Bagikan melalui

VSConstants.VSStd97CmdID Enumeration

These constants make some basic menu commands available to managed code.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.12.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.12.0.dll)


<GuidAttribute("5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819")> _
Public Enumeration VSStd97CmdID
public enum VSStd97CmdID
public enum class VSStd97CmdID
type VSStd97CmdID
public enum VSStd97CmdID


Member name Description
About Open the About dialog box.
AddClass Add a class.
AddConnectionPoint Add a connection point.
AddEvent Add an event.
AddExistingItem Command id:"Add Existing Item" on Project menu.
AddExistingProject Add an existing project.
AddExistingProjFromWeb Add an existing web project.
AddFunction Add a function.
AddIndexer Add an indexer.
AddinManager Addin Manager
AddInterface Add Interface
AddMethod Add Method
AddNestedClass Add Nested Class
AddNewItem Command id:"Add New Item" on Project menu.
AddNewProject Add New Project
AddProperty Add Property
AddToOutput Add selected fields to query output.
AddVariable Add Variable
AddWatch Command id:"Add Watch" on Debug menu.
Alias Alias
AlignBottom Align Bottom
AlignHorizontalCenters Align Horizontal Centers
AlignLeft Align Left
AlignRight Align Right
AlignToGrid Align to Grid
AlignTop Align Top
AlignVerticalCenters Align Vertical Centers
AppendQuery Append Query
ArrangeBottom Arrange Bottom
ArrangeRight Arrange Right
AutoHideAllWindows Autohide All Windows
AutoHideContext1 Autohide Context 1
AutoHideContext10 Autohide Context 10
AutoHideContext11 Autohide Context 11
AutoHideContext12 Autohide Context 12
AutoHideContext13 Autohide Context 13
AutoHideContext14 Autohide Context 14
AutoHideContext15 Autohide Context 15
AutoHideContext16 Autohide Context 16
AutoHideContext17 Autohide Context 17
AutoHideContext18 Autohide Context 18
AutoHideContext19 Autohide Context 19
AutoHideContext2 Autohide Context 2
AutoHideContext20 Autohide Context 20
AutoHideContext21 Autohide Context 21
AutoHideContext22 Autohide Context 22
AutoHideContext23 Autohide Context 23
AutoHideContext24 Autohide Context 24
AutoHideContext25 Autohide Context 25
AutoHideContext26 Autohide Context 26
AutoHideContext27 Autohide Context 27
AutoHideContext28 Autohide Context 28
AutoHideContext29 Autohide Context 29
AutoHideContext3 Autohide Context 3
AutoHideContext30 Autohide Context 30
AutoHideContext31 Autohide Context 31
AutoHideContext32 Autohide Context 32
AutoHideContext33 Autohide Context 33
AutoHideContext4 Autohide Context 4
AutoHideContext5 Autohide Context 5
AutoHideContext6 Autohide Context 6
AutoHideContext7 Autohide Context 7
AutoHideContext8 Autohide Context 8
AutoHideContext9 Autohide Context 9
AutoHideWindow Command id:"Autohide Window" for window selection via keyboard.
AutojoinAlways Autojoin Always
AutojoinCurrent Autojoin current tables.
AutosWindow Command id:"Autos Window" on View menu.
BackColor Back Color
BatchBuildDlg Batch Build Dialog
BeginLine Begin Line
BeginWord Begin Word
Bold Bold
BookmarkWindow Bookmark Window
BookmarkWindowGoToBookmark Bookmark Window: Go to Bookmark
BorderColor Border Color
BorderDashDot Border: dash dot
BorderDashDotDot Border: dash dot dot
BorderDashes Border: dashes
BorderDots Border: dots
BorderShortDashes Border: short dashes
BorderSolid Border: solid
BorderSparseDots Border: sparse dots
BorderWidth1 Border width 1
BorderWidth2 Border width 2
BorderWidth3 Border width 3
BorderWidth4 Border width 4
BorderWidth5 Border width 5
BorderWidth6 Border width 6
BorderWidthHairline Border width Hairline
BringForward Bring forward
BringToFront Bring to front
BrowseDefn Object browser / Class View command: Browse Definition
BrowseDoc Browse document
BrowseNext Browse next
BrowsePrev Browse previous
Browser1 Browser 1
Browser10 Browser 10
Browser11 Browser 11
Browser2 Browser 2
Browser3 Browser 3
Browser4 Browser 4
Browser5 Browser 5
Browser6 Browser 6
Browser7 Browser 7
Browser8 Browser 8
Browser9 Browser 9
BrowseUnload Browse unload
BrowseWith Browse with
Build1 Build cascade menus: Build 1
Build2 Build cascade menus: Build 2
Build3 Build cascade menus: Build 3
Build4 Build cascade menus: Build 4
Build5 Build cascade menus: Build 5
Build6 Build cascade menus: Build 6
Build7 Build cascade menus: Build 7
Build8 Build cascade menus: Build 8
Build9 Build cascade menus: Build 9
BuildCtx Build control
BuildLast Build last
BuildOrder Build order
BuildProjPicker Build project pickre
BuildSel Build selection
BuildSln Build solution
CallStack Command id:"Call Stack" on View menu.
Cancel Cancel
CancelBuild Cancel build
CancelEZDrag Cancel drag
Cascade Command id:"Cascade" on Window menu.
CenterDiagram Center diagram
CenterHorizontally Center horizontally
CenterVertically Center vertically
CharInSet Character in set
CharNotInSet Character not in set
CheckForUpdates Check for updates
CheckMnemonics Check mnemonics
Chiseled Chiseled
ClassView Class view
Clean1 Build command: Clean 1
Clean2 Build command: Clean 2
Clean3 Build command: Clean 3
Clean4 Build command: Clean 4
Clean5 Build command: Clean 5
Clean6 Build command: Clean 6
Clean7 Build command: Clean 7
Clean8 Build command: Clean 8
Clean9 Build command: Clean 9
CleanCtx Build command: Clean context
CleanLast Build command: Clean Last
CleanProjPicker Build command: Clean Project Picker
CleanSel Build command: Clean Selection
CleanSln Build command id: Clean Solution
ClearBreakpoints Command id for: "Clear Breakpoints" on Debug menu.
ClearPane Clear pane
ClearQuery Clear a query's associated cursor.
CloseAllDocuments Close all documents
CloseDocument Close documents
CloseSolution Command id for: "Close Solution".
CmdWinUpdateAC CmdWinUpdateAC
Code Code
CodeExpansionWindow Code Expansion Window
Collapse Collapse links.
CollapsedView Collapsed view
CollapseWatch Command id:"Collapse Watch" on Watch context menu.
CommandWindow Command window
CommandWindowMarkMode Command window: mark mode
CompDebug1 Compile debug 1
CompDebug10 Compile debug 10
CompDebug11 Compile debug 11
CompDebug12 Compile debug 12
CompDebug13 Compile debug 13
CompDebug14 Compile debug 14
CompDebug15 Compile debug 15
CompDebug2 Compile debug 2
CompDebug3 Compile debug 3
CompDebug4 Compile debug 4
CompDebug5 Compile debug 5
CompDebug6 Compile debug 6
CompDebug7 Compile debug 7
CompDebug8 Compile debug 8
CompDebug9 Compile debug 9
ContextWindow Context window
ConvertObject Convert object
Copy Command id : "Copy".
CPPIdentifier C++ identifier
CrosstabQuery Crosstab query
CustomControl Custom control
CustomizeItem Customize item
CustomizeKeyboard Command id: "Customize Keyboard" on Tools menu.
CustomizeToolbars Customize toolbars
Cut Command id: "Cut".
CVGroupingGrouped Class View command: Grouped
CVGroupingNone Class View command: No Grouping
CVGroupingSortAccess Class View command: Group by Access
CVGroupingSortOnly Class View command: Sort Only Grouping
CVNewFolder Class View command: New Folder
CVShowPackages Class View command: Show Packages
DebugExplorer Debug explorer
DebugOptions Debug options
DebugProcesses Debug processes
DebugReserved1 Reserved
DebugReserved2 Reserved
DebugReserved3 Reserved
DefineSubset Define subset
DefineViews Define views
Delete Command id: "Delete".
DeleteBookmark Delete bookmark
DeleteQuery Delete Query
DeleteRelationship Delete Relationship
DeleteTable Delete Table
DeleteWatch Command id: "Delete Watch" on Watch context menu.
Deploy1 Build command: Deploy 1
Deploy2 Build command: Deploy 2
Deploy3 Build command: Deploy 3
Deploy4 Build command: Deploy 4
Deploy5 Build command: Deploy 5
Deploy6 Build command: Deploy 6
Deploy7 Build command: Deploy 7
Deploy8 Build command: Deploy 8
Deploy9 Build command: Deploy 9
DeployCtx Build command: Deploy Control
DeployLast Build command: Deploy Last
DeployProjPicker Build command: Deploy Project Picker
DeploySel Build command: Deploy Selection
DeploySln Build command: Deploy Solution
DetachAttachOutline Document Outline command.
DetachDebugger Command id: "Detach Debugger" on Debug menu.
DisplayRadix Display Radix
DockingView Command id: "Docking View" on Docking context menu.
DockingViewFloater Command id: "Dock Floating Window" for window selection via keyboard.
DockingViewMDI Command id: "MDI Docking View" for window selection via keyboard.
DocOutlineWindow Command id:"Document Outline Window" on View menu.
EditBreakpoint Command id:"Edit Breakpoint" on Debug menu.
EditLabel Edit Label
EditMenuIDs Edit Menu IDs
EditMenuNames Edit menu names with menu designer.
EditorWidgetClick Editor Widget Click
EditPage Launch editor for URL.
EditWatch Command id:"Edit Watch" on Debug menu.
ElasticColumn Elastic Column
EnableBookmark Enable Bookmark
EnableBreakpoint Enable Breakpoint
EndLine End Line
EndWord End Word
Escape Escape
Etched Etched
EvaluateExpression Evaluate Expression
EvaluateStatement Evaluate Statement
Exceptions Exceptions
ExistingSchemaEdit Edit Existing Schema
Exit Command id:"Exit" on File menu.
Expand Expand links.
ExpandAll Expand All
ExpandImages Expand Images
ExpandLinks Expand Links
ExpandPages Expand Pages
ExternalCommands External Commands
ExtToolsBinDir External Tools context menu command: Bin Directory
ExtToolsCurCol External Tools context menu command: Current Column
ExtToolsCurDir External Tools context menu command: Current Directory
ExtToolsCurExtension External Tools context menu command: Current Extension
ExtToolsCurFileName External Tools context menu command: Current Filename
ExtToolsCurLine External Tools context menu command: Current Line
ExtToolsCurPath External Tools context menu command: Current Path
ExtToolsCurText External Tools context menu command: Current Text
ExtToolsProjDir External Tools context menu command: Current Project Directory
ExtToolsProjFileName External Tools context menu command: Current Project Filename
ExtToolsSlnDir External Tools context menu command: Solution Directory
ExtToolsSlnFileName External Tools context menu command: Solution Filename
ExtToolsTargetDir External Tools context menu command: Target Directory
ExtToolsTargetExtension External Tools context menu command: Target Extension
ExtToolsTargetFileName External Tools context menu command: Target Filename
ExtToolsTargetPath External Tools context menu command: Target Path
F1Help F1 Help
FieldView View Field
FileClose Command id:"File Close" on File menu.
FileNew Command id:"File New" on File menu.
FileOpen Command id:"File Open" on File menu.
FileOpenFromWeb Command id:"File Open From Web" on File menu.
FilterDiagram Filter webscope diagram.
Find Command id:"Find".
FindBackwards Command id:"Find Backwards" in Find/Replace options.
FindCmd Find commond
FindHiddenText Command id:"Find Hidden Text" in Find/Replace options.
FindInFiles Command id:"Find in Files" in Find/Replace options.
FindInSelection Command id:"Find in Selection" in Find/Replace options.
FindMatchCase Command id:"Find Matching Case" in Find/Replace options.
FindNext Find Next
FindPrev Find Previous
FindReferences Find references
FindRegularExpression Command id:"Find Regular Expression" in Find/Replace options.
FindResultWindow1 Find Result Window 1
FindResultWindow2 Find Result Window 2
FindSelectedNext Find Next Selected
FindSelectedPrev Find Previous Selected
FindSimplePattern Command id:"Find Simple Pattern" in Find/Replace options.
FindStop Command id:"Stop Find" in Find/Replace options.
FindWhatText Find What Text
FindWholeWord Command id:"Find Whole Word" in Find/Replace options.
Flat Flat
Font Font
FontName Font Name
FontNameGetList Get Font Name List
FontSize Font Size
FontSizeGetList Get Font Size List
ForeColor Foreground Coler
FormsFirst First Forms
FormsLast Last Forms
ForwardBrowseContext Forward browse context
FullOuterJoin Full Outer Join
FullScreen Command id:"Full Screen" on View menu.
GenerateChangeScript Generate a change script.
GetZoom Get Zoom
Goto Command id:"Go To" on Edit menu.
GotoCommandLine Goto Command Line
GotoDecl Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Go to Declaration
GotoDefn Object browser / Class View command: Go to Definition
GotoErrorTag Go to Error Tag
GotoQuick Go to Quick Watch
GotoRef Go to Reference
Group Group
HideActivePane Command id:"Hide Active Pane" on Docking context menu.
HideColumn Hide Column
HidePane Hide Pane
HideTable Hide Table
HorizSpaceConcatenate Concatenate Horizontal Space
HorizSpaceDecrease Decrease Horizontal Space
HorizSpaceIncrease Increase Horizontal Space
HorizSpaceMakeEqual Make Horizontal Space Equal
ImmediateMode Immediate Mode
ImmediateWindow Command id:"Immediate Window" on View menu.
ImplementInterface Implement Interface
Import Import
InnerJoin Inner Join
InsertBreakpoint Insert Breakpoint
InsertHTMLWizard Insert HTML using a Wizard.
InsertNewMenu Insert menu using menu designer.
InsertObject Insert Object
InsertSeparator Insert separator using menu designer.
InsertValuesQuery Insert Values Query
Integer Integer
Italic Italic
JoinLeftAll Left Join All
JoinRightAll Right Join All
JustifyCenter Center Justify
JustifyGeneral Justify General
JustifyLeft Left Justify
JustifyRight Justify Right
Layout Layout webscope diagram.
LeftOuterJoin Left Outer Join
LineBreak Break Line
LoadUnloadedProject Load Unloaded Project
LocalsWindow Command id:"Locals Window" on View menu.
LockControls Lock Controls
LogCommandWindow Log Command Window
MakeTableQuery Make Table Query
ManageConstraints Schema table command: Manage Constraints
ManageIndexes Schema table command: Manage Indexes
ManageRelationships Schema table command: Manage Relationships
MarkerCmd0 Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerCmd1 Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerCmd2 Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerCmd3 Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerCmd4 Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerCmd5 Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerCmd6 Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerCmd7 Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerCmd8 Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerCmd9 Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerEnd Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MarkerLast Marker command on the Code Window menu.
MoreWindows Window menu id.
Move Move
MoveFileToProject1 Move File to Project 1
MoveFileToProject2 Move File to Project 2
MoveFileToProject3 Move File to Project 3
MoveFileToProject4 Move File to Project 4
MoveFileToProject5 Move File to Project 5
MoveFileToProject6 Move File to Project 6
MoveFileToProject7 Move File to Project 7
MoveFileToProject8 Move File to Project 8
MoveFileToProject9 Move File to Project 9
MoveFileToProjectLast Move File to Project Last
MoveFileToProjectPick Move File to Project Pick
MoveToDropdownBar Command id:"Move to Dropdown Bar" for window selection via keyboard.
MoveToNextEZCntr Move to Next Container
MoveToPreviousEZCntr Move to Previous Container
MoveToTop Move To Top
MRUFile1 Command id:most recently used file 1
MRUFile10 Command id:most recently used file 10
MRUFile11 Command id:most recently used file 11
MRUFile12 Command id:most recently used file 12
MRUFile13 Command id:most recently used file 13
MRUFile14 Command id:most recently used file 14
MRUFile15 Command id:most recently used file 15
MRUFile16 Command id:most recently used file 16
MRUFile17 Command id:most recently used file 17
MRUFile18 Command id:most recently used file 18
MRUFile19 Command id:most recently used file 19
MRUFile2 Command id:most recently used file 2
MRUFile20 Command id:most recently used file 20
MRUFile21 Command id:most recently used file 21
MRUFile22 Command id:most recently used file 22
MRUFile23 Command id:most recently used file 23
MRUFile24 Command id:most recently used file 24
MRUFile25 Command id:most recently used file 25
MRUFile3 Command id:most recently used file 3
MRUFile4 Command id:most recently used file 4
MRUFile5 Command id:most recently used file 5
MRUFile6 Command id:most recently used file 6
MRUFile7 Command id:most recently used file 7
MRUFile8 Command id:most recently used file 8
MRUFile9 Command id:most recently used file 9
MRUProj1 Command id:most recently used project 1
MRUProj10 Command id:most recently used project 10
MRUProj11 Command id:most recently used project 11
MRUProj12 Command id:most recently used project 12
MRUProj13 Command id:most recently used project 13
MRUProj14 Command id:most recently used project 14
MRUProj15 Command id:most recently used project 15
MRUProj16 Command id:most recently used project 16
MRUProj17 Command id:most recently used project 17
MRUProj18 Command id:most recently used project 18
MRUProj19 Command id:most recently used project 19
MRUProj2 Command id:most recently used project 2
MRUProj20 Command id:most recently used project 20
MRUProj21 Command id:most recently used project 21
MRUProj22 Command id:most recently used project 22
MRUProj23 Command id:most recently used project 23
MRUProj24 Command id:most recently used project 24
MRUProj25 Command id:most recently used project 26
MRUProj3 Command id:most recently used project 3
MRUProj4 Command id:most recently used project 4
MRUProj5 Command id:most recently used project 5
MRUProj6 Command id:most recently used project 6
MRUProj7 Command id:most recently used project 7
MRUProj8 Command id:most recently used project 8
MRUProj9 Command id:most recently used project 9
MultiLevelRedo Multi Level Redo
MultiLevelRedoList Multi Level Redo List
MultiLevelUndo Multi Level Undo
MultiLevelUndoList Multi Level Undo List
NewBlankSolution New Blank Solution
NewBookmarkFolder New Bookmark Folder
NewFolder Command id:"New Folder" on Project menu.
NewPage New Page
NewProject Command id:"New Project" on File menu.
NewProjectFromExisting Command id:"New Project From Existing" on File menu.
NewTable New Table
NewWindow Command id:"New Window" on Window menu.
NextBookmarkFolder Next Bookmark Folder
NextDocument Next Document
NextDocumentNav Navigate to Next Document
NextLocation Command id:"Next Location" in Task List, Find in Files results, and so on.
NoCmdsAvailable No Commands Available
OBBack Object Browser command: Back
OBEnableGrouping Object Browser command: Enable Grouping
OBForward Object Browser command: Forward
OBGroupObjectsAccess Object Browser command: Group Object by Access
OBGroupObjectsType Object Browser command Group Objects by Type.
ObjectBrowser Command id:"Object Browser" on View menu.
ObjectSearch Object Search
ObjectSearchResults Object Search Results
ObjectVerbList0 Object Verb List 0
ObjectVerbList1 Object Verb List 1
ObjectVerbList2 Object Verb List 2
ObjectVerbList3 Object Verb List 3
ObjectVerbList4 Object Verb List 4
ObjectVerbList5 Object Verb List 5
ObjectVerbList6 Object Verb List 6
ObjectVerbList7 Object Verb List 7
ObjectVerbList8 Object Verb List 8
ObjectVerbList9 Object Verb List 9
OBSDoFind Object Browser command id: Do Find
OBSearchCombo Object Browser command id: Search Combo
OBSearchOptCaseSensitive Object Browser command id: Case-sensitive search
OBSearchOptPrefix Object Browser command id: Search prefix option
OBSearchOptSubstring Object Browser command id: Search substring option
OBSearchOptWholeWord Object Browser command id: Search Whole Word option
OBSetGroupingCriteria Object Browser command id: Set Grouping Criteria
OBShowHidden Object Browser command id: Show Hidden
OBShowPackages Object Browser command id: Show Packages
OBSLookInReferences Object Browser command id: Look in References
OBSMatchCase Object Browser command id: Match case
OBSMatchPrefix Object Browser command id: Match Prefix
OBSMatchSubString Object Browser command id: Match Substring
OBSMatchWholeWord Object Browser command id: Match Whole Word
OBSortMembersAccess Object Browser command id: Sort by Member Access
OBSortMembersAlpha Object Browser command id: Sort Members Alphabetically
OBSortMembersType Object Browser command id: Sort by Member Type
OBSortObjectsAccess Object Browser command id: Sort by Object Access
OBSortObjectsAlpha Object Browser command id: Sort Objects Alphabetically
OBSortObjectsType Object Browser command id: Sort Objects by Type
OLEObjectMenuButton Object Browser command id: Object Menu Button
OneOrMore Select One or More
Open Open.
OpenDropDownOpen Open Drop Down Open
OpenDropDownOpenWith Open Drop Down With
OpenProject Command id:"Open Project" on File menu.
OpenProjectFromWeb Command id:"Open Project From Web" on File menu
OpenProjectItem Open Project Item
OpenSolution Command id:"Open Solution" on File menu.
OpenWith Open with.
Or Or
OtherQuery Change query type to "other".
OutputWindow Command id:"Output Window" on View menu.
Override Override
PageSetup Command id:"Page Setup" on File menu.
PaneActivateDocWindow Command id:"Activate Document Window Pane" for window selection via keyboard.
PaneCloseToolWindow Command id:"Close Tool Window Pane" for window selection via keyboard.
PaneNextPane Command id:"Next Pane" for window selection via keyboard.
PaneNextSubPane Next Sub Pane
PaneNextTab Command id:"Next Tab" for window selection via keyboard.
PanePrevPane Command id:"Previous Pane" for window selection via keyboard.
PanePrevSubPane Previous Sub Pane
PanePrevTab Command id:"Previous Pane" for window selection via keyboard.
Parameters Parameters
Paste Command id:"Paste".
PasteNextTBXCBItem Paste Next TBXCB Item
PatternMatchHelp Regular expression builder context help menu command id: "Pattern Match Help"
Pause Pause
PbrsToggleStatus Command id:"Property Browser Toggle Status" on Property Browser context menu.
PopBrowseContext Pop Browse Context
PrevBookmarkFolder Previous Bookmark Folder
PrevDocument Previous Document
PrevDocumentNav Navigate to Previous Document
Preview Preview page.
PreviewInBrowser Preview in Browser
PreviousLocation Command id:"Previous Location" in Task List, Find in Files results, and so on.
PrimaryKey Primary Key
Print Command id:"Print".
PrintDefault Command id: Print Default (quick print)
PrintPreview Command id:"Print Preview" on File menu.
ProjectDependencies Project Dependencies
ProjectExplorer Command id:"Project Explorer" on View menu.
ProjectProperties Project Properties
ProjectReferences Command id:"Project References" on Project menu.
ProjectSettings Command id:"Project Settings" on Project menu.
PropbrsHide Command id:"Hide Property Browser" on Property Browser context menu.
Properties Properties
PropertiesWindow Properties Window
PropertyPages Command id:"Property Pages" on View menu.
PropSheetOrProperties Property Sheet or Property Window
PRSortAlphabeticaly Sort Properties Alphabetically. Note: "Alphabeticaly" is misspelled in enumeration member.
PRSortByCategory Sort Properties by Category
QryManageIndexes Manage Query Indexes
QueryOpenDesign Open Query Designer
QueryOpenNew Open New Query
QuickObjectSearch Quick Object Search
QuickWatch Command id:"Quick Watch" on Debug menu.
QuotedString Quoted String
Raised Raised
Rebuild1 Rebuild 1
Rebuild2 Rebuild 2
Rebuild3 Rebuild 3
Rebuild4 Rebuild 4
Rebuild5 Rebuild 5
Rebuild6 Rebuild 6
Rebuild7 Rebuild 7
Rebuild8 Rebuild 8
Rebuild9 Rebuild 9
RebuildCtx Rebuild Control
RebuildLast Rebuild Last
RebuildProjPicker Rebuild Project Picker
RebuildSel Rebuild Selection
RebuildSln Rebuild Solution.
RecordFirst Go to first record in set.
RecordGoto Go to record via dialog.
RecordLast Go to last record in set.
RecordNew Add a record to set.
RecordNext Go to the next record in set.
RecordPrevious Go to previous record in set.
Redo Command id:"Redo".
RefocusDiagram Refocus Diagram
Refresh Refresh webscope diagram.
RegExList Regular expression builder context help menu command id: "Regular Expression List".
ReloadProject User-invoked project reload.
Remove Remove
RemoveFilter Remove Filter
Rename Rename
RenameBookmark Rename Bookmark
Replace Command id:"Replace" on Edit menu.
ReplaceInFiles Replace in Files
ResourceView Resource View
Restart Restart
Resume Resume webscope rendering.
RightOuterJoin Right Outer Join
RunQuery Run a query.
RunToCursor Command id:"Run To Cursor" on Debug menu.
Save Command id:"Save".
SaveAs Command id:"Save As".
SaveOptions Command id:"Save Options".
SaveProjectItem Save Project Item
SaveProjectItemAs Command id:"Save Project Item As" on File menu.
SaveSelection Save Selection
SaveSolution Command id:"Save Solution" on File menu.
SaveSolutionAs Command id:"Save Solution As" on File menu.
SearchCombo Search Combo
SearchGetList Search Get List
SearchSetCombo Search Set Combo
SelectAll Command id:"Select All".
SelectAllFields Select All Fields
SelectProjectTemplate Select Project Template
SelectQuery Select by Query
SendBackward Send Backward
SendToBack Send to Back
SetNextStatement Command id:"Set Next Statement" on Debug menu.
SetStartupProject Command id:"Set as StartUp Project" on Project menu.
Shadowed Shadowed
Shell Shell
ShellNavBackward Shell Navigate Backward
ShellNavForward Shell Navigate Forward
ShellNavigate1 Shell Navigate 1
ShellNavigate10 Shell Navigate 10
ShellNavigate11 Shell Navigate 11
ShellNavigate12 Shell Navigate 12
ShellNavigate13 Shell Navigate 13
ShellNavigate14 Shell Navigate 14
ShellNavigate15 Shell Navigate 15
ShellNavigate16 Shell Navigate 16
ShellNavigate17 Shell Navigate 17
ShellNavigate18 Shell Navigate 18
ShellNavigate19 Shell Navigate 19
ShellNavigate2 Shell Navigate 2
ShellNavigate20 Shell Navigate 20
ShellNavigate21 Shell Navigate 21
ShellNavigate22 Shell Navigate 22
ShellNavigate23 Shell Navigate 23
ShellNavigate24 Shell Navigate 24
ShellNavigate25 Shell Navigate 25
ShellNavigate26 Shell Navigate 26
ShellNavigate27 Shell Navigate 27
ShellNavigate28 Shell Navigate 28
ShellNavigate29 Shell Navigate 29
ShellNavigate3 Shell Navigate 3
ShellNavigate30 Shell Navigate 30
ShellNavigate31 Shell Navigate 31
ShellNavigate32 Shell Navigate 32
ShellNavigate33 Shell Navigate 33
ShellNavigate4 Shell Navigate 4
ShellNavigate5 Shell Navigate 5
ShellNavigate6 Shell Navigate 6
ShellNavigate7 Shell Navigate 7
ShellNavigate8 Shell Navigate 8
ShellNavigate9 Shell Navigate 9
ShellWindowNavigate1 Shell Window Navigate 1
ShellWindowNavigate10 Shell Window Navigate 10
ShellWindowNavigate11 Shell Window Navigate 11
ShellWindowNavigate12 Shell Window Navigate 12
ShellWindowNavigate13 Shell Window Navigate 13
ShellWindowNavigate14 Shell Window Navigate 14
ShellWindowNavigate15 Shell Window Navigate 15
ShellWindowNavigate16 Shell Window Navigate 16
ShellWindowNavigate17 Shell Window Navigate 17
ShellWindowNavigate18 Shell Window Navigate 18
ShellWindowNavigate19 Shell Window Navigate 19
ShellWindowNavigate2 Shell Window Navigate 2
ShellWindowNavigate20 Shell Window Navigate 20
ShellWindowNavigate21 Shell Window Navigate 21
ShellWindowNavigate22 Shell Window Navigate 22
ShellWindowNavigate23 Shell Window Navigate 23
ShellWindowNavigate24 Shell Window Navigate 24
ShellWindowNavigate25 Shell Window Navigate 25
ShellWindowNavigate26 Shell Window Navigate 26
ShellWindowNavigate27 Shell Window Navigate 27
ShellWindowNavigate28 Shell Window Navigate 28
ShellWindowNavigate29 Shell Window Navigate 29
ShellWindowNavigate3 Shell Window Navigate 3
ShellWindowNavigate30 Shell Window Navigate 30
ShellWindowNavigate31 Shell Window Navigate 31
ShellWindowNavigate32 Shell Window Navigate 32
ShellWindowNavigate33 Shell Window Navigate 33
ShellWindowNavigate4 Shell Window Navigate 4
ShellWindowNavigate5 Shell Window Navigate 5
ShellWindowNavigate6 Shell Window Navigate 6
ShellWindowNavigate7 Shell Window Navigate 7
ShellWindowNavigate8 Shell Window Navigate 8
ShellWindowNavigate9 Shell Window Navigate 9
ShowAllObjects Show all objects in webscope diagram.
ShowApplications Show Application objects in webscope diagram.
ShowBases Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show Bases
ShowBreakpoints Command id:"Show Breakpoints" on Debug menu.
ShowCallees Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show Callees
ShowCallers Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show Callers
ShowDataPane Show Data Pane
ShowDefns Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show Definitions
ShowDerived Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show Derived
ShowDownloads Show download objects in webscope diagram.
ShowExternals Show external objects in webscope diagram.
ShowGraphicalPane Show Graphical Pane
ShowGrid Show Grid
ShowHideOutline Document outline command.
ShowHomePage Show Home Page
ShowInAndOutBoundLinks Show inbound and outbound links in webscope diagram.
ShowInBoundLinks Show inbound links in webscope diagram.
ShowMembers Object browser/ Class View command: Show Members
ShowNextStatement Command id:"Show Next Statement" on Debug menu.
ShowOtherObjects Show other objects in webscope diagram.
ShowOutBoundLinks Show outbound links in webscope diagram.
ShowPages Show HTML pages.
ShowPrimRelationships Show primary relationships.
ShowProperties Show Properties
ShowQBEPane Show QBE Pane
ShowRefs Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show References
ShowResources Show resource objects in webscope diagram.
ShowSQLPane Show SQL Pane
ShowStartPage Show Start Page
ShowTable Show Table
SingleChar Single Character
SingleTableDesign Single Table Design
SingleTableNew Single New Table
SizeToControl Size to Control
SizeToControlHeight Size to Control Height
SizeToControlWidth Size to Control Width
SizeToFit Size to Fit
SizeToGrid Size to Grid
SlnCfgMgr Solution Configuration Manager
SnapToGrid Snap to Grid
SolutionCfg Solution Configuration
SolutionCfgGetList Get Solution Configuration List
SortAscending Sort in Ascending Order
SortDescending Sort in Descending Order
SpaceOrTab Space or Tab
Split Command id:"Split" on Window menu.
SplitNext Split Next
SplitPrev Split Previous
StandardMax Standard Maximum
Start Start
StartNoDebug Start No Debug Build
StepInto Command id:"Step Into" on Debug menu.
StepOut Command id:"Step Out" on Debug menu.
StepOver Command id:"Step Over" on Debug menu.
Stop Stop webscope rendering.
SubsetCombo Subset Combo
SubsetGetList Subset Get List
Sunken Sunken
SyncClassView Object browser / Class View command: Sync Class View
SyncOutline Document outline command.
TabOrder Tab Order
TagExp Tag Expression
TaggedExp1 Tagged Expression 1
TaggedExp2 Tagged Expression 2
TaggedExp3 Tagged Expression 3
TaggedExp4 Tagged Expression 4
TaggedExp5 Tagged Expression 5
TaggedExp6 Tagged Expression 6
TaggedExp7 Tagged Expression 7
TaggedExp8 Tagged Expression 8
TaggedExp9 Tagged Expression9
TaskListCustomView1 Task List Custom View 1
TaskListCustomView10 Task List Custom View 10
TaskListCustomView11 Task List Custom View 11
TaskListCustomView12 Task List Custom View 12
TaskListCustomView13 Task List Custom View 13
TaskListCustomView14 Task List Custom View 14
TaskListCustomView15 Task List Custom View 15
TaskListCustomView16 Task List Custom View 16
TaskListCustomView17 Task List Custom View 17
TaskListCustomView18 Task List Custom View 18
TaskListCustomView19 Task List Custom View 19
TaskListCustomView2 Task List Custom View 2
TaskListCustomView20 Task List Custom View 20
TaskListCustomView21 Task List Custom View 21
TaskListCustomView22 Task List Custom View 22
TaskListCustomView23 Task List Custom View 23
TaskListCustomView24 Task List Custom View 24
TaskListCustomView25 Task List Custom View 25
TaskListCustomView26 Task List Custom View 26
TaskListCustomView27 Task List Custom View 27
TaskListCustomView28 Task List Custom View 28
TaskListCustomView29 Task List Custom View 29
TaskListCustomView3 Task List Custom View 3
TaskListCustomView30 Task List Custom View 30
TaskListCustomView31 Task List Custom View 31
TaskListCustomView32 Task List Custom View 32
TaskListCustomView33 Task List Custom View 33
TaskListCustomView34 Task List Custom View 34
TaskListCustomView35 Task List Custom View 35
TaskListCustomView36 Task List Custom View 36
TaskListCustomView37 Task List Custom View 37
TaskListCustomView38 Task List Custom View 38
TaskListCustomView39 Task List Custom View 39
TaskListCustomView4 Task List Custom View 4
TaskListCustomView40 Task List Custom View 40
TaskListCustomView41 Task List Custom View 41
TaskListCustomView42 Task List Custom View 42
TaskListCustomView43 Task List Custom View 43
TaskListCustomView44 Task List Custom View 44
TaskListCustomView45 Task List Custom View 45
TaskListCustomView46 Task List Custom View 46
TaskListCustomView47 Task List Custom View 47
TaskListCustomView48 Task List Custom View 48
TaskListCustomView49 Task List Custom View 49
TaskListCustomView5 Task List Custom View 5
TaskListCustomView50 Task List Custom View 50
TaskListCustomView6 Task List Custom View 6
TaskListCustomView7 Task List Custom View 7
TaskListCustomView8 Task List Custom View 8
TaskListCustomView9 Task List Custom View 9
TaskListFilterByCategoryComment Filter Task List by Comment Category
TaskListFilterByCategoryCompiler Filter Task List by Compiler Category
TaskListFilterByCategoryHTML Filter Task List by HTML Category
TaskListFilterByCategoryShortcut Filter Task List by Shortcut Category
TaskListFilterByCategoryUser Filter Task List by User Category
TaskListFilterByChecked Filter Task List by Checked Items
TaskListFilterByCurrentFile Filter Task List by Current File
TaskListFilterByNothing Filter Task List by Nothing
TaskListFilterByUnchecked Filter Task List by Unchecked Items
TaskListNextError Filter Task List by Next Error
TaskListPrevError Filter Task List by Previous Error
TaskListPreviousView Previous Task List View
TaskListShowTooltip Show Task List Tooltip
TaskListSortByCategory Sort Task List by Category
TaskListSortByChecked Sort Task List by Checked Items
TaskListSortByDefaultSort Sort Task List by Default Sort Order
TaskListSortByDescription Sort Task List by Description
TaskListSortByFileLine Sort Task List by File Line
TaskListSortByPriority Sort Task List by Priority
TaskListTaskHelp Task List Task Help
TaskListWindow Command id:"Task List Window" on View menu.
TechSupport Command id:"Technical Support" on Help menu.
ThisWindow Command id:"This Window" on View menu.
ThreadResume Resume Thread
ThreadSetFocus Set Focus on Thread
ThreadSuspend Suspend Thread
TileHorz Command id:"Tile Horizontal" on Window menu.
TileVert Command id:"Tile Vertical" on Window menu.
ToggleBookmark Toggle Bookmark
ToggleBreakpoint Command id:"Toggle Breakpoint" on Debug menu.
ToggleInsMode Toggle Insert Mode
ToggleSelMode Toggle Selection Mode
Tool1 Tool 1
Tool10 Tool 10
Tool11 Tool 11
Tool12 Tool 12
Tool13 Tool 13
Tool14 Tool 14
Tool15 Tool 15
Tool16 Tool 16
Tool17 Tool 17
Tool18 Tool 18
Tool19 Tool 19
Tool2 Tool 2
Tool20 Tool 20
Tool21 Tool 21
Tool22 Tool 22
Tool23 Tool 23
Tool24 Tool 24
Tool3 Tool 3
Tool4 Tool 4
Tool5 Tool 5
Tool6 Tool 6
Tool7 Tool 7
Tool8 Tool 8
Tool9 Tool 9
Toolbox Toolbox
ToolboxAddItem Add Toolbox Item
ToolboxAddTab Add Toolbox Tab
ToolboxDeleteTab Delete Toolbox Tab
ToolboxListView Toolbox List View
ToolboxRenameItem Rename Toolbox Item
ToolboxRenameTab Rename Toolbox Tab
ToolboxReset Reset Toolbox
ToolboxShowAllTabs Show All Toolbox Tabs
ToolboxSortItems Sort Toolbox Items
ToolboxTabMoveDown Toolbox Tab Move Down
ToolboxTabMoveUp Toolbox Tab Move Up
ToolsDebugProcesses Debug Process
ToolsOptions Command id:"Tools Options" on the Tools menu.
Totals Totals
TransitiveClosure Transitive Closure
TshellRun For debugging only.
TshellStep For debugging only.
uieventidDrop Drop UI Event ID
uieventidFirst First UI Event ID
uieventidLast Last UI Event ID
uieventidSelectRegion Select UI Event ID Region
Underline Underline
Undo Command id:"Undo".
Ungroup Ungroup
UnionJoin Union Join
UnloadLoadedProject Unload Loaded Project
UnloadProject User-invoked project unload.
UpdateMarkerSpans Update Marker Spans
UpdateQuery Update Query
VBEFirst VB Editor First
VBELast VB Editor Last
VerifySQL Verify SQL
VertSpaceConcatenate Concatenate Vertical Space
VertSpaceDecrease Decrease Vertical Space
VertSpaceIncrease Increase Vertical Space
VertSpaceMakeEqual Make Vertical Space Equal
ViewBarView1 Unused.
ViewBarView10 Unused.
ViewBarView11 Unused.
ViewBarView12 Unused.
ViewBarView13 Unused.
ViewBarView14 Unused.
ViewBarView15 Unused.
ViewBarView16 Unused.
ViewBarView17 Unused.
ViewBarView18 Unused.
ViewBarView19 Unused.
ViewBarView2 Unused.
ViewBarView20 Unused.
ViewBarView21 Unused.
ViewBarView22 Unused.
ViewBarView23 Unused.
ViewBarView24 Unused.
ViewBarView3 Unused.
ViewBarView4 Unused.
ViewBarView5 Unused.
ViewBarView6 Unused.
ViewBarView7 Unused.
ViewBarView8 Unused.
ViewBarView9 Unused.
ViewCode View Code
ViewCollapsed View Collapsed
ViewFieldList View Field List
ViewForm View Form
ViewGrid View Grid
ViewKeys View Keys
ViewLinks Launch new webscope for URL.
ViewNextTab View Next Tab
ViewPopup View Popup
ViewThreadsWindow View Threads Window
WatchWindow Command id:"Watch Window" on View menu.
WhiteSpace Whitespace
WildCharInSet Regular expression builder wildcard menu command id: "Wild Character in Set".
WildCharNotInSet Regular expression builder wildcard menu command id: "Wild Character Not in Set".
WildSingleChar Regular expression builder wildcard menu command id: "Single Wild Character"
WildSingleDigit Regular expression builder wildcard menu command id: "Wild Single Digit".
WildZeroOrMore Regular expression builder wildcard menu command id:
Window1 Window 1 menu id.
Window10 Window 10 menu id.
Window11 Window 11 menu id.
Window12 Window 12 menu id.
Window13 Window 13 menu id.
Window14 Window 14 menu id.
Window15 Window 15 menu id.
Window16 Window 16 menu id.
Window17 Window 17 menu id.
Window18 Window 18 menu id.
Window19 Window 19 menu id.
Window2 Window 2 menu id.
Window20 Window 20 menu id.
Window21 Window 21 menu id.
Window22 Window 22 menu id.
Window23 Window 23 menu id.
Window24 Window 24 menu id.
Window25 Window 25 menu id.
Window3 Window 3 menu id.
Window4 Window 4 menu id.
Window5 Window 5 menu id.
Window6 Window 6 menu id.
Window7 Window 7 menu id.
Window8 Window 8 menu id.
Window9 Window 9 menu id.
WindowHelp Window Help
WindowUIGetList Get Window UI List
WindowUIList Window UI List
ZeroOrMore Zero or More
Zoom10 Zoom Factor 10%
Zoom100 Zoom Factor 100%
Zoom150 Zoom Factor 150%
Zoom200 Zoom Factor 200%
Zoom25 Zoom Factor 25%
Zoom50 Zoom Factor 50%
Zoom75 Zoom Factor 75%
ZoomDialog Zoom Dialog
ZoomIn Zoom In
ZoomOut Zoom Out
ZoomPercent Zoom by Percent

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio Namespace