Bagikan melalui

Initialization Sequence of Project Subtypes

The environment constructs a project by calling the base project factory implementation of CreateProject. The construction of a project subtype starts when the environment determines that the project type GUID list for a project file's extension is not empty. The project file extension and project GUID specify whether the project is a Visual Basic or Visual C# project type. For example, the .vbproj extension and {F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F} identify a Visual Basic project.

Environment's Initialization of Project Subtypes

The following procedure details the initialization sequence for a project system aggregated by multiple project subtypes.

  1. The environment calls the base project's CreateProject, and while the project parses its project file it discovers that the aggregate project type GUIDs list is not null. The project discontinues directly creating its project.

  2. The project calls QueryService on SVsCreateAggregateProject service to create a project subtype using the environment's implementation of the CreateAggregateProject method. Within this method the environment makes recursive function calls to your implementations of PreCreateForOuter, M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsAggregatableProject.SetInnerProject(System.Object) and InitializeForOuter methods while it is walking the list of project type GUIDs, starting with the outermost project subtype.

    The following details the initialization steps.

    1. The environment's implementation of the CreateAggregateProject method calls HrCreateInnerProjmethod with the following function declaration:

      HRESULT HrCreateInnerProj
          WCHAR *pwszGuids,
          IUnknown *pOuter,
          IVsAggregatableProject *pOwner,
          LPCOLESTR pszFilename,
          LPCOLESTR pszLocation,
          LPCOLESTR pszName,
          VSCREATEPROJFLAGS grfCreateFlags,
          IUnknown **ppInner,
          BOOL *pfCancelled

      When this function is called for the first time, that is, for the outermost project subtype, the parameters pOuter and pOwner are passed in as null and the function sets the outermost project subtype IUnknown to pOuter.

    2. Next the environment calls HrCreateInnerProj function with the second project type GUID in the list. This GUID corresponds to the second inner project subtype stepping in toward the base project in the aggregation sequence.

    3. The pOuter is now pointing to the IUnknown of the outermost project subtype, and HrCreateInnerProj calls your implementation of PreCreateForOuter followed by a call to your implementation of SetInnerProject. In PreCreateForOuter method you pass in the controlling IUnknown of the outermost project subtype, pOuter. The owned project (inner project subtype) needs to create its aggregate project object here. In the SetInnerProject method implementation you pass in a pointer to the IUnknown of the inner project that is being aggregated. These two methods create the aggregation object, and your implementations need to follow COM aggregation rules to ensure that a project subtype does not end up holding a reference count to itself.

    4. HrCreateInnerProj calls your implementation of PreCreateForOuter. In this method, the project subtype does its initialization work. You can, for example, register solution events in InitializeForOuter.

    5. HrCreateInnerProj is called recursively until the last GUID (the base project) in the list is reached. For each of these calls, the steps, c through d, are repeated. pOuter points to the outermost project subtype IUnknown for each level of aggregation.

The following example details the programmatic process in an approximate representation of the CreateAggregateProject method as it is implemented by the environment. The code is just an example; it is not intended to be compiled and all error checking was removed for clarity.



HRESULT CreateAggregateProject
    LPCOLESTR lpstrGuids, 
    LPCOLESTR pszFilename, 
    LPCOLESTR pszLocation,
    LPCOLESTR pszName, 
    VSCREATEPROJFLAGS grfCreateFlags, 
    REFIID iidProject, 
    void **ppvProject)
    CComPtr<IUnknown> srpunkProj;
    CComPtr<IVsAggregatableProject> srpAggProject;
    CComBSTR bstrGuids = lpstrGuids;
    BOOL fCanceled = FALSE;
    *ppvProject = NULL;

         bstrGuids, NULL, NULL, pszFilename, pszLocation, 
         pszName, grfCreateFlags, &srpunkProj, &fCanceled);
        IID_IVsAggregatableProject, (void **)&srpAggProject));
    srpunkProj->QueryInterface(iidProject, ppvProject);

HRESULT HrCreateInnerProj
    WCHAR *pwszGuids, 
    IUnknown *pOuter, 
    IVsAggregatableProject *pOwner, 
    LPCOLESTR pszFilename, 
    LPCOLESTR pszLocation,
    LPCOLESTR pszName, 
    VSCREATEPROJFLAGS grfCreateFlags, 
    IUnknown **ppInner, 
    BOOL *pfCanceled
    CComPtr<IUnknown> srpInner;
    CComPtr<IVsAggregatableProject> srpAggInner;
    CComPtr<IVsProjectFactory> srpProjectFactory;
    CComPtr<IVsAggregatableProjectFactory> srpAggPF;
    GUID guid = GUID_NULL;
    WCHAR *pwszNextGuids = wcschr(pwszGuids, L';');
    WCHAR wszText[_MAX_PATH+150] = L"";

    if (pwszNextGuids)
        *pwszNextGuids++ = 0;

    CLSIDFromString(pwszGuids, &guid);
        guid, &srpProjectFactory);
        (void **)&srpAggPF);
    srpAggPF->PreCreateForOuter(pOuter, &srpInner);
        IID_IVsAggregatableProject, (void **)&srpAggInner);

    if (pOwner)

    if (pwszNextGuids)
        CComPtr<IUnknown> srpNextInner;
            pwszNextGuids, pOuter ? pOuter : srpInner, 
            srpAggInner, pszFilename, pszLocation, pszName, 
            grfCreateFlags, &srpNextInner, pfCanceled);

    return srpAggInner->InitializeForOuter(
        pszFilename, pszLocation, pszName, grfCreateFlags, 
        IID_IUnknown, (void **)ppInner, pfCanceled);

See Also



Other Resources

Project Subtypes