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Provides the default security settings for the service.

HRESULT InitializeSecurity( ) throw( );

Return Value

Returns S_OK on success, or an error HRESULT on failure.


In Visual Studio .NET 2003, this method is not implemented in the base class. The Visual Studio project wizard includes this method in the generated code, but a compilation error will occur if a project created in an earlier version of Visual C++ is compiled using ATL 7.1. Any class that derives from CAtlServiceModuleT must implement this method in the derived class.

Use PKT-level authentication, impersonation level of RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY and an appropriate non-null security descriptor in the call to CoInitializeSecurity.

For wizard-generated nonattributed service projects, this would be in

class CNonAttribServiceModule : public CAtlServiceModuleT< CNonAttribServiceModule, IDS_SERVICENAME >
public :
   HRESULT InitializeSecurity() throw()
      // TODO : Call CoInitializeSecurity and provide the appropriate security settings for  
      // your service 
      // Suggested - PKT Level Authentication,  
      // Impersonation Level of RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY  
      // and an appropiate Non NULL Security Descriptor. 

      return S_OK;

For attributed service projects, this would be in

[ module(SERVICE, uuid = "{D3103322-7B70-4581-8E59-12769BD9A62B}", 
   name = "AttribService", 
   helpstring = "AttribService 1.0 Type Library", 
   resource_name="IDS_SERVICENAME") ]
class CAttribServiceModule
   HRESULT InitializeSecurity() throw()
      // TODO : Call CoInitializeSecurity and provide the appropriate security settings for  
      // your service 
      // Suggested - PKT Level Authentication,  
      // Impersonation Level of RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY  
      // and an appropiate Non NULL Security Descriptor. 

      return S_OK;


Header: atlbase.h

See Also


CAtlServiceModuleT Class