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vector::insert (STL/CLR)

Adds elements at a specified position.

    iterator insert(iterator where, value_type val);
    void insert(iterator where, size_type count, value_type val);
    template<typename InIt>
        void insert(iterator where, InIt first, InIt last);
    void insert(iterator where,
        System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<Value>^ right);


  • count
    Number of elements to insert.

  • first
    Beginning of range to insert.

  • last
    End of range to insert.

  • right
    Enumeration to insert.

  • val
    Value of the element to insert.

  • where
    Where in container to insert before.


Each of the member functions inserts, before the element pointed to by where in the controlled sequence, a sequence specified by the remaining operands.

The first member function inserts an element with value val and returns an iterator that designates the newly inserted element. You use it to insert a single element before a place designated by an iterator.

The second member function inserts a repetition of count elements of value val. You use it to insert zero or more contiguous elements which are all copies of the same value.

If InIt is an integer type, the third member function behaves the same as insert(where, (size_type)first, (value_type)last). Otherwise, it inserts the sequence [first, last). You use it to insert zero or more contiguous elements copied from another sequence.

The fourth member function inserts the sequence designated by the right. You use it to insert a sequence described by an enumerator.

When inserting a single element, the number of element copies is linear in the number of elements between the insertion point and the nearer end of the sequence. (When inserting one or more elements at either end of the sequence, no element copies occur.) If InIt is an input iterator, the third member function effectively performs a single insertion for each element in the sequence. Otherwise, when inserting N elements, the number of element copies is linear in N plus the number of elements between the insertion point and the nearer end of the sequence.


// cliext_vector_insert.cpp 
// compile with: /clr 
#include <cliext/vector> 
int main() 
    cliext::vector<wchar_t> c1; 
// display initial contents " a b c" 
    for each (wchar_t elem in c1) 
        System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem); 
// insert a single value using iterator 
    cliext::vector<wchar_t>::iterator it = c1.begin(); 
    System::Console::WriteLine("insert(begin()+1, L'x') = {0}", 
        *c1.insert(++it, L'x')); 
    for each (wchar_t elem in c1) 
        System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem); 
// insert a repetition of values 
    cliext::vector<wchar_t> c2; 
    c2.insert(c2.begin(), 2, L'y'); 
    for each (wchar_t elem in c2) 
        System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem); 
// insert an iterator range 
    it = c1.end(); 
    c2.insert(c2.end(), c1.begin(), --it); 
    for each (wchar_t elem in c2) 
        System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem); 
// insert an enumeration 
    c2.insert(c2.begin(),   // NOTE: cast is not needed 
    for each (wchar_t elem in c2) 
        System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem); 
    return (0); 
 a b c
insert(begin()+1, L'x') = x
 a x b c
 y y
 y y a x b
 a x b c y y a x b


Header: <cliext/vector>

Namespace: cliext

See Also


vector (STL/CLR)

vector::assign (STL/CLR)