Index and publish symbol data
You can use your default build process to embed version control paths into the symbol data in your .PDB files and then publish them to a SymStore symbol store.
The process can embed TFVC version control paths. Embedding Git version control paths is not supported.
Prepare your SymStore symbol store
Before you can publish your symbols by using your build process, your team must first prepare a SymStore symbol store:
To prepare your SymStore symbol store
Set up a folder on a file-sharing server to store the symbols. For example, set up \\contoso-share\symbols.
Grant Full Control permissions to the user account under which the build agent is running.
For more information about build agents, see Deploy and configure build agents.
Publish symbol data
You can publish symbol data and specify the settings when you edit the build definition or when you queue the build.
In Team Explorer:
If you are not already connected to the team project that you want to work in, then connect to the team project.
Choose Home, and then choose Builds (Keyboard: Ctrl + 0, B).
The Builds page appears.
Choose the New Build Definition link or select a build, open its context menu, and choose Edit Build Definition.
On the Process tab, in Path to publish symbols, type the UNC file path to the folder (for example, \\contoso-share\symbols).
Publish symbol data by using a custom build process template
For more information, see Team Foundation Build Activities: Work with Symbol Data.
For more information
For more information about SymStore symbol stores, see the following topics on the Microsoft website:
For more information about Default Template build definitions, see Use the Default Template for your build process.