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Toolbox, Components Tab

Displays components you can add to Visual Basic and Visual C# designers. In addition to the .NET Framework components that are included with Visual Studio, such as the MessageQueue and EventLog components, you can add your own or third-party components to this tab. For more information, see How to: Manipulate Toolbox Tabs.

To display this tab, from the View menu, select Toolbox. In the Toolbox, select the Components tab.

  • BackgroundWorker
    Creates a System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker component instance that can run an operation on a separate, dedicated thread.

  • DirectoryEntry
    Creates a DirectoryEntry component instance that encapsulates a node or object in the Active Directory hierarchy and can be used to interact with Active Directory service providers.

  • DirectorySearcher
    Creates a DirectorySearcher component instance that you can use to perform queries against the Active Directory.

  • ErrorProvider
    Creates a System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider component instance, which indicates to the end user that a control on a form has an error associated with it.

  • EventLog
    Creates an EventLog component instance you can use to interact with system and custom event logs, including writing events to a log and reading log data. For more information, see Introduction to the EventLog Component.

  • FileSystemWatcher
    Creates a FileSystemWatcher component instance that you can use to monitor for changes to any directory or file to which you have access. For more information, see How to: Configure FileSystemWatcher Component Instances.

  • HelpProvider
    Creates a System.Windows.Forms.HelpProvider component instance that provides pop-up or online Help for controls.

  • ImageList
    Creates a System.Windows.Forms.ImageList component instance that provides methods to manage a collection of System.Drawing.Image objects.

  • MessageQueue
    Creates a MessageQueue component instance that you can use to interact with message queues, including reading messages from and writing messages to queues, processing transactions, and performing queue administration tasks. For more information, see Using Messaging Components.

  • PerformanceCounter
    Creates a PerformanceCounter component instance that you can use to interact with Windows performance counters, including creating new categories and instances, reading values from counters, and performing calculations on counter data. For more information, see Monitoring Performance Thresholds.

  • Process
    Creates a Process component instance you can use to stop, start, and manipulate the data associated with processes on your system. For more information, see Monitoring and Managing Windows Processes.

  • SerialPort
    Creates a System.IO.Ports.SerialPort component instance that provides synchronous and event-driven I/O, access to pin and break states, and access to serial driver properties.

  • ServiceController
    Creates a ServiceController component instance you can use to manipulate existing services, including starting and stopping services and sending commands to them. For more information, see Monitoring Windows Services.

  • Timer
    Creates a Timer component instance you can use to add time-based functionality to your Windows-based applications. For more information, see Timer Component (Windows Forms).


    There is also a system-based Timer that you can add to the Toolbox This Timer is optimized for server applications, and the Windows Forms Timer is best suited for use on Windows Forms.

See Also



Other Resources

Programming with Components

Component Programming Walkthroughs

Choose Toolbox Items Dialog Box (Visual Studio)