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Insert images, videos, and audio clips in Blend

Images, videos, and audio clips add visual appeal to your app.

Images sized to fit

To use an image, video, or audio clip, add it to your project, and then drag it from the Assets panel onto your artboard.

These videos can help you insert images, videos, and audio clips into your app.


Watch a short video

Import an Adobe FXG File

Configure Installed FeaturesFXG Import Preview in Blend

Import an Adobe Illustrator file

Configure Installed FeaturesImport an Adobe Illstrator (ai) file into Blend

Import an Adobe Photoshop file

Configure Installed FeaturesImport a Photoshop file into Blend

Insert a video

No video available. Suggest one

Insert audio clips

Configure Installed FeaturesAdd audio clips

Help us evolve our content!

If you’ve found a video or article that’s helped incorporate images, videos, and audio recordings in Blend, please share that with us. After we review the content, we might add a link to it so that others can benefit from your discovery.

If you’d like to suggest a new video, we’d also like to hear from you. If we receive similar requests from others, we’ll create one as our time and priorities permit.

No one knows your business better than you. So please tell us what resources have helped you insert images, videos, and audio recordings into your pages, and what areas have not been well explained by us, or by anyone in our community, so that we can better evolve our content to help you.

Please share your suggestions here.