= nullptr, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo= nullptr)

Is Null

Verifies that a Windows Runtime pointer is a nullptr.

template<typename T> 
static void IsNull(
    T^ actual,
    Platform::String^ message = nullptr, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo= nullptr)

Is Not Null

Verifies that a Windows Runtime pointer is not a nullptr.

template<typename T> 
static void IsNotNull(
    T^ actual, 
    Platform::String^ message= nullptr, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo= nullptr)

Exception Asserts

Expect Exception

Verify that a function raises an exception:

template<typename _EXPECTEDEXCEPTION, typename _FUNCTOR> 
static void ExpectException(
    _FUNCTOR functor, 
    const wchar_t* message= NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo= NULL)

Verify that a function raises an exception:

template<typename _EXPECTEDEXCEPTION, typename _RETURNTYPE> 
    static void ExpectException(
    _RETURNTYPE (*func)(), 
    const wchar_t* message= NULL, 
    const __LineInfo* pLineInfo = NULL)



The Logger class contains static methods to write to

class Logger

Write Message

static void 
Logger::WriteMessage(const wchar_t* message)

static void 
Logger::WriteMessage(const char* message)


This code is an example of

// The following is an example of VSCppUnit usage.
// It includes examples of attribute metadata, fixtures,
// unit tests with assertions, and custom logging.

#include <CppUnitTest.h>

using namespace Microsoft::VisualStudio::CppUnitTestFramework;

    TEST_MODULE_ATTRIBUTE(L"Date", L"2010/6/12")

    Logger::WriteMessage("In Module Initialize");

    Logger::WriteMessage("In Module Cleanup");



        Logger::WriteMessage("In Class1");

        Logger::WriteMessage("In ~Class1");

        Logger::WriteMessage("In Class Initialize");

        Logger::WriteMessage("In Class Cleanup");

        Logger::WriteMessage("In Method1");
        Assert::AreEqual(0, 0);


See Also


Verifying Code by Using Unit Tests

Unit testing native code with Test Explorer

Unit testing existing C++ applications with Test Explorer