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Operators.OperatorIntrinsics Module (F#)

A module of compiler intrinsic functions for efficient implementations of F# integer ranges and dynamic invocations of other F# operators.

Namespace/Module Path: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators

Assembly: FSharp.Core (in FSharp.Core.dll)

module OperatorIntrinsics




AbsDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

AcosDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

AsinDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

Atan2Dynamic : 'T1 -> 'T1 -> 'T2

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

AtanDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

CeilingDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

CosDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

CoshDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

ExpDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

FloorDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

GetArraySlice : 'T [] -> int option -> int option -> 'T []

Gets a slice of an array.

GetArraySlice2D : 'T [,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,]

Gets a slice of an array.

GetArraySlice3D : 'T [,,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,,]

Gets a slice of an array.

GetArraySlice4D : 'T [,,,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,,,]

Gets a slice of an array.

GetStringSlice : string -> int option -> int option -> string

Gets a slice from a string.

Log10Dynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

LogDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

PowByte : byte -> int -> byte

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type byte.

PowDecimal : decimal -> int -> decimal

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type decimal.

PowDouble : float -> int -> float

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type float.

PowDynamic : 'T -> 'U -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

PowGeneric : 'T * ('T -> 'T -> 'T) * 'T * int -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator

PowInt16 : int16 -> int -> int16

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type int16.

PowInt32 : int32 -> int -> int32

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type int32.

PowInt64 : int64 -> int -> int64

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type int64.

PowIntPtr : nativeint -> int -> nativeint

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type nativeint.

PowSByte : sbyte -> int -> sbyte

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type sbyte.

PowSingle : float32 -> int -> float32

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type float32.

PowUInt16 : uint16 -> int -> uint16

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type uint16.

PowUInt32 : uint32 -> int -> uint32

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type uint32.

PowUInt64 : uint64 -> int -> uint64

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type uint64.

PowUIntPtr : unativeint -> int -> unativeint

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type unativeint.

RangeByte : byte -> byte -> byte -> seq<byte>

Generates a range of byte values.

RangeChar : char -> char -> seq<char>

Generates a range of char values.

RangeDouble : float -> float -> float -> seq<float>

Generates a range of float values.

RangeGeneric : 'T -> ('T -> 'T -> 'T) -> 'T -> 'T -> seq<'T>

Generate a range of values using the given zero, add, start, step and stop values.

RangeInt16 : int16 -> int16 -> int16 -> seq<int16>

Generates a range of int16 values.

RangeInt32 : int -> int -> int -> seq<int>

Generates a range of integers.

RangeInt64 : int64 -> int64 -> int64 -> seq<int64>

Generates a range of int64 values.

RangeIntPtr : nativeint -> int -> nativeint

Generates a range of nativeint values.

RangeSByte : sbyte -> sbyte -> sbyte -> seq<sbyte>

Generates a range of sbyte values.

RangeSingle : float32 -> float32 -> float32 -> seq<float32>

Generates a range of float32 values.

RangeStepGeneric : 'Step -> ('T -> 'Step -> 'T) -> 'T -> 'Step -> 'T -> seq<'T>

Generates a range of values using the given zero, add, start, step and stop values.

RangeUInt16 : uint16 -> uint16 -> uint16 -> seq<uint16>

Generates a range of uint16 values.

RangeUInt32 : uint32 -> uint32 -> uint32 -> seq<uint32>

Generates a range of uint32 values.

RangeUInt64 : uint64 -> uint64 -> uint64 -> seq<uint64>

Generates a range of uint64 values.

RangeUIntPtr : unativeint -> unativeint -> unativeint -> seq<unativeint>

Generates a range of unativeint values.

RoundDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

SetArraySlice : 'T [] -> int option -> int option -> 'T [] -> unit

Sets a slice of an array.

SetArraySlice2D : 'T [,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,] -> unit

Sets a slice of an array.

SetArraySlice3D : 'T [,,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,,] -> unit

Sets a slice of an array.

SetArraySlice4D : 'T [,,,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,,,] -> unit

Sets a slice of an array.

SignDynamic : 'T -> int

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

SinDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

SinhDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

SqrtDynamic : 'T1 -> 'T2

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

TanDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

TanhDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

TruncateDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.


Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2

Version Information

F# Core Library Versions

Supported in: 2.0, 4.0, Portable, Portable

See Also


Core.Operators Module (F#)